Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Anna Duggar to Josh: Only Flip Phones For You, Cheater!

Somewhat astonishingly, Josh Duggar is still married after molesting his own sisters, cheating on his wife and being addicted to online porn.

Anna Duggar isn’t taking any more chances, however.

While he was in his religious-based sex rehab program in Illinois for over half a year, dude had no access to a computer or a cell phone.

Josh is back in the real world now … but not entirely.

He can’t exactly communicate freely as he once did, as part of the strict post-rehab rules imposed on him by his long-suffering wife.

“It’s not a smartphone. He uber-modern communications device.

Rather, “he just has a little phone with a tiny screen.”

“He can’t send or receive picture messages on it.”

Not surprisingly, it looks like she doesn’t trust him.

Big surprise there. But is denying him a data plan and the chance surf the web for photos of Danica Dillon on an iPhone really the answer?

Moreover, given everything he’s put her through, will any amount of Josh and Anna Duggar marriage counseling change their trajectory?

It’s an uphill battle, but he appears to be fighting it.

The disgraced 19 Kids & Counting pariah accompanied Anna to her grandma’s funeral recently and tried to make amends with her family.

How did that go over? A Keller family source says:

“He tried to talk to Anna’s sister Susanna, saying he was sorry he hadn’t talked to her since everything happened, and it got really awkward.”

“She stopped him and said, ‘You don’t have to apologize to me. If you’d had an affair on me, we wouldn’t be married anymore."”

Anna’s brother, who has publicly begged his sister to leave the father of her four children, also didn’t take too kindly to Joshua’s presence.

“Josh tried to sit next to Daniel, and Daniel got up and moved to another table,” the source says of a scene we would love to witness.

Yet, he’s taking the punishment he knows he deserves, and that counts for something as he begins his long, long road to redemption.

Oher insiders report that the Keller family has forgiven him, or at least resigned themselves to the fact that he’s staying put for the long haul.

We guess if nothing else, he’s going to carry these scandals around for the rest of his life and have to work like crazy to overcome them.

Just don’t expect him to get a smartphone anytime soon.