Showing posts with label Cheater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheater. Show all posts

Friday, August 19, 2016

Jordan Rodgers is a CHEATER and LIAR, Ex-Girlfriend Alleges

Wait, did JoJo Fletcher cheat on Jordan Rodgers?

This question was posed on the Internet last week.

But an ex-girlfriend of The Bachelorette champion says we really need to flip things around.

Because Rodgers is the one who is a total cheater and liar, says Brittany Farrar.

Farrar, who has blasted Rodgers in the past, took to Instagram on Thursday night with a video showing a purchase order for a large bouquet of roses.

Based on the affiliated caption, the flowers were allegedly purchased by Rodgers for “the girl he cheated on me with in Louisiana.”

Farrar later deleted the footage, but reposted it on Friday morning.

According to Farrar, Rodgers met this mistress while filming a scene in Pitch Perfect 2 (the scene in question is posted below, partly because it’s relevant, but mostly because it’s hilarious).

“He was deep in the background pretending to be one of the Green Bay Packers- the closest he’s ever been to making an NFL team,” Farrar joked in posing the video.

That is pretty funny, as must admit.

The message that appears on the receipt, which was to be delivered along with the flowers, appears to read:

“Happy Birthday to my Favorite Bella. Miss you. Can’t Wait to To See That Beautiful Smile Again. From, Your Favorite Football Player Wanna Be Actor.”

It’s worth noting at this point that Farrar is best friends with Olivia Munn, who is dating Jordan’s famous brother, Aaron Rodgers.

Farrar first slammed Rodgers after this season’s Bachelorette premiere aired, writing at the time:

“Riding the bench doesn’t get in the way of a relationship, but cheating does.”

She added the pretty amazing hashtags “#tuneinnextweekformoreBS” and “#alwayswantedtobefamous.”

Wrote Farrar last night:

“After our breakup, I was surprised to find out what a prolific liar and cheater #JordanRodgers was during our entire 3 1/2 year-relationship.

“But what has surprised me even more is how he has carelessly bashed and lied about me in public. I guess he thought I wouldn’t stand up for myself.#HeWasWrong.”

Farrar says she’s only speaking out like this because Jordan started it.

“With the power of a press tour, his lies reached our hometown and my family and friends are now constantly approached by mutual acquaintances,” she wrote.

“After weeks of this, I started wondering why I feel like I’m the one who should be silent when he was the one who jumped on a reality show hoping to catch fame as a last ditch attempt to make something of himself.

“His choice has become other people’s consequences. So if I don’t have a choice in whether people back home are talking about me, then I might as well have my voice in this.”

Farar post

You can read Farrar’s full post above, but she continues:

“Unlike Jordan, I’m not going to sell stories to magazines. Instead I’m posting right here. Because to me truth is not about fame – I don’t want it. And it’s not about money – I can afford to leave some chia behind.

“All I want is the same thing that anyone else who’s been wronged would want: the chance to share the truth.”

Here is a photo of Farrar and Munn, seemingly enjoying a pair of cocktails:

Rodgers, who is engaged to Fletcher and who seems to be very happy with her, has denied all cheating allegations.

But it sounds like we’ll be hearing more from Farrar in the near future.

Brittany has vowed to show “some of the proof” that she claims Jordan had hidden, “probably because it doesn’t fit into the new character he’s created.”

She also teased a “two-part post” where she would be “laying out all out” for fans to see. Why go down this path?

“Because I don’t want to do this again,” she wrote. “Unlike Jordan, I’m not desperate to stay in the spotlight.”

Monday, August 15, 2016

Justin Bieber to Selena Gomez: You Boned Zayn Malik, Cheater!

It’s. About. To. Go. Down. Grab a hat and hold the f–k onto it. 

Just when fans thought Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s newly-rekindled beef couldn’t possibly get any uglier on Instagram … well $ h!t.

If this report is to be believed, we may just be getting started.

The douchey pop singer apparently accused his ex-girlfriend of cheating on him with Zayn Malik in the latest salvo fired in their feud.

First, let’s take a step back and recap how we got this far:

Bieber threatened fans that he would make his Instagram account private if they continued to attack his new girlfriend, Sofia Richie.

Gomez, evidently feeling like getting some attention and causing a $ h!tstorm online, then interjected and threw shade in the comments.


Yes, Gomez called out Bieber for not keeping his private life private … then stated that Justin cheated on Selena during their relationship.  

“Funny how the ones that cheated multiple times, are pointing the finger at the ones that were forgiving and supportive,” she wrote.

“No wonder fans are mad. Sad. All love.”

sel tweet

The authenticity of these messages is up for debate, but they quickly spread online as the hashtag #SelenaEndedJustinParty started.

Now, Bieber is firing back at his ex, accusing Gomez of cheating on him – with none other than former One Direction singer Zayn Malik.

“I cheated /.. oh I forgot about You and Zayn?” Bieber reportedly shot back, according to the latest round of screen shots going viral.

“It’s funny to see people that used me for attention and still try to point the finger this way. Sad. All love,” Bieber’s initial reply to her said.

“I’m not one for anyone receiving hate. Hope u all can be kind to my friends and each other. And yes I love my beliebers.”

Again, it’s still in dispute whether this Instagram feud did, in fact, happen; Gomez and Bieber have yet to deny that it has, but nevertheless.

Selena notably joked (but not really) that she was crushing on Malik – who’s dating model Gigi Hadid – in an interview early this year.

“If he had asked me out on a date, I would be seen with him,” the Disney alum told InStyle UK in January. “Just kidding, but not kidding.” 

All we can say for sure is this:

We really hope a fake Zayn Malik chimes in on Instagram and accuses both Justin and Selena of cheating on each other with Harry Styles.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

JoJo Fletcher to Jordan Rodgers: So, Are You a Cheater?!

Next week on ABC, JoJo Fletcher asks front-running suitor Jordan Rodgers the million-dollar question on viewers’ minds this season:

Are you as shady as The Bachelorette spoilers are saying?!

Okay, she won’t use that wording, but the point remains:

Jordan has been on her radar since the moment he stepped out of the limo, but fans and competitors alike are suspicious of the athlete.

Is he there for the right reasons? Or self-promotion?

Moreover, is he just a shady dude who threw his girlfriend under the bus (not literally, just emotionally) before auditioning for the show?

Rumors that Jordan Rodgers cheated on Brittany Farrar have been spreading like wildfire ever since … well, Farrar put him on blast.

Fletcher, 25, has admitted that she knew he was cast on The Bachelorette prior to taping the show, but says the two had no contact.

Are you ready for an even more bizarre twist, though?

JoJo had an encounter with none other than Brittany Farrar – Jordan’s ex, and BFF of his brother Aaron Rodgers’ girlfriend Olivia Munn!

We repeat, last winter in Dallas, JoJo met THE Brittany! 

“Brittany told JoJo that Jordan wasn’t a great boyfriend,” recounts an insider to Us Weekly. “She said there were trust issues.”

As a result, when you watch The Bachelorette online next week, expect Fletcher to confront Rodgers, 27, during their candlelit dinner.

According to a show insider quoted by the celebrity magazine, “Jordan cops to flirting with other women, but he denies he was unfaithful.” 

Not surprisingly for those who know who makes JoJo Fletcher’s final four this season, his explanation saves him … for the time being.

Fletcher, says the source, “chooses to believe Jordan.”

And yet, at the same time, something is decidedly off.

“She feels like she’s the one courting him. She continues to have doubts,” says another show source, but are her fears a bit overblown?

“He’s a good person,” says a friend of Jordan’s.

“He’s a ladies’ man, but not a player.”

Somehow we’re guessing that friend isn’t friends with Aaron Rodgers and Olivia Munn, from what we hear about their opinion of Jordan.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Anna Duggar to Josh: Only Flip Phones For You, Cheater!

Somewhat astonishingly, Josh Duggar is still married after molesting his own sisters, cheating on his wife and being addicted to online porn.

Anna Duggar isn’t taking any more chances, however.

While he was in his religious-based sex rehab program in Illinois for over half a year, dude had no access to a computer or a cell phone.

Josh is back in the real world now … but not entirely.

He can’t exactly communicate freely as he once did, as part of the strict post-rehab rules imposed on him by his long-suffering wife.

“It’s not a smartphone. He uber-modern communications device.

Rather, “he just has a little phone with a tiny screen.”

“He can’t send or receive picture messages on it.”

Not surprisingly, it looks like she doesn’t trust him.

Big surprise there. But is denying him a data plan and the chance surf the web for photos of Danica Dillon on an iPhone really the answer?

Moreover, given everything he’s put her through, will any amount of Josh and Anna Duggar marriage counseling change their trajectory?

It’s an uphill battle, but he appears to be fighting it.

The disgraced 19 Kids & Counting pariah accompanied Anna to her grandma’s funeral recently and tried to make amends with her family.

How did that go over? A Keller family source says:

“He tried to talk to Anna’s sister Susanna, saying he was sorry he hadn’t talked to her since everything happened, and it got really awkward.”

“She stopped him and said, ‘You don’t have to apologize to me. If you’d had an affair on me, we wouldn’t be married anymore."”

Anna’s brother, who has publicly begged his sister to leave the father of her four children, also didn’t take too kindly to Joshua’s presence.

“Josh tried to sit next to Daniel, and Daniel got up and moved to another table,” the source says of a scene we would love to witness.

Yet, he’s taking the punishment he knows he deserves, and that counts for something as he begins his long, long road to redemption.

Oher insiders report that the Keller family has forgiven him, or at least resigned themselves to the fact that he’s staying put for the long haul.

We guess if nothing else, he’s going to carry these scandals around for the rest of his life and have to work like crazy to overcome them.

Just don’t expect him to get a smartphone anytime soon.

Anna Duggar to Josh: Only Flip Phones For You, Cheater!

Somewhat astonishingly, Josh Duggar is still married after molesting his own sisters, cheating on his wife and being addicted to online porn.

Anna Duggar isn’t taking any more chances, however.

While he was in his religious-based sex rehab program in Illinois for over half a year, dude had no access to a computer or a cell phone.

Josh is back in the real world now … but not entirely.

He can’t exactly communicate freely as he once did, as part of the strict post-rehab rules imposed on him by his long-suffering wife.

“It’s not a smartphone. He uber-modern communications device.

Rather, “he just has a little phone with a tiny screen.”

“He can’t send or receive picture messages on it.”

Not surprisingly, it looks like she doesn’t trust him.

Big surprise there. But is denying him a data plan and the chance surf the web for photos of Danica Dillon on an iPhone really the answer?

Moreover, given everything he’s put her through, will any amount of Josh and Anna Duggar marriage counseling change their trajectory?

It’s an uphill battle, but he appears to be fighting it.

The disgraced 19 Kids & Counting pariah accompanied Anna to her grandma’s funeral recently and tried to make amends with her family.

How did that go over? A Keller family source says:

“He tried to talk to Anna’s sister Susanna, saying he was sorry he hadn’t talked to her since everything happened, and it got really awkward.”

“She stopped him and said, ‘You don’t have to apologize to me. If you’d had an affair on me, we wouldn’t be married anymore."”

Anna’s brother, who has publicly begged his sister to leave the father of her four children, also didn’t take too kindly to Joshua’s presence.

“Josh tried to sit next to Daniel, and Daniel got up and moved to another table,” the source says of a scene we would love to witness.

Yet, he’s taking the punishment he knows he deserves, and that counts for something as he begins his long, long road to redemption.

Oher insiders report that the Keller family has forgiven him, or at least resigned themselves to the fact that he’s staying put for the long haul.

We guess if nothing else, he’s going to carry these scandals around for the rest of his life and have to work like crazy to overcome them.

Just don’t expect him to get a smartphone anytime soon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Soko: Kristen Stewart Is a CHEATER!!!

Last week, Kristen Stewart and French singer Soko broke up after just a few weeks of dating. 

You’d think that after such a short time together, the split would’ve been fairly amicable.

However, that is very, very much not the case, as Soko went off on K-Stew on social media shortly after news of their split went public.

She started off by posting (and quickly deleting) a tweet that read simply, “CHEATER. F—king CHEATER.” 

Not exactly subtle stuff.

Sure, she didn’t mention Kristen by name, but it seems pretty clear that she’s talking about the person she just broke up with.

And if you somehow still missed the message, don’t worry – Soko went into even greater detail on Instagram:

“I will marry the strongest and most reliable of them all, one that doesn’t cheat, one that isn’t deceitful, one that is stable,” she wrote.

“One that is romantic and caring and loving and kind, a real person, one that will be on my team … one whose heart doesn’t disappoint and who knows how to live a good, healthy and simple life.”

Our hearts go out to Soko, but LOL at her hurling insults at Kristen as though the girl has human feelings.

At this very moment she’s probably chewing on her bottom lip, touching her hair, and making sex eyes at whoever’s directing her latest movie. (Don’t worry, she’s done shooting the Woody Allen flick. She’s too old for him, anyway.)

We kid, obviously.

In actuality, Stewart is oozing indifference in her new interview with Variety:

“I’m not hiding s–t. When I was dating a guy, I would never talk about my relationships,” she tells the mag. “I feel the same way now.

“Me not defining it right now is the whole basis of what I’m about. If you don’t get it, I don’t have time for you.”

Yeah, get with the times, people!

There’s more to Kristen than just lesbian relationships and Bella Swan!

Watch the Clouds of Sils Maria and get some culture for a change! It’s got Kristen in a thong and some heavily implied girl-on-girl action!

That’s not what we were supposed to take away from that interview, is it?