Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Omar Mateen Sent Pictures of His Penis to Men Online

New information has surfaced about Omar Mateen that paints the mass murderer as a sexually confused individual.

Mateen, of course, is the 29-year old mad man who entered a gay nightclub in Orlando on Saturday night with an assault rifle and killed 49 innocent patrons.

He even took several individuals hostage before police entered the establishment and killed Mateen in a shootout.

In the days that have followed this horrific event, we’ve learned that Mateen was born in New York to Afghan parents.

He called 911 during his attack and bragged about what he was doing, aligning himself with ISIS in the process.

He had also been investigated by the FBI in 2013 and in 2014 for possible terrorist ties, based on conversations he had with co-workers and other suspicious activity.

Mateen’s father, meanwhile, has speculated that his son’s fatal actions were based on Mateen being grossed out a few months ago upon seeing two gay men kiss.

But a former classmate of the murderer’s says Mateen himself used to frequent gay clubs in Florida.

He even says Mateen was a semi-regular at Pulse, the gay club at the center of his heinous actions over the weekend. 

This classmate says Mateen was, indeed, gay and that “he just wanted to fit in and no one liked him. He was always socially awkward.”

TMZ, meanwhile, has spoken to a man named Cord Cedeno.

He claims he connected with the killer on Grindr a few years ago, although the two only exchanged brief pleasantries.

Cedeno explains that he eventually blocked Mateen, but four of his friends have confirmed that Mateen remained active on other dating apps.

He goes on to say that Mateen used Adam4Adam to send photos of his penis to men, never showed his face while doing so.

Mateen’s ex-wife is also on record as saying he showed “homosexual tendencies” during their marriage.

Elsewhere, TMZ also spoke to a female Plenty of Fish user, who says she met Mateen about 18 months ago on the Internet.

He seemed “nice and normal,” she says, telling her that he was “looking for a good woman to marry.”

She adds that he would rant about critics misunderstanding Islam and that she blocked him after awhile because he came across as “emotionally unstable.”

All that really matters in the end is that Omar Mateen killed 49 people and wounded many others in a nightclub over the weekend.

His apparent sexual confusion is obviously no excuse for what he did.

But perhaps getting inside the head of someone who would do this can help us stop someone in the future from taking a similar action.

May the victims rest in peace and may their families someday find peace.