Showing posts with label Dark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dark. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Kylie Jenner: I Like My Men AND Lips Dark!

It"s been well-documented and proven at this point:

Kylie Jenner and her sisters like their men"s skin color to be dark.

This isn"t a judgment by any means. It"s just a fact.

And now it"s also a fact that the Kylie Jenner Lip Kit will include an especially dark shade: Dead of Knight goes on sale on Friday, June 10.

Kylie has taken to Instagram in order to model the color herself. Scroll down and react: What do you think?!?

1. Check Out My New Lips!

Kylie jenner dark lips

Whoa there! Kylie Jenner rocks a very dark shade of lipstick in this photo. What do you think?

2. Kylie Goes Dark

Kylie goes dark

Kylie Jenner poses seductively in this photo while modeling her new lip kit shade, Dead of Knight.

3. Dead of Knight

Dark of knight

Kylie Jenner shared this photo on Instagram in order to show off the lip kit color, Dead of Knight. Will you purchase it?

4. Kylie Jenner Lip Color Photo

Kylie jenner lip color photo

Kylie Jenner gets a bit artistic in promoting the lip kit color Dead of Knight in this cool photo.

5. A Darker Shade

A darker shade

Kylie Jenner shows off yet another lip kit shade in this photo. She’s gone all dark with Dark of Knight.

6. The Entire Kit

The entire kit

Which shade is your favorite?

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Bachelorette Trailer: Dark Forces Ahead!

Poor JoJo Fletcher.

Yes, according to the latest round of The Bachelorette spoilers, this scorned former Bachelor suitor will narrow down her list of potential husbands to four respected gentlemen on the season ahead.

But does that mean she"ll get her happy ending?

Does that mean wedding bells will be ringing this spring for JoJo and the man of her dreams?

Not if you believe the ominous tone and words of the following Bachelorette promo.

Apparently put together by the producer of another ABC hit series, Once Upon a Time, the preview talks of "dark forces" ahead and even alleges that JoJo will be placed in danger.

Cue some serious waterworks from The Bachelorette, who we also learn will "cast a spell" on her handful of handsome contestants.

We"re not really sure what"s up with this witch theme, but whatever. The point is this:


We"re especially extra excited to watch The Bachelorette online this year because the video teases the appearance of a former Bachelor star, who we"re guessing will be Juan Pablo and who we"re already psyched to hate all over again.

Because that guy sucks

But JoJo sort of rules (heck, she may be the hottest Bachelorette of all-time) and we hope she finds true love this spring on ABC.

If it doesn"t happen for her at the age of 25 on an ABC reality show, when will it ever happen?!?

Check out the latest promo now:

The bachelorette trailer dark forces ahead

Monday, January 18, 2016

Khloe Kardashian on Rob Kardashian: He"s Been in a "Dark Place"

Following Rob Kardashian’s recent hospitalization for Diabetes, the trouble reality star’s family can no longer keep it a secret.

They can no longer pretend: their loved one is clearly in trouble.

Appearing last night on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live, Khloe Kardashian was asked by a caller whether or not Rob blames his famous sisters for his downfall.

And she answered as follows:

“I don’t think he blames any of us. We talk about stuff all the time. I think Rob hit a dark place more so dealing with my dad’s death.

“His wish was always for Rob to go to college. When Rob finished that, okay what do I do next? He had no direction. I think he felt lost there.”

Those close to Rob Kardashian had hoped that his Diabetes diagnosis would serve as a wake-up call.

But his relatives are reportedly worried now that he isn’t taking this medical scare seriously.

Khloe cites a number of personal problems that have plagued her brother (“Breakups and all this stuff happened, which I think added to other things in his life.”), yet insists that Rob enjoys filming Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

That’s the same sentiment Kris Jenner recently expressed in a chat with Maria Shriver.

“He wants to still come back and shoot the show, he just wants to feel good,” Jenner claimed during Maria’s Architects of Change: The Conversation Series event.

“It’s not that he doesn’t want to be on the show, it’s just he wasn’t feeling good.”

Sounds like he still isn’t feeling good.

Let’s hope the family doesn’t put any extra pressure on Rob during this difficult time.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Anna Duggar: 7 Dark Secrets You Never Knew!

These days, when you think of Anna Duggar, the Josh Duggar sex scandals are probably the first thing to enter your mind.

However, even before she married Josh and gained fame as part of the extended 19 Kids and Counting clan, Anna"s life was beset by family feuds and troubled relationships.

Anna"s brother and sisters have encouraged her to leave Josh, but some believe that her controlling mother and father forced her into the marriage despite countless red flags.

Anna"s devoutly religious parents and rebellious siblings may not have engaged in any bad behavior on par with Josh"s, but they"re also not as squeaky-clean as you might think.

Check out our run-down of the Keller family"s darkest secrets in the gallery below. 

1. Anna Was FORCED to Marry Josh?

Josh n anna duggar

Anna knew about the allegations that Josh had molested four of his sisters before she agreed to marry him. She accepeted his proposal anyway, some say at her parents’ insistance.

2. The Kellers Remain Devoted to Disgraced Minister Bill Gothard

Bill gothard

Like the Duggars, the Kellers joined Bill Gothard’s Institute in Basic Life Principles several decades ago. Unlike the Duggars, the Kellers have yet to distance themselves from the minister, who is currently under investigatuon for sexual abuse.

3. Mike Keller Led a "Life of Sin" in His Youth

Mike keller led a life of sin in his youth

Anna’s sister, Priscilla, has revealed that her father was prone to bad behavior before he converted to Christianity at 19, but she has repeatedly refused to go into detail. “God truly redeemed my dad’s life from sin and gave him a tremendous freedom from the past.”

4. Mike Keller is Estranged From the Rest of the Family

Mike keller is estranged from the rest of the family

None of the family has any contact with Anna’s older brother, Mike. Anna’s parents and sister have refused to reveal why this is the case.

5. Susanna Keller Has Also Cut Ties

Susanna keller has also cut ties

Anna’s younger sister, Susanna Keller, had a baby out of wedlock as a teen. Now 23, Susanna has moved to Texas and renounced her family’s fundamentalist ways.

6. Anna’s Oldest Sister is Getting a Divorce

Annas oldest sister is getting a divorce

Anna’s oldest sister, Rebekah McDonald, is in the process of getting a divorce. That’s a major no-no in the insanerly strict Keller family.

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Friday, October 16, 2015

How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 4 Recap: 52 Stabs in the Dark

Are Caleb and Catherine telling the truth?

Annalise opened How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 4 by sending Michaela on a mission to come up with an answer to this question.

So Michaela ends up at a hospital with the twins because Catherine is at the doctor to prove she’s actually a virgin, flirting a bit with Caleb and then learning that Catherine is at least telling the truth about this aspect of her life.

At trial, Annalise is thrown off her game a bit after Nate’s wife, Nia, asks her to kill her.

“Just be a good person for once and get me the pills,” she screams/begs/urges.

And Annalise does get the little orange bottle, but she doesn’t give it to Nia in the end, telling her instead that everyone is ultimately on his or her own path anyway… so suck it up, basically. (We’re paraphrasing there.)

Let’s now talk about Asher: he calls in sick as a guise because he’s spending with his judge of a father, striking an immunity deal with a certain prosecutor who we know will be dead in four weeks.

He agrees to testify that Annalise has Nate kill Sam for her, with Emily Sinclair saying she’ll get the deal signed officially in the morning… only for Bonnie to show up.

She had Asher’s phone tracked and she’s there to falsely confess to Sam’s murder. Whoa! We know this will cause Asher to take back his side of the agreement because he’s still smitten with his Bonbon.

Case of the Week time: It centers on a woman named Zoe accused of stabbing her victim 52 times in the woods.

She has an amazing blowup toward the end of the hour, referring to Annalise as a “bitch” and a “whore,” but an actual video on her phone of her bragging about slaughtering her friend is her undoing.

And, finally, Flash Forward time:

Four weeks from now, Annalise is flatling in an ambulance and flashing back to all the nuttiness from the Hapstall case, from Nia’s death and more.

Elsewhere, Laurel, Wes, Connor and Michaela are fleeing the mansion in Nate’s car… when Michaela received a phone call and must act as casual about whatever is said during it.

When she gets dropped off at her apartment, who is there but Caleb?!?

“How is she?” he asks, to which Michaela answers “Good” and to which we respond:

Is it next Thursday yet?!? Where could all this possibly be going on How to Get Away with Murder Season 2 Episode 5?

NOTE: You can always visit TV Fanatic to watch How to Get Away with Murder online. Enjoy!