Monday, October 17, 2016

Joe Jonas: Get Over It, Ashley Greene! We Boned!

Joe Jonas doesn’t seem to be too thrilled with Ashley Greene’s “class is timeless” quote, which was purported to be about him airing out their dirty, sexy laundry.  

He wants to clear the air so much, it appears, that he went and did a follow-up interview essentially telling the smokin’ hot Twilight star to just get the hell over it. 

In a talk with ET Online, Jonas said, “I don’t know. I think life’s too short [not to tell the truth], you know?” 

Hell yes, we know. 

“I mean, ultimately, I think of myself as an honest guy,” he continued. 

“There are just those moments in life where you have to be true to yourself and true to the world,” Jonas of the sex remarks defended. 

“I’m not out to hurt anybody.”

“But I think ultimately, I’m just telling my stories and what I can say from my heart,” Jonas concluded, quite matter-of-factly. 

C’mon, Ashley – it’s not like he said you were a bad lay or anything like that – though you know how those first times usually go. 

Somebody sure has a surly disposition for allegedly having started a drug fire in her apartment that ruined the entire structure, rendering it uninhabitable. 

Life’s funny, so why not laugh at the things that get you down? 

Also, girl, you were Alice Cullen in Twilight … what’s more comedic than that? 

Previously, Joe and Ashley dated in 2010, which would have put them at the approximate ages of 21 and 23 when they first did the hokey-porky. 

It’s not like people that age aren’t having sex, and everybody in Hollywood who’s not a virgin has had a “first time,” whether or not it was with a fellow celeb. 

We definitely think Greene’s taking things a little too seriously – and we surprisingly side with the DNCE frontman, even though he’s, you know, the ultimate Disney-ana Jonas. 

Girl, just be glad you’re getting the publicity that you are. 

We really hadn’t heard much from you after that condo fire, and you know what they say: the only bad publicity is no publicity.  

Get off your high horse and admit to mounting up, all right? 

For our sake, and for the sake of your career. 
