Thursday, August 23, 2018

Chelsea Houska: Has She Given Birth to Baby #3?!

Chelsea Houska might the most private of all the Teen Moms, but with 5.3 million followers on Instagram and another 1.8 million on Twitter, it’s not easy for her to keep secrets.

Chelsea’s fans follow her every move, and when she goes silent on social media — however briefly — they immediately begin to suspect something is up.

Houska is pregnant with her third child, and when she went a few hours without posting yesterday — as human beings with jobs and social lives tend to — many jumped to the conclusion that she had gone into labor.

That may seem a bit extreme, but such is the life of a reality star in 2018.

The cameras might stop rolling between seasons, but with a web presence that massive, you’re always in the spotlight.

The speculation started innocently enough, with one fan tweeting:

“@ChelseaHouska hasn’t been tweeting too much lately. Baby time?”

This led to the creation of a subreddit with the title “Chelsea Has Been Quiet On Social Media – Think She Had Her Baby?”

Of course, it wasn’t just Chelsea’s digital silence that led fans to the conclusion that she’s in labor.

Houska’s due date is fast approaching and she delivered her first two children ahead of schedule.

She recently tweeted that she had reached the “over it” stage of her pregnancy, which led some to the conclusion that she expected to deliver soon.

On top of that, it would make sense for Houska to keep the big news to herself until after she’s home from the hospital.

Chelsea has had scary encounters with fans in the past, which is one of the reasons she keeps a lower profile than her co-stars.

Ironically, that move has led to increased scrutiny of her personal life.

In other words, while it was a bit crazy for fans to just assume Chelsea was in labor, we can see the thinking that led to that conclusion.

Alas, it seems all the words of congratulations were a bit premature.

“I can promise everyone that whenever I AM in labor…nobody will know..and there def won’t be posts and silly little articles about it,” Chelsea tweeted last night.

But fear not, Chelsea obsessives:

We’ll keep an eye on the situation to ensure that when Chelse does welcome her third child, we’ll have a silly little article about it ASAP.
