Showing posts with label Culprit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Culprit. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2017

Pricewaterhouse Accountant is the Oscar Envelope Culprit

This is the guy who we’re told is responsible for the biggest screwup in Oscar history … the guy who handed Warren Beatty the wrong envelope. His name — Brian Cullinan — an accountant at Pricewaterhouse. He’s a veteran … 30 years at the…


Friday, January 6, 2017

"Hollyweed" Sign Culprit In Hiding, Fears Arrest (PHOTO)

The guy who transformed the Hollywood sign into a beacon to stoners has gone underground … and he’s brought enough weed to stay in hiding for a while. Zach Fernandez — aka “Jesushands” — is lying low in an undisclosed location on the heels of…


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Hollyweed Sign Culprit Reveals Himself (VIDEO)

The guy who turned Tinseltown into a beacon for pot might have revealed himself by slapping his signature on the evidence … with an attribution to Jesus.  Zach Fernandez — who goes by “jesushands” on social media — has his handle all over…


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Omar Mateen Identified as Orlando Shooting Culprit

Omar Mateen has been identified as the shooter who took the lives of over 50 people inside an Orlando nightclub on Saturday night.

As previously and tragically reported, the terrible incident took place at a gay establishment called Pure.

Initial reports indicated the death toll hovered around 20, but news reports say over 50 people were killed by Omar Mateen, making this the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

The terrorist opened fire just after 2 a.m, according to police.

An officer working at Pure initially responded to the shooter, “engaging in the gun battle with the suspect” before the suspect went back into the club, Orlando Police Chief John Mina explained at a Sunday morning news conference.

Mateen also numerous people hostage for several hours.

At approximately 5 a.m., authorities moved in to rescue these individuals.

More gunshots followed, with police using explosives in an attempt to distract the suspect.

This is what we know about Omar Mateen:

He was a 29-year old America citizen with Afghan parents.

Police are treating this as a hate crime, saying Mateen was targeting gay people in his attack.

It is believed that Mateen is a radical Islamist, although it is unknown at this time whether he was representing any terrorist organization with his heinous actions.

Mateen’s father told NBC News that “this has nothing to do with religion,” saying instead that the culprit grew enraged after seeing two men kissing a few months ago in Miami.

The father speculates this eye witness account may have triggered his decision to commit mass murder.

Law enforcement confirm that Mateen had on him assault weapon, a handgun and two suspicious devices.

Shortly after the massacre, officers descending upon Mateen’s home to find further evidence and learn more about the gunman responsible for a minimum of 50 deaths.

A TMZ records search, meanwhile, states that Mateen held a Florida security officer license and a state firearms license..