Showing posts with label Alabama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alabama. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2017

"Beauty and the Beast" Banned From Alabama Theatre Over Gay Character

An Alabama theatre owner is banning “Beauty and the Beast” because he doesn’t want to expose his customers to the new gay character in the film. The owner of Henagar Drive-In Theatre says Disney’s decision to add its first homosexual character was…


"Beauty and the Beast" Banned From Alabama Theatre Over Gay Character

An Alabama theatre owner is banning “Beauty and the Beast” because he doesn’t want to expose his customers to the new gay character in the film. The owner of Henagar Drive-In Theatre says Disney’s decision to add its first homosexual character was…


Monday, February 20, 2017

Steve Sarkisian On Leaving Alabama For NFL ... "Crazy How the World Works" (VIDEO)

Steve Sarkisian says his new offensive coordinator job with the Atlanta Falcons was too good to pass up … explaining, “You get great opportunities, you just try to take advantage of them.” Of course, Sark left his offensive coordinator job at the…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Steve Sarkisian -- Bolts Alabama, Named Atlanta Falcons Offensive Coordinator (VIDEO)

Steve Sarkisian’s latest run as a college coach is over after just 1 game … ‘cause the now ex-Alabama offensive coordinator is bolting Tuscaloosa for the Atlanta Falcons. The Falcons just announced that Sarkisian — who ‘Bama hired to replace…


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Alabama Fan Watches Team Lose, Punches Hole in TV

On Monday night, Alabama and Clemson played one of the most exciting national championship games college football has ever seen.

Heck, one of the most exciting championship games any sport has ever seen.

Down for most of the game, Clemson staged a shocking fourth quarter comeback, only to then lost the lead with about two minutes remaining.

This left the Tigers and its star quarterback, Deshaun Watson, with one final drive in an attempt to avenge last year"s loss in the same title game to the same Crimson Tide dynasty.

The tension mounted as Clemson drove down the field.

Thanks to a pass interference call and some incredible plays by Watson, the team ended up with the fooball inside the Alabama 10-yard line, with just six seconds to play, down 31-28.

And it was all too much for at least one Alabama fan to handle.

As you can see below, he starts to curse out Watson just prior to the second-to-last play being run, referring to him as "shit" as Watson takes the hike… rolls out… and hits Hunter Renfrow for a game and championship-winning touchdown.

The man then hits his flat screen TV. Hard. Really hard.

Hard enough to leave a pretty major mark.

See for yourself… and then join us in hoping this dude goes to get some therapy:

Alabama fan watches team lose to clemson punches hole in tv

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Alabama Football Player Blew Off Finger with Shotgun

University of Alabama defensive lineman Dakota Ball won’t be playing in the Peach Bowl on Saturday … because he’s recovering from SHOOTING OFF HIS FINGER with a shotgun.  Ball — who’s left hand was wrapped up at a Peace Bowl Media Day event…


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Donald Trump"s Colorful Alabama Greeting

Donald Trump just finished his “Thank You” tour in a very colorful way, with a greeting from some Alabama teens dressed in their Sunday’s best.  Trump touched down in Mobile Saturday … and waiting for him were some Alabamians who serve as…


Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Former Miss Alabama Dubs Dallas Shooter a "Martyr"

Kalyn James, a former Miss Alabama champion, has created quite a stir on the Internet.

During a Facebook Live chat on Sunday, the ex-beauty queen addressed the topic of last week"s tragic shooting in Dallas, during which five police officers were killed at a Black Lives Matter protest.

The shooter has been identified as Micah Xavier Johnson… and James says in the video below that she actually sympathizes with the terrorist.

She knows she shouldn"t.


“I’m dealing with a bit of guilt because I don’t feel sad for the officers that lost their lives,” she says.

“I know that that’s really not my heart. I value human life. And I want to feel sad for them, but I can’t help but feeling like the shooter was a martyr.”

James, who now works as a television host, went on to say that she “wasn’t surprised” by the cops’ murders because she, too, was upset and frustrated by the recent deaths of black men by police.

Both Alton Sterling and Philando Castile were controversially shot to death by officers a few days before Johnson"s heinous actions.

“I know it’s not the right way to feel, because nobody deserves to lose their lives. I know that those police officers had families and people who loved them and that they didn’t deserve to die,” she said of officers Michael Smith, Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Patrick Zamarripa and Brent Thompson.

“But I’m so torn up in my heart about seeing these men, these black men, being gunned down in our community …

"I wasn’t surprised by what the shooter did to those cops and I think a lot of us feel the same way and I know that it’s not right … I definitely don’t condone violence against innocent people."

Except… she just referred to Johnson as a "martyr."

Safe to say this was one of those times when she should have just kept her mouth shut.

James has received significant backlash since making this video.

She has since offered an apology to WPMI, saying she “apologize[s] to anyone who was offended by my comments – my heart was not filled with hate.”

Nevertheless, Miami TV station WPBT2 has James her on leave for her controversial comments.

You can"t exactly express any sort of sympathy for a mass murderer and expect to keep your job as a public figure.

We do not condone any suggestion that terrorism is acceptable or that it should be tolerated,” WPBT2 said in a statement on Twitter.

"WPBT2 South Florida PBS does not condone the personal statements made by one of its independent contractors regarding the events in Dallas.

"It placed the contractor on administrative leave while it actively and carefully looks further into the matter and will determine additional course of actions based on its thorough review of the matter."

Kalyn james dubs dallas shooter a martyr

Saturday, September 12, 2015

An Alabama City Proposed A Ban On Sagging Pants Last Month — And Now, They"ve Doubled Down With A Crazy NEW Sexist Proposal!

Why should we just stop at banning sagging pants?!?!

That’s the question the tiny town of Dadeville, Alabama is asking after a council meeting this week!

[ Related: Remember The Football Player Who Pooped His Pants Mid-Game? ]

Reports are coming out that the city’s council — which last month heard a proposal by one of its members to ban sagging pants within the city limits — is now seeking to even up the playing field against women!

Dadeville City Councilwoman Stephanie Kelley said men shouldn’t be the only ones singled out by a ban — so she proposed adding short shorts and mini-skirts to the banned list, too!!

According to the Alex City Outlook, Kelley spoke at the council’s meeting this week, saying:

“My concern is it should be for everybody. I think for the girls, with these shorts up so high looking like under garments and dresses so short, I don’t want us to be showing favoritism.”

City Councilman Frank Goodman — who originally proposed the sagging pants ban last month and got this whole debacle started — added:

“It is about respect. Who is going to respect you if you don’t respect yourself. The reason I brought this up is I think people deserve respect when they are in public. I think slacking is disrespectful. I think it gives our younger generation the wrong impression of what is cool.”

Yeah! Respect and equal treatment! Ban things for both men and women! As long as the city council is going to do dumb stuff, at least it’s rooted in equality right?? LOLz!!

Town attorney Robin Reynolds — who, big surprise, was also totally down with those squares in the city council — said at the meeting he’d be happy to write in the additional ban for women:

“If the council wants me to write in something for the females – it will take a little more creativity on my part.”

Good luck, Robin. We’re so sure you’ll craft a masterpiece. Ha!!!

Hey Dadeville — banning men from literally showing their underwear is not the same as banning women from wearing clothes that don’t even slightly reveal anything.

What do U think about this ludicrous idea??