Showing posts with label Boned. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boned. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Would Like You to Know They Boned Last Night

While the rest of the country was busy getting angry at their TV screens last night, Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott were making far more productive use of their time.

Or perhaps we should say reproductive use of their time …

Yes, Kylie and Travis engaged in some serious sexy time last night.

And the cosmetics mogul made sure her 47 bajillion Instagram followers knew exactly what was going down.

Kylie posted the video below to her page last night, and it’s basically the prequel to a sex tape.

As you can see, Travis surprised Kylie with every rose in the greater Los Angeles area.

He also played his 2013 song “Hell Of a Night” in case there was still somehow any doubt about exactly what he had in mind for the remainder of the evening.

“Hell of a way to end the night,” Kylie captioned the video.

Apparently, Travis is quite the romantic, as this is not the first time that he’s surprised his billionaire girlfriend with a truly ridiculous amount of foliage.

After Kylie gave birth to daughter Stormi, Travis surprised her with 443 roses, a reference to the fact that Stormi entered the world at 4:43 pm.

If you’re wondering about the point at which romantic gestures cross the line into obsessive-compulsive territory, that might be it.

Of course, in addition to being the mother of his child, Kylie is a near-billionaire and one of the most famous people on the planet, so it’s not hard to see why Travis might be inclined toward extravagant gestures.

Obviously, Scott is accomplished in his own right, but these days it’s hard to match any of the Kardashian women in terms of fame, wealth, and influence.

Kanye is the Kard clan spouse to even come close, and in order to get there, he had to become so famous that it drove him insane.

Anyway, congrats to Kylie and Travis on the smash session.

We just hope they used some sort of protection.

After all, raising kids is expensive, and we’d hate to see them be forced to get second jobs and whatnot.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Rob Kardashian Once Boned Kim Kardashian Lookalike Contest Winner Apparently: WATCH!

Rob Kardashian came over to visit Khloe on last night"s Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and things took a weird turn.

This is GROSS, even for the Kardashians.

Okay, so Rob"s visiting Khloe — he used to live with her, if you remember — and she"s laying in bed, and Rob comes up and lays down beside her.

Normal sibling stuff, right?

Not for long.

Rob then lays down like he"s trying to spoon with Khloe, which is … not how adult siblings cuddle unless they"re very specific characters from Game of Thrones.

After that he checks her for a fever, probably because she"s a bit of a drama queen and didn"t think to attribute her warmth to, say, the fact that she lives in Southern California and, not to stereotype, but almost certainly keeps her house undercooled and overheated throughout the year.

That"s just how they do things in Southern California.

Because they"re all lizard people who get cold when it"s below 70 degrees. Anyway

Then, somehow, checking her fever transitions into caressing her face.

That"s barely even a normal thing for lovers to do.

Usually when you see it on television, it"s a melodramatic supervillain caressing the face of his hostage and they"re doing it to make the audience super uncomfortable.

Spoiler alert but audiences get even more uncomfortable when they see real life siblings doing this on reality television.

Honestly what the hell.

Khloe just laughs it off while the audience cringes.

This is somewhere where things get worse.

Khloe, for obvious reasons, is clearly reminded of other gross and borderline-incestuous things that Rob has done.

So she just comes out and asks him: "Do you remember when you f—ed the girl who won the Kim Kardashian lookalike contest?"

That is so GROSS.

Like, no offense to Kim, who"s beautiful and many people doubtless want to hit that, Rob is her brother.

He shouldn"t be banging girls who even just happen to look like his sister, let alone one who looked so much like Kim that she won a freaking contest.

Rob pivots to what sounds like a random sexual encounter with a fan, though we"re not sure because the details that he gleefully shares are so unnecessary that it"s difficult to make sense of anything else.

"I thought you were talking about the girl that pulled up to your house and she was like, butt-naked, and then I went upstairs and had sex with her and she period-ed all over the bed … and we were completely fine with it and then she just left after."

Period-ed isn"t a word.

Also he"s just ruined The Shining for us.

Even Khloe is eyeing him askance at all of this. The poor thing even knows that story already.

But don"t think that Khloe"s the voice of reason in the room.

Or the bed.

Because she then poses a question to Rob:

"Why didn"t you ever sleep with someone who won a Khloe Kardashian lookalike contest?"

We know that she"s just playing off of his weirdness but this is too much.


Rob kardashian once boned kim kardashian lookalike contest winne

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Keanna Arnold: I Boned Kirk Frost Too!

Keanna Arnold claims Jasmine Washington isn’t the only woman Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta’s Kirk Frost has been stepping out on his wife with.

She’s his mistress as well!

If you watch Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta online or have been following celebrity gossip lately, you’ve likely heard about the drama in question:

Jasmine Washington has been cast on the show this season, seemingly for the sole purpose of claiming Kirk fathered her son Kannon.

Washington confronted Kirk at co-star Joseline Hernandez’s ball on the premiere and alleged that he was the father of her infant son.

Kirk, of course, is married to Rasheeda Frost, with whom he has two children of his own (he has seven in total if you include Kannon).

Frost has denied the claim, and Rasheeda has stood by her man, but VH1 confirmed Kirk is the father of Jasmine’s baby this week.

Things are going from bad to worse for him now, too.

Another woman has come forward with a similarly scandalous accusation, saying that Washington isn’t Frost’s only stripper side chick.

Keanna Arnold says she’s been boning Kirk on the reg, which would be crazy enough, but her current relationship to Jasmine is bizarred.

Washington her three-way relationship with Keanna and co-star Mimi Faust’s ex-boyfriend Rodney Bullock on this week’s VH1 episode.

Guess Rod’s isn’t the only rod they’ve shared.

“I got with Kirk while Rod was in jail,” Keanna explained, dubiously adding, “I had no idea that he also had something going on with Jasmine.”

“Come to find out, me and Jasmine are sharing a man again,” she adds, and for real, what are the chances of that possibly happening?

If it sounds too good/scripted to be true, it very well may be, as Mimi felt that something wasn’t right with Jasmine and Keanna’s stories.

She knows Rod can be a “scam artist,” and Mimi is a woman who has a daughter with Stevie J, so she’s well versed in her shady dudes.

Mimi’s gut said that Bullock was pimping Washington and trying to set Kirk by making his girlfriends pretend to be Kirk Frost’s ho train.

The theory there is that once he learned Jasmine was pregnant, he seized on the opportunity to fabricate and capitalize on the storyline.

Jasmine, though, is adamant that the baby is Kirk’s.

“I’m getting real sick of everybody acting like Kirk and Rasheeda’s kids are the only ones that matter,” Washington lamented this month.

“What about my child, whose own father is denying him? I didn’t force Kirk to have sex with me,” she adds. “It takes two people to cheat.”

Moreover, “he’s the only one of us who is married.”

Jasmine Washington makes a point. Kirk has a wife and family of his own. She just has a boyfriend/pimp who is also banging Keanna.

It looks like she’s telling the truth, too. As you can see above, VH1 updated an old gallery on its website to specifically say Kirk is the dad.

“Kirk has seven children,” says the post. “Ky and Karter with wife Rasheeda. He also has daughters Cherry and Kelsie and other sons.”

Then, the coup de grace, mentioning the love child by name: “Kirk most recently fathered an infant son named Kannon Mekhi.”

With seven kids by at least three different women, Kirk isn’t known for his fidelity … but multiple side-piece baby betrayal is next-level stuff.

We’ll see if Rasheeda stands by him now.


Monday, October 17, 2016

Joe Jonas: Get Over It, Ashley Greene! We Boned!

Joe Jonas doesn’t seem to be too thrilled with Ashley Greene’s “class is timeless” quote, which was purported to be about him airing out their dirty, sexy laundry.  

He wants to clear the air so much, it appears, that he went and did a follow-up interview essentially telling the smokin’ hot Twilight star to just get the hell over it. 

In a talk with ET Online, Jonas said, “I don’t know. I think life’s too short [not to tell the truth], you know?” 

Hell yes, we know. 

“I mean, ultimately, I think of myself as an honest guy,” he continued. 

“There are just those moments in life where you have to be true to yourself and true to the world,” Jonas of the sex remarks defended. 

“I’m not out to hurt anybody.”

“But I think ultimately, I’m just telling my stories and what I can say from my heart,” Jonas concluded, quite matter-of-factly. 

C’mon, Ashley – it’s not like he said you were a bad lay or anything like that – though you know how those first times usually go. 

Somebody sure has a surly disposition for allegedly having started a drug fire in her apartment that ruined the entire structure, rendering it uninhabitable. 

Life’s funny, so why not laugh at the things that get you down? 

Also, girl, you were Alice Cullen in Twilight … what’s more comedic than that? 

Previously, Joe and Ashley dated in 2010, which would have put them at the approximate ages of 21 and 23 when they first did the hokey-porky. 

It’s not like people that age aren’t having sex, and everybody in Hollywood who’s not a virgin has had a “first time,” whether or not it was with a fellow celeb. 

We definitely think Greene’s taking things a little too seriously – and we surprisingly side with the DNCE frontman, even though he’s, you know, the ultimate Disney-ana Jonas. 

Girl, just be glad you’re getting the publicity that you are. 

We really hadn’t heard much from you after that condo fire, and you know what they say: the only bad publicity is no publicity.  

Get off your high horse and admit to mounting up, all right? 

For our sake, and for the sake of your career. 


Monday, August 15, 2016

Justin Bieber to Selena Gomez: You Boned Zayn Malik, Cheater!

It’s. About. To. Go. Down. Grab a hat and hold the f–k onto it. 

Just when fans thought Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez’s newly-rekindled beef couldn’t possibly get any uglier on Instagram … well $ h!t.

If this report is to be believed, we may just be getting started.

The douchey pop singer apparently accused his ex-girlfriend of cheating on him with Zayn Malik in the latest salvo fired in their feud.

First, let’s take a step back and recap how we got this far:

Bieber threatened fans that he would make his Instagram account private if they continued to attack his new girlfriend, Sofia Richie.

Gomez, evidently feeling like getting some attention and causing a $ h!tstorm online, then interjected and threw shade in the comments.


Yes, Gomez called out Bieber for not keeping his private life private … then stated that Justin cheated on Selena during their relationship.  

“Funny how the ones that cheated multiple times, are pointing the finger at the ones that were forgiving and supportive,” she wrote.

“No wonder fans are mad. Sad. All love.”

sel tweet

The authenticity of these messages is up for debate, but they quickly spread online as the hashtag #SelenaEndedJustinParty started.

Now, Bieber is firing back at his ex, accusing Gomez of cheating on him – with none other than former One Direction singer Zayn Malik.

“I cheated /.. oh I forgot about You and Zayn?” Bieber reportedly shot back, according to the latest round of screen shots going viral.

“It’s funny to see people that used me for attention and still try to point the finger this way. Sad. All love,” Bieber’s initial reply to her said.

“I’m not one for anyone receiving hate. Hope u all can be kind to my friends and each other. And yes I love my beliebers.”

Again, it’s still in dispute whether this Instagram feud did, in fact, happen; Gomez and Bieber have yet to deny that it has, but nevertheless.

Selena notably joked (but not really) that she was crushing on Malik – who’s dating model Gigi Hadid – in an interview early this year.

“If he had asked me out on a date, I would be seen with him,” the Disney alum told InStyle UK in January. “Just kidding, but not kidding.” 

All we can say for sure is this:

We really hope a fake Zayn Malik chimes in on Instagram and accuses both Justin and Selena of cheating on each other with Harry Styles.