Showing posts with label Abusing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abusing. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Lamar Odom: Abusing His Body "Worse Than Ever" Following Relapse?!

Back in October of 2015, Lamar Odom suffered a near-fatal overdose following a bender at a Nevada brothel.

After a miraculous recovery that saw the former NBA star struggling to walk and talk, Lamar reportedly swore off drugs and alcohol and promised estranged wife Khloe Kardashian and her family that he would turn over a new leaf.

Unfortunately, the 36-year-old’s resolve to stay sober didn’t last long.

In April, Odom was caught drinking in an LA bar just hours before he was to meet up with Khloe’s family for Easter Sunday church services.

Reports of his late nights and epic binges got worse in the months that followed, culminating in a nasty incident aboard a Delta Airlines flight earlier this week.

Witnesses say Odom was removed from the plane when he vomited on himself prior to takeoff, after spending several hours drinking heavily at an airport lounge.

Just one day later, Odom partied at an NYC strip club, arriving with an entourage of friends just after 3 am.

If you’re thinking this doesn’t sound like the behavior of a guy who recently pledged to take his health seriously, you’re not alone.

Friends and family are reportedly deeply concerned about the troubled former Laker, and those closest to Odom say he’s showing virtually no regard for his own well-being.

“[Lamar] is back to treating his body worse than ever,” one insider tells People magazine.

The insider adds that Khloe has grown “frustrated” and hopeless as a result of Odom’s latest fall from the wagon:

“Lamar’s near death experience affected a lot of people. Especially Khloe,” says the source.

“She put her life on hold for weeks to be by Lamar’s side at the hospital 24/7. It was awful for Khloe to get the phone call that Lamar had overdosed.

“[Khloe] is worried that she again will get a terrible phone call. She just can’t believe that Lamar is heading down the bad road again. She feels frustrated and very sad at the same time,” the insider adds.

“She has tried and wanted to help him so many times. It’s beyond her how Lamar can be so selfish and just careless about his life. She knows she did the right thing by filing for divorce again, but it’s very hard for Khloe to let go. She fears a bad ending for Lamar.” 

After briefly considering a reconciliation with her estranged husband, Khloe filed for divorce a second time in May.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Johnny Manziel Denies Abusing Girlfriend, Threatening Suicide

It was just over a year ago that Johnny Manziel entered rehab with the stated intention of “improving” himself.

Unfortunately, for Manziel, his fans, and the Cleveland Browns franchise, self-improvement remains elusive for the troubled quarterback.

Today, Manziel is speaking out for the first time following allegations that he recently assaulted his girlfriend, resulting in a melee so loud that neighbors called police out of concern for her safety.

Not surprisingly, Manziel claims he was never violent with longtime partner Colleen Crowley.

When asked about the incident by TMZ Sports, the man dubbed “Johnny Football” replied simply, “It didn’t happen.”

As for a claim in the police report that Manziel threatened to kill himself during his fight with Crowley, the 23-year-old Heisman Trophy winner insists it’s pure fabrication.

“I’m completely stable,” Manziel says. “I’m safe and secure.”

Of course, the allegations from Crowley are just the latest in a long line of line of troubles for Manziel, ranging from reports of drug use to violent brawls involving fans.

“I know I’ve been having fun but I just need to get my body right,” Manziel said in his statement to the website. “I’m 100% committed to playing football.”

The police investigation into the events of January 30 has concluded, and Manziel will not be charged with any crimes.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Kate Gosselin Admits to Physically Abusing Her Children in Shocking Journal Entries!

On Tuesday, Kate Plus 8 returned to TLC and series star/perennial mother of the year candidate Kate Gosselin has been making the press rounds in support of the show that made her famous.

Of course, media attention has always been a double-edged sword for Kate, and her show’s return from a lengthy hiatus has been accompanied by a new round of accusations that Gosselin is an abusive mother who’s not equipped for the task of raising eight kids.

This time, the allegations supposedly come straight from Kate’s own diary, excepts of which have been published in the Robert Hoffman tell-all Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World:

“Mady was grouchy and received a few spankings with the spanker that newly joined the emergency supply stash in the big blue bus!!!! She eventually happied up!” reads one of the tamer entries from 2006.

Kate’s frustration – and abuse – escalate as the journal entries progress, eventually reaching the point where she casually discusses striking her son Colin with an object and pulling his hair:

“I am too rough with him and the girls see that,” Kate writes. “I feel so guilty that I treated him like that that I will set out tomorrow to be a better mommy.”

She goes on to describe a 2007 incident in which she fleew into a rage after the 2-year-old knocked over some high chairs:

“I grabbed him and spanked him as hard as I could and thought I may seriously injure him so I sent him to his crib…. And whipped him into it very hard!…I pulled Collin up by the hair [and] spanked him.” 

Kate also admits to striking children Alexis and Aaden with an unspecified object.

She frequently expresses remorse for her actions, and at one point even speculates that she and then-husband Jon may not be fit to raise so many children:

“Things spiraled quickly into a big ugly argument where Jon said really ugly things in front of the girls numerous times and he scared me about his sanity, seriously!” she writes. “I feel like we are the worst parents in the whole world!”

Watch Kate Plus 8 online for more of Gosselin’s seriously questionable parenting decisions.