Showing posts with label Mateen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mateen. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Omar Mateen Gay Tryst: Confirmed By Hotel Surveillance Video!

Portions of Orlando shooter Omar Mateen"s hookup with at least one gay man have apparently been confirmed by surveillance video.

Yesterday, Omar Mateen"s gay lover (allegedly) gave an interview in which he claimed to have had a two-month relationship with him.

Now, evidence has emerged that appears to support that claim, which many detractors were originally skeptical of for various reasons.

Sources at the Ambassador Hotel tell TMZ that Mateen was seen on camera footage recorded December 14 of last year around 11 p.m.

In the video, Omar meets Miguel – the heavily disguised man who told Univision he met up with Mateen 15-20 times at that very hotel.

Miguel says he hooked up with Mateen often between November and December, a claim supported by the celebrity news site"s sources.

Video shows Mateen walk over to the front desk, speak to a staff member briefly, then walk around a corner to a room down the hall.

There, Miguel says he met Omar many times.

Management reportedly showed the video to employees and asked if anyone recalled seeing Mateen, who killed 49 people this month.

A worker who covers night shift recognized him, and the FBI went to the Ambassador Tuesday night to look at the surveillance footage.

Whether or not Omar Mateen was secretly gay or frequented gay dating apps isn"t an issue at this point, as it"s pretty much established.

Why Mateen attacked the gay club Pulse is certainly critical, however, in understanding the worst mass shooting in American history.

Miguel, the alleged ex-lover, says Mateen shot up the club due to some twisted "revenge" plot involving a tryst with an HIV-positive man.

“The thing that makes me want to tell the truth," he told Univision this week, is that despite media narratives, "he didn’t do it for terrorism."

"In my opinion, he did it for revenge.”

The man, who wore a disguise for the interview, claims he met Mateen last fall after they exchanged messages on the gay dating app Grindr.

In general, the man who claims to have known Omar intimately says he felt wronged by the gay community – for reasons largely unknown.

“He adored Latinos, gay Latinos, with brown skin, but he felt rejected,” Miguel continued, lamenting his former love"s dark path.

“He felt used by them," he added.

See Miguel"s interview below.

Omar mateen gay tryst confirmed by hotel video

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Omar Mateen Gay Lover Speaks Out: He Wanted Revenge!

Miguel, a man who claims to be Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen’s former lover, said in a new interview that he was out for revenge.

In an interview with Univision Noticias on Tuesday, he spoke about Mateen’s alleged secret life and their “friends with benefits” relationship.

Miguel and Omar supposedly hooked up for two months.

He said that the 29-year-old Omar Mateen was gay “100 percent” and that his wife, Noor Salman, knew about his sexuality to boot.

“I’ve cried like you have no idea,” Miguel said of his reaction after hearing about the Orlando shooting that left dozens dead and injured.

“But the thing that makes me want to tell the truth,” he adds, “is that he didn’t do it for terrorism. In my opinion, he did it for revenge.”

The man, who wore a disguise for the interview, claims he met Mateen last fall after they exchanged messages on the gay dating app Grindr.

Regardless of whether he sent lewd photos to men online, he described the gunman as a “very sweet guy” who was “looking for love.”

“He adored Latinos, gay Latinos, with brown skin, but he felt rejected,” Miguel continued, lamenting his former love’s dark path.

“He felt used by them.”

“There were moments in the Pulse nightclub that made him feel really bad. Guys used him. That really affected him.”

“I believe this crazy horrible thing … that was revenge.”

Revenge for what specifically? We’re getting to that:

According to Miguel, Mateen was angry after one of his alleged partners revealed that he was HIV-positive after they had sex.

“He was terrified that he was infected,” Miguel said.

“I asked him, ‘Did you do a test?’ Yes. He went to the pharmacy and did the test. … It came out negative, but it doesn’t come out right away.”

“It takes four, five months. When I asked him what he was going to do now, his answer was ‘I’m going to make them pay for what they did.’”

The shooting at Pulse, a popular gay nightclub, was officially the deadliest in Untied States history; Mateen was gunned down by police.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Omar Mateen Sent Pictures of His Penis to Men Online

New information has surfaced about Omar Mateen that paints the mass murderer as a sexually confused individual.

Mateen, of course, is the 29-year old mad man who entered a gay nightclub in Orlando on Saturday night with an assault rifle and killed 49 innocent patrons.

He even took several individuals hostage before police entered the establishment and killed Mateen in a shootout.

In the days that have followed this horrific event, we’ve learned that Mateen was born in New York to Afghan parents.

He called 911 during his attack and bragged about what he was doing, aligning himself with ISIS in the process.

He had also been investigated by the FBI in 2013 and in 2014 for possible terrorist ties, based on conversations he had with co-workers and other suspicious activity.

Mateen’s father, meanwhile, has speculated that his son’s fatal actions were based on Mateen being grossed out a few months ago upon seeing two gay men kiss.

But a former classmate of the murderer’s says Mateen himself used to frequent gay clubs in Florida.

He even says Mateen was a semi-regular at Pulse, the gay club at the center of his heinous actions over the weekend. 

This classmate says Mateen was, indeed, gay and that “he just wanted to fit in and no one liked him. He was always socially awkward.”

TMZ, meanwhile, has spoken to a man named Cord Cedeno.

He claims he connected with the killer on Grindr a few years ago, although the two only exchanged brief pleasantries.

Cedeno explains that he eventually blocked Mateen, but four of his friends have confirmed that Mateen remained active on other dating apps.

He goes on to say that Mateen used Adam4Adam to send photos of his penis to men, never showed his face while doing so.

Mateen’s ex-wife is also on record as saying he showed “homosexual tendencies” during their marriage.

Elsewhere, TMZ also spoke to a female Plenty of Fish user, who says she met Mateen about 18 months ago on the Internet.

He seemed “nice and normal,” she says, telling her that he was “looking for a good woman to marry.”

She adds that he would rant about critics misunderstanding Islam and that she blocked him after awhile because he came across as “emotionally unstable.”

All that really matters in the end is that Omar Mateen killed 49 people and wounded many others in a nightclub over the weekend.

His apparent sexual confusion is obviously no excuse for what he did.

But perhaps getting inside the head of someone who would do this can help us stop someone in the future from taking a similar action.

May the victims rest in peace and may their families someday find peace.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Omar Mateen Gay: Orlando Shooter Was Pulse Nightclub Regular, Former Classmates Say

A former classmate of Omar Mateen’s says Mateen was gay, once asked him out and visited the site of last weekend’s massacre often.

Officials say Mateen shot and killed 49 people (50 by some estimates) and injured 53 others at Orlando’s Pulse nightclub early Sunday.

The classmate quoted by the Palm Beach Post said he studied with the future killer at Indian River Community College police academy.

He said that he, Mateen and other classmates would go out to gay bars and clubs after classes, and that he asked him out romantically.

“We went to a few gay bars with him, and I was not out at the time, so I declined his offer,” the former classmate told the newspaper.

The source, who requested anonymity, said Mateen was gay, but not open about it, and that he was uncomfortable, and people felt sorry for him.

“He just wanted to fit in and no one liked him,” he said.

“He was always socially awkward.”

The Los Angeles Times, meanwhile, reports that Omar Mateen attended the Pulse nightclub as many as a dozen times before the rampage.

Kevin West said he had messaged Mateen back and forth for a year on the gay dating app Jack’d but never met him until 1 a.m. Sunday.

“He walked directly past me. I said, ‘Hey,’ and he turned and said, ‘Hey,’” and nodded his head, West said. “I could tell by the eyes.”

At least four regulars at Pulse, a popular night spot with the LGBT community, told the Orlando Sentinel that they’d seen Mateen there.

Ty Smith said he saw him a dozen times at least:

“Sometimes he would go over in the corner and sit and drink by himself, and other times he would get so drunk he was loud and belligerent.”

“We didn’t really talk to him a lot, but I remember him saying things about his dad at times,” Smith said. “He told us he had a wife and child.”

Mateen, whose ex-wife says he was unstable and violent with her, had been going to Pulse for three years, another source reveals.

Chris Callen says Mateen even had to be escorted out on multiple occasions, including one incident where he pulled a knife on a friend.

Before carrying out the worst shooting in U.S. history, Omar was interviewed by the FBI twice regarding suspicious ties, but never arrested.

Mateen’s father, for his part, emphatically said Monday that his son was not gay: “If he was gay, why would he do something like this?”

Monday, June 13, 2016

Omar Mateen: What Did the FBI Know About the Orlando Shooter?

Omar Mateen has been identified as the Orlando shooter who took the lives of over 50 people on Saturday night.

We now know that Mateen used an assault rifle to kill an incomprehensible number of patrons at a gay Florida nightclub called Pure.

He also took a number of individuals hostage before police broke into the establishment and Mateen was killed in a shootout around 5 a.m. local time.

But what do we actually know about Omar Mateen?

He was a U.S. citizen who was born in New York and who, according to his ex-wife, was an abusive husband.

His parents are of Afghan descent and his father is on record as saying he thinks Mateen committed this unspeakable crime because he was grossed out recently upon seeing two gay men kiss.

We also know that Mateen called 911 on Saturday night to brag about his killing and align himself with ISIS.

Omar quote

But what did the FBI know about Omar Mateen prior to these fatal acts?

The answer to that question is chilling.

Via press conference, FBI official Ronald Hopper has said that Mateen has been on the organization’s radar for years.

In 2013, Matten made “inflammatory comments to coworkers,” – presumably terrorism related – which prompted the FBI to investigate and interview him.

Mateen was also investigated by the FBI in 2014, over alleged ties to American suicide bomber Moner Mohammad Abusalha, the agency has confirmed.

Because the FBI could not produce any evidence against Mateen as it related to his terrorist ties, these investigations were closed and Mateen was left to live freely.

Still… despite these rumored terrorist affiliations, Mateen had purchased a “long gun” and a handgun within a week of the Orlando attack, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives says.

The weapons were purchased legally.

Since the heinous attack, ISIS has come out and claimed responsibility for the actions.

We’ll continue to share more news regarding this horrible tragedy as it breaks.

John Oliver On Orlando Shooting: Omar Mateen Is a Terrorist Dipsh*t

Like a lot of us in media, John Oliver has no idea how to properly move forward after Sunday morning"s massacre, which ultimately killed 50 people (including the suspect, Omar Mateen).

Prior to his HBO series, Last Week Tonight, Oliver recorded a statement admitting that “it’s hard to even know what to do in the wake of an event like this."

Oliver prepped his audience for a full show to follow the clip, which, he admitted, "will seem like jarringly inappropriate, "jangly" music."

But first, addressing what happened would be the right thing to do.

“It’s still early and details are still emerging and right now this just hurts,” he said.

“And the worst thing is, this pain is so familiar. In Paris last November, terrorists seemed to target places that symbolize everything that is wonderful about France — culture, music, restaurants.

"And in Orlando early this morning a gunman attacked a Latin night at a gay club in the theme park capital of the world.

"And for the record, I will happily embrace a Latin night at a gay club in the theme park capital of the world as the ultimate symbol of what is truly wonderful about America.”

"On a day when some dipshi* terrorist wants us to focus on one man"s act of brutality and hatred, it might be worth seeing this video which was posted to Twitter today (June 12th)."

The video showed volunteers standing in a line wrapped around the block, waiting to donate blood.

“It kind of reminds you that that dips**t terrorist is vastly outnumbered,” he said.

Whether you see it as a terrorist attack, a hate crime or a gun issue, the simple fact remains that people are dead because of one person who was so angry and so hateful that he opened fired on unarmed club-goers.

John oliver addresses orlando shooting this terroist dipsh star

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Omar Mateen Identified as Orlando Shooting Culprit

Omar Mateen has been identified as the shooter who took the lives of over 50 people inside an Orlando nightclub on Saturday night.

As previously and tragically reported, the terrible incident took place at a gay establishment called Pure.

Initial reports indicated the death toll hovered around 20, but news reports say over 50 people were killed by Omar Mateen, making this the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

The terrorist opened fire just after 2 a.m, according to police.

An officer working at Pure initially responded to the shooter, “engaging in the gun battle with the suspect” before the suspect went back into the club, Orlando Police Chief John Mina explained at a Sunday morning news conference.

Mateen also numerous people hostage for several hours.

At approximately 5 a.m., authorities moved in to rescue these individuals.

More gunshots followed, with police using explosives in an attempt to distract the suspect.

This is what we know about Omar Mateen:

He was a 29-year old America citizen with Afghan parents.

Police are treating this as a hate crime, saying Mateen was targeting gay people in his attack.

It is believed that Mateen is a radical Islamist, although it is unknown at this time whether he was representing any terrorist organization with his heinous actions.

Mateen’s father told NBC News that “this has nothing to do with religion,” saying instead that the culprit grew enraged after seeing two men kissing a few months ago in Miami.

The father speculates this eye witness account may have triggered his decision to commit mass murder.

Law enforcement confirm that Mateen had on him assault weapon, a handgun and two suspicious devices.

Shortly after the massacre, officers descending upon Mateen’s home to find further evidence and learn more about the gunman responsible for a minimum of 50 deaths.

A TMZ records search, meanwhile, states that Mateen held a Florida security officer license and a state firearms license..