Showing posts with label Divine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divine. Show all posts

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kesha"s New Video, Praying, Reminds the World She"s Divine

Jerry Seinfeld has never been less relatable than when he refused to hug Kesha. Because she"s wonderful.

The "Tik Tok" singer has been locked in a legal battle with Dr. Luke, whom she accuses of years of sexual abuse, and her music career has been on hiatus. Reportedly, Kesha"s been desperate to get back to work and get her new music out there.

And now we have her new song, "Praying," along with it"s vibrant and captivating video, below. We"re not going to use the word "shooketh" but that would be an accurate description. Watch for yourself and see what we mean.

Kesha has been taking back her life, piece by piece, and this music video seems like exactly the comeback that she"s wanted and needed all along.

Actually, let"s be real — it"s also the comeback that we"ve needed from her.

Visually, Kesha takes us on a spiritual and perhaps religious journey.

(Spirituality and religion are related, but in a Venn Diagram sort of way)

Suffice it to say that the symbolism and imagery is not subtle.

Kesha appears to be dreaming or hallucinating or spiritually projecting or whatever while adrift at sea, stranded and weak and lamenting that she can"t even seem to die to end the suffering, all in black and white.

On land, in color, she slumbers in colorful attire while two men in business suits wearing pigs heads (it is wildly unsettling, you guys) stand over her, thick drool dribbling from their open mouths.

We see Kesha, conscious, in multiple contexts and costumes.

In one, she"s dressed as an angel and playing a keyboard and singing.

We also see her walking past a row of old-timey televisions that each have white signs for screens, some with horrible messages that she"s likely received on social media (body-shaming, political nastiness, etc), and others with typical dystopian messages (like "CONSUME").

Among her other outfits is a veil with little butterflies all over it, but honestly our favorite costume for the whole video has to be the one with golden feathers that form a collar.

(Quite frankly it looks like something that Ravenna would wear, which is peak fashion goals)

She smashes one of those dystopian television signs — one that reads "Weapons of Mass Deception."

Cute, right?

She also is chased by and fights off the pig-heads.

The music picks up and her powerful vocals become impossible to miss.

And no spoilers but the ending involves both a whale and a rainbow.

First and foremost, we should probably talk about some obvious influences.

Because you can"t really talk about "Praying" without talking about Beyonce"s Lemonade.

The use of color isn"t new for Kesha, but the still and quiet opening with poetic narration?

That"s straight out of the Lemonade playbook.

To be clear, we"re not accusing Kesha of copying Beyonce, precisely.

Great artists — truly great artists — inspire others to follow in their footsteps, creating new trends and styles in the process.

We"d never in our lives seen anything like the journey that watching Lemonade took us on.

But Kesha"s adventure is very different.

The setting is much more whimsical, and the subject matter is entirely different.

As the music builds, Kesha — even the version of her on a raft — seems to have some sort of spiritual awakening.

In a sense, that"s what the whole song and video are about (among other things).

In terms of the religious imagery that you"ll see, it sort of falls into that trap that a lot of (but not all) New Age-y spirituality does.

Like, Christian imagery absolutely takes center-stage, which is too much for most religious minorities.

But then the presence of non-Christian imagery and some of the more agnostic lyrics won"t win over many Christians, either.

You know, though, you don"t always have to appeal to everyone in every thing that you do.

Art is ultimately about self-expression and communicating that to others.

Kesha does that very successfully with "Praying," in terms of both the song and the video.

We"ve always known that Kesha is beautiful and has an amazing voice.

But in case you"d somehow forgotten, this music video will make it hard to miss.

Watch and enjoy for yourself.

We"ve already watched it a half-dozen times, easily.

Keshas new video praying reminds the world shes still divine

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Drake: Dating Porn Star Rosee Divine?!

Remember when Drake was dating Jennifer Lopez?

Yeah, it’s starting to look like that was either a publicity stunt (as many suspected) or the relationship wasn’t long for this world, as Drizzy’s hotline appears to be blingin’ for someone new these days.

According to Entertainment Tonight Drizzy has been spending much of his free time in the company of a porn star with the awesomely porn-starry name of Rosee Divine.

It could just be that these two are hooking up, but there seems to be something more going on.

For starters, the meal they enjoyed wasn’t near any Drake’s stateside stomping grounds, but in Amsterdam.

Yes, these two are already taking it international.

Drake is currently touring Europe, and he’s scheduled to play perform in Amsterdam tomorrow night, but it looks like he’s having no trouble making time for Ms. Divine.

So what exactly does this mean?

Has she joined him on tour?

Surely things can’t be that serious already, right?

We understand that the whole Drake and J-Lo thing was probably a hoax, but the tabloid press keeps a pretty close eye on Drake, and it’s tough to imagine that he’s been dating Rosee for longer than a week or two without anyone knowing.

No word on how Drake feels, but according to ET, Divine thinks there’s a future in this relationship.

“She’s head over heels for Drake. It’s a new relationship, but she really likes him,” says a source close to the adult film actress.

“She’s really into him.”

If that’s the case, we imagine Rosee wasn’t too crazy about the rumors involving Drizzy and J-Lo.

Of, for that matter, the reports that Drake was dating Taylor Swift.

And then there was that whole thing with Drake and Rihanna.

And don’t get us started on his on-again, off-again thing with Nicki Minaj …

… Ya know, we could go on and on, but we think you get the point.

Drizzy may come off like a sensitive soul, but the dude gets around like nobody’s business.

You can’t believe everything you read in this era of “fake news,” but hopefully Ms. Divine will take a few seconds to Google her new dude before she starts picking out wedding dresses. 


Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 4 Recap: Divine Intervention

Vicki was on the warpath again last night on The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 4, with Shannon in her crosshairs.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that’s been theme of the season so far on the Bravo flagship:

Can Vicki regain her place in the ladies’ good graces?

Does she want that? Do they? What’s her endgame?

Well, the Real Housewives of Orange County Season 11 Episode 4 picked up at the beach party where the previous installment left off.

Vicki Gunvalson’s excuses for the Brooks Ayers cancer drama were front and center, with her goal of talking to each of the wives individually.

Target number one? Shannon Beador.

“You guys were right, and I was wrong,” Vicki said, though the skeptical Shannon said Ayers was lying about his cancer from the start.

How could Vicki not know?

Not unlike her conversations with Heather Dubrow and Tamra Barney, Vicki failed to gain much closure, and ended up in tears. So it goes.

Shannon says she doesn’t think the two could be friends again; Meghan King Edmonds, conversely, has plenty of friends to go around.

Heather Dubrow and Kelly Dodd, who both had kids via IVF, helped Meghan with the shots she has to take in order to begin the process.

When Vicki asked Brooks critic Meghan King Edmonds if they could be friends again, however, she replied that they were never friends.

Kelly felt bad for her after awhile, saying:

“I’ve been ganged up [on] by girls many times in my life, and when I see someone doing that to somebody else, I want to protect that person!”

The real crazy part of this episode, however, involved Tamra Barney’s adult son Ryan Vieth, who was once engaged to Sarah Rodriguez.

Tamra was on his case to make things right with her, as she’s the mother of his child, and for Ryan, this has been an ongoing dilemma.

Meanwhile, Vicki pulled over at a gas station to call 911 when she realized she couldn’t drive daughter Briana to the hospital fast enough.

Who did she run into there? Sarah Rodriguez!

Sarah, naturally, offered to go to Vicki’s place to watch Briana’s kids at the same time Vicki was texting Tamra about what was going on.

Tamra insisted that it was divine intervention that landed Sarah in Vicki’s path that day she was helping Briana with her difficulty breathing.

(It was later revealed that Briana’s lymph nodes were swollen so much they were pushing on her lungs, causing her problems breathing.)

When Tamra asked Sarah if she would get back together with Ryan, the latter responded that he was the one making that so challenging.

The two subplots here are that Tamra and Vicki are on good terms again – or at least called a true over this whole incident – and this:

Why is Briana even in California? Did Vicki force her to move away from her husband, Ryan, who was still stationed by the Army in Oklahoma?

Tamra and Shannon gossiped that perhaps promising her a free house and around the clock help with her medical care did the trick.

Shannon then said she planned on inviting Vicki to her upcoming party via email, while still making it clear he did not want a friendship.

Tamra chastised her friend for that “passive-aggressive” and “back-handed” idea and suggested she forgive and forget with Gunvalson.

Whoa there. That’s too level-headed for Bravo.