Thursday, August 2, 2018

Demi Lovato Must Go to Rehab or "She Could Die," Friend Warns

Demi Lovato is alive.

But it she well?

This is the question currently being debated and pondered among those close to the singer, although there seems to be a general consensus that’s emerging.

And that consensus is this:

The singer is in major trouble if she does not seek proper assistance.

Over a week since Lovato was found unconscious as the result of a drug overdose, the superstar remains in the hospital.

Previous reports indicate this is due to the physical consequenes (nasusea, high fever) of both the substance she took and the drug used (Narcan) to revive her from her state early last week.

Lovato is simply too sick to be discharged, insiders said on Tuesday.

Now, however, TMZ writes that Demi is improving and will soon be released from doctor’s supervision.

The major issue will then become… where will she go?

According to this celebrity gossip website, Lovato’s friends and loved ones are urging her to check into some kind of treatment center.

Actually, that may not even be the proper word to use.

They are threatening Demi.

They are telling her that she must take this step or else they will remove themselves from her life. It’s that dire and that simple.

“She could die if she doesn’t, and that’s not going to be on my watch that we did nothing,” one friend told TMZ about Lovato.

This same articles goes on to say that Lovato fell had off her sobriety wagon many months ago and ignores the pleas of those around her to get help.

That’s why these same people are concerned that she will ignore them once again… and something even worse could take place.

As has been documented prevously, Lovato spent several weeks before her overdose hanging out with a different crowd than usual.

This is not to place blame on anyone in this crowd. Demi is responsible for her own actions.

But this is symbolic of how her life had taken a troubling turn earlier this spring and how she did not make an effort to do anything about it.

Such is the danger of addiction.

In June, Demi revealed her relapse to fans in the song “Sober.” 

She basically asked for their forgiveness while she sang about what had happened to her — and supporters responded by telling Lovato how much they admired her.

Since then, and since this overdose in particular of course, she’s been visited in the hospital by her mom, sisters and ex boyfriend, Wilmer Valderrama.

These are the folks who know Demi best and who have been with her through the really hard times over the years.

All we can do now is pray she listens to them.
