Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Omar Mateen Gay Lover Speaks Out: He Wanted Revenge!

Miguel, a man who claims to be Orlando mass shooter Omar Mateen’s former lover, said in a new interview that he was out for revenge.

In an interview with Univision Noticias on Tuesday, he spoke about Mateen’s alleged secret life and their “friends with benefits” relationship.

Miguel and Omar supposedly hooked up for two months.

He said that the 29-year-old Omar Mateen was gay “100 percent” and that his wife, Noor Salman, knew about his sexuality to boot.

“I’ve cried like you have no idea,” Miguel said of his reaction after hearing about the Orlando shooting that left dozens dead and injured.

“But the thing that makes me want to tell the truth,” he adds, “is that he didn’t do it for terrorism. In my opinion, he did it for revenge.”

The man, who wore a disguise for the interview, claims he met Mateen last fall after they exchanged messages on the gay dating app Grindr.

Regardless of whether he sent lewd photos to men online, he described the gunman as a “very sweet guy” who was “looking for love.”

“He adored Latinos, gay Latinos, with brown skin, but he felt rejected,” Miguel continued, lamenting his former love’s dark path.

“He felt used by them.”

“There were moments in the Pulse nightclub that made him feel really bad. Guys used him. That really affected him.”

“I believe this crazy horrible thing … that was revenge.”

Revenge for what specifically? We’re getting to that:

According to Miguel, Mateen was angry after one of his alleged partners revealed that he was HIV-positive after they had sex.

“He was terrified that he was infected,” Miguel said.

“I asked him, ‘Did you do a test?’ Yes. He went to the pharmacy and did the test. … It came out negative, but it doesn’t come out right away.”

“It takes four, five months. When I asked him what he was going to do now, his answer was ‘I’m going to make them pay for what they did.’”

The shooting at Pulse, a popular gay nightclub, was officially the deadliest in Untied States history; Mateen was gunned down by police.