Friday, February 5, 2016

Johnny Manziel Denies Abusing Girlfriend, Threatening Suicide

It was just over a year ago that Johnny Manziel entered rehab with the stated intention of “improving” himself.

Unfortunately, for Manziel, his fans, and the Cleveland Browns franchise, self-improvement remains elusive for the troubled quarterback.

Today, Manziel is speaking out for the first time following allegations that he recently assaulted his girlfriend, resulting in a melee so loud that neighbors called police out of concern for her safety.

Not surprisingly, Manziel claims he was never violent with longtime partner Colleen Crowley.

When asked about the incident by TMZ Sports, the man dubbed “Johnny Football” replied simply, “It didn’t happen.”

As for a claim in the police report that Manziel threatened to kill himself during his fight with Crowley, the 23-year-old Heisman Trophy winner insists it’s pure fabrication.

“I’m completely stable,” Manziel says. “I’m safe and secure.”

Of course, the allegations from Crowley are just the latest in a long line of line of troubles for Manziel, ranging from reports of drug use to violent brawls involving fans.

“I know I’ve been having fun but I just need to get my body right,” Manziel said in his statement to the website. “I’m 100% committed to playing football.”

The police investigation into the events of January 30 has concluded, and Manziel will not be charged with any crimes.