Showing posts with label Colbert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colbert. Show all posts

Friday, January 20, 2017

Stephen Colbert Brings Back Colbert Report Character for Obama!

Stephen Colbert is an absolute treasure. He always has been, he always will be, and we are so lucky to have him.

He"s great on the Late Show, of course, but most of us remember him most fondly as the ignorant but lovable conservative jackass from The Colbert Report.

It"s been a little over two years now the last episode of The Colbert Report aired, and the show has definitely been missed — can you imagine how incredible it would have been to have during Trump"s campaign?

But don"t worry, friends: Stephen"s still got us.

Last night, on the very last day of Barack Obama"s presidency, the very last peaceful day before the four-year reign of terror began, we got to see a little bit of the old Colbert.

In a delightful little segment of "The Word," Stephen broke down some key moments of Obama"s presidency as only he could.

He touched on Obama"s work to repeal "Don"t Ask, Don"t Tell," he brought up marriage equality and the death of Osama Bin Laden and the Affordable Care Act.

The skit was titled "Thanks, Obama," that classic, ridiculous slogan of Obama critics everywhere — and boy, did Stephen thank him.

Check out the much-needed hilarity below:

Stephen colbert brings back colbert report character for obama

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Stephen Colbert Reacts in Real Time to Donald Trump as President

On Tuesday night, America elected Donald Trump as the 45h President of the United States.

Also on Tuesday night, Showtime aired Stephen Colbert’s Live Election Night Democracy’s Series Finale: Who’s Going To Clean Up This Sh*t?

It was meant to be a comedy special. It was meant to be a coronation of Hillary Clinton.

However, just like approximately half the people in the country, Colbert grew more and more stunned as the results rolled in and a Trump Presidency became more and more likely.

Unlike approximately half the people in the country, however, Colbert was actually live on air while this development was taking place.

At one point, upon learning just how close Trump was to 270 electoral college votes, he seemed to be at a loss for words.

“I can’t put a happy face on that,” he replied. “And that’s my job.”

When it was time to sign off for the evening, the outcome had not yet been made official, but it was very clear where things were headed.

Colbert had to think of something to leave viewers with as an unthinkable nightmare inched ever closer to becoming a reality.

“I think we can agree that this has been an absolutely exhausting, bruising election for everyone,” Colbert said to open his closing monologue, trying for a bit of levity.

“And it has come to an ending I did not imagine. We all now feel the way Rudy Giuliani looks.”

From there, though, the comedian turned serious and thoughtful.

The Late Late Show speculated that the world is “going to be saying, ‘Has America lost its mind?’ And the answer is evidently, ‘Back off, buddy. We’ve got 300 million guns and we’re kind of stressed right now.’ “

Colbert then showed a couple of graphics that depicted a divided nation.

They featured the results of polls about how neither side trusts the other.

“How did our politics get so poisonous? I think it’s because we overdosed, especially this year. We drank too much of the poison. You take a little bit of it so you can hate the other side and it tastes kind of good and you like how it feels.

“And there’s a gentle high to the condemnation.”

Colbert nearly broke down upon talking about his mother, who was born two days before women got the right to vote and who wanted to vote for Clinton before she died.

He went on to deliver a few jokes about things we can all agree on (i.e. Kit Kat bars should be eaten in segments) before concluding as follows:

“Above all, we, as a nation, should never, ever have another election like this one. Do you agree? Now, please. Get out there. Kiss a Democrat. Go hug a Republican. Give a libertarian a [sex act]…

“The election is over. You survived. Good night and may God Bless America.”

On a night with an unprecedented election result, Stephen Colbert gave us something close to an unprecedented television special.

Not that he wanted to.

Watch his moving closing speech below:


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Stephen Colbert Mourns End of Hiddleswift

Stephen Colbert is having all the feels, people.

When it comes to the topic dominating all celebrity gossip headlines at the moment:

The break up of Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston.

It"s true. This controversial relationship has come to an end.

Where did Swift and Hiddlesto go wrong? We may never know. We"re not even clear on who dumped whom.

Heck, was the relationship even real at any point? You can vote on that question below:

It"s pretty clear, however, that Colbert thought it was real. He"s really broken up about the split.

Especially because he spent so much time with Tom and Taylor. Kind of. Sort of.

Okay, not at all. But still.

“Taylor, Tom and me, we were a happy couple of three,” The Late Show host sang on Wednesday evening. “But now they’ve said goodbye, and I just want to cry.”

Tragically, Colbiddleswift is no more.

But Colbert concluded his ballad by finding a silver lining.

And it has to do with Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry?!? Huh?

Yes. See what we mean now:

Stephen colbert mourns end of hiddleswift

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Stephen Colbert and James Corden Parody Beyonce: Watch! Laugh!

Beyonce who?

Lemonade what?!?

Stephen Colbert and James Corden are here to truly break the Internet via their take on Beyonce’s latest album, “Lemonade,” and the HBO special by the same name that aired Saturday night.

In case you have not yet heard about it…

… well, you may want to check your Internet connection, television connection and phone connection.

But Beyonce didn’t just drop a new album over the weekend.

She dropped an album that seemed to call Jay-Z out for cheating on her, possibly with an acquaintance named Rachel Roy, while hyping it with an hour-long visual album on cable’s most popular network.

It was awesome, artistic… and ripe for parody.

First, Corden created a visual monologue of his own kind on Monday night in which he walks viewers through the struggles of having to create a new introduction night after night after night.

It isn’t easy. As you can see here:

Colbert, meanwhile, also weighed in by creating his own version of “Lemonade” on The Late Show.

Wearing nothing but an all-yellow ensemble, he giddily dances around a room with a huge smile on his face, taking a baseball bat and destroying everything around him.

Instead of “hot sauce,” though, his bat says “mayonnaise.


Neither Beyonce nor Jay Z has said anything about the release of this revealing album, which included many lyrics that strongly implied Jay Z has been unfaithful.

With Rachel Roy? With Rita Ora? With no one at all and this is all a game of public relations?

We may never know.

But at least we’ll always have the videos above, the memes below and, you know, the album itself.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Ed Sheeran Performs A Beautiful Cover Of The Breakup Classic Ain"t No Sunshine For Stephen Colbert — Watch HERE!

This is absolutely AH-Mazing!

Aside from Tom Hanks swinging by to ponder the big questions with Stephen Colbert, The Late Show had another highlight Wednesday night!

Ed Sheeran was the musical guest and he once again came through and nailed it.

Related: Watch Beyonce And Ed Sheeran Perform Drunk In Love Together At The Global Citizen Festival!

But this wasn’t any regular performance. Instead of singing a song off of his latest album, the Thinking Out Loud singer opted to perform the Bill Withers hit Ain’t No Sunshine.

Teddy’s version is incredible — we can’t stop listening!

Ch-ch-check it out for yourself (below) and let us know if you think it’s better than the original!

[Image via CBS.]

Stephen Colbert & Tom Hanks Get HIGHlarious And Try To Solve Life"s Big Mysteries — Watch HERE!

It’s nice to stop and smell the roses!

Last night Tom Hanks swung by The Late Show to talk with Stephen Colbert — but this was no ordinary interview!

Stephen and Tom threw a blanket down on the “grass” and laid down starring up at the “stars” while chatting about life’s biggest questions…

Video: Donald Trump Or Stephen Colbert?? Guess Which One Said It In Late Show Guessing Game!

What would they do if they could time travel? Does the “farm upstate” where dogs go really exist?

You know, the REALLY important questions in life! LOLz!

So if you’ve ever wondered what Stephen thinks Santa does the rest of the year or what Tom misses the most since he’s a big star now, check out the HIGHlarious segment (below)!

[Image via CBS.]