Showing posts with label Praying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Praying. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Mac Miller"s Cause of Death Was Fentanyl and Cocaine, Found in "Praying" Position

8:15 AM PT — According to the report, Mac’s assistant found him unresponsive on his bed in a “praying position” — kneeling forward with his face resting on his knees. The assistant described him as already being “blue” during the 911 call. There…


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Richie Incognito Mulling NFL Comeback, Praying for Jonathan Martin

Richie Incognito tells TMZ Sports he’s feeling good and doing well after a turbulent offseason … and now he’s seriously considering an NFL comeback.  Over the past few months, the NFL lineman was involved in a bizarre gym altercation and…


Richie Incognito Mulling NFL Comeback, Praying for Jonathan Martin

Richie Incognito tells TMZ Sports he’s feeling good and doing well after a turbulent offseason … and now he’s seriously considering an NFL comeback.  Over the past few months, the NFL lineman was involved in a bizarre gym altercation and…


Friday, March 2, 2018

Kurt Warner: I"m Praying for Jim Kelly, He"ll Beat This Thing!

Jim Kelly asked for prayers — and Kurt Warner answered the call.  The Hall of Famer tells TMZ Sports he’s friends with Jim and was devastated when he heard Kelly’s oral cancer had returned.  “He’s a godly man,” Warner said … “He’s…


Monday, January 29, 2018

Kesha Dominates the Grammy"s with "Praying" Performance!

Even if you didn"t watch to see who won and who lost at the 2018 Grammy Awards, you"ve no doubt heard that Kesha was robbed. (And so was Lorde, who wasn"t even asked to perform. And so was Lady Gaga)

But she still stole the show with a knockout performance of her ballad, "Praying," which is the ultimate #TimesUp anthem.

As you"ll see in the video below, Kesha didn"t perform this jaw-dropping number alone.

Kesha"s powerful ballad, "Praying," tells a deeply personal story.

We"ve all followed the story of Kesha"s lawsuits against Dr. Luke, the producer whose alleged abuse of her lasted for years and years. Among other things, she accuses him of having drugged and raped her.

It"s a grim tale, and her legal struggle for professional independence has been hard-fought and seen some serious setbacks. And it"s not over yet.

But though Kesha"s story is very specific to her, we"ve all heard #MeToo stories. We can only imagine how many people can strongly relate to this song"s lyrics.

Which makes it a perfect and powerful anthem for #TimesUp.

And so Kesha didn"t perform "Praying" alone at the Grammy"s. She was accompanied by Cyndi Lauper, Camila Cabello, Julia Michaels, Bebe Rexha, and Andra Day.

That"s quite the line-up.

In fact, before they even began to sing, they were introduced by the incomparable Janelle Monae (whose current aesthetic, a sort of afrofuturism blended with a non-racist reimagining of the classic film Metropolis, is complex enough to fill volumes).

"Tonight I am proud to stand in solidarity as just not an artist but a young women with my fellow sisters who make up the music industry: artists, writers, assistants, publicists, CEO, producers, engineers, and women from all sectors of the business."

And, of course, the women of the entertainment industry are more than just their jobs.

"We are also daughters, wives, mothers, sisters, and human beings."

"We come in peace but we mean business," Janelle continues.

"And to those who would dare try to silence us. We offer two words: Time’s up."


"We say time’s up for pay inequality. Time’s up for discrimination. Time’s up for harassment of any kind. And time’s up for the abuse of power because you see it’s not just going on in Hollywood, it’s not just going on in Washington, it’s right here in our industry."

Good to mention that it happens so much in politics.

"And just as we have the power to shape culture, we also have the power to undo the culture that doesn’t serve us well. So let’s work together."

Janelle continues:

"Women and men as a united music industry committed to creating safe work environments, equal pay, and access for all women."

We have to get rid of the gender pay gap in all sectors of industry.

"And as artists so often do our next performer embodies the great tradition of delivering important social messages."

Anyone who tells you that music should be separate from politics (like Nikki Haley whining about Hillary Clinton"s Fire & Fury Grammy"s sketch)

"This fearless two time Grammy nominee inspires so many of us, including myself when she spoke her truth on her album Rainbow, which is nominated for best pop vocal album tonight."

Gotta be honest, folks — I woke up with "Praying" stuck in my head, but that happens at least once a week, minimum.

Like we said, Kesha was robbed. (Lorde, in the mean time, was nominated for best album and yet was the only nominee in that category to not be invited to perform … which is absurd)

But she didn"t make her performance about her. She even avoided her epic high note, for which "Praying" is so famous. She"s a team player, folks.

Watch Kesha"s powerful performance. Like us, you might have this song on repeat for most of your day.

Kesha dominates the grammys with praying performance

Friday, December 1, 2017

Chris Pratt Warns Women He Has "Imposter" Who"s Praying On Them

Chris Pratt is on the warpath against a dude who is posing as him to score dates. Chris is ballistic someone is pretending to be him on Facebook, hitting on women and trying to get their phone numbers. He posted a warning, “If I find out who it is…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Hulk Hogan Praying for Ric Flair, "It"s Time to Kick Out, Brother"

Hulk Hogan is sending prayers and positive thoughts to his fellow wrestling legend, Ric Flair — saying, “It’s time to kick out.” Hogan and Flair had some of the greatest matches in wrestling history — battling dozens of times over the years ……


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kailyn Lowry: PRAYING Baby Daddy Chris Lopez Will Be a Dad to Their Baby!

The road from Teen Mom to living happily ever after isn’t exactly easy. No matter how much you love your children, life is usually full of heartbreak and disappointments. Having started off as a teenage mother only makes life’s challenges even tougher.

At 25, Kailyn Lowry is no longer a teen, but she’s definitly a mom — with another baby on the way. Now, Kailyn’s even talking about her pregnancy. The trouble is that her baby daddy, Chris Lopez, has expressed zero interest in being a father in any sense beyond biology.

And … it doesn’t sound like Kailyn’s taking it well. It’s actually worse than we thought.

So, Chris Lopez refuses to be on Teen Mom or be a dad at all.

HollywoodLife‘s source says that Kailyn isn’t willing to accept “no” for an answer from Chris Lopez.

“Kailyn is praying that Chris has a change of heart and he will want to be a dad after the baby is born.”

Oh no.

That sounds like denial.

She can pray all that she likes, but she should be accepting that Chris isn’t going to be in their lives — and making plans accordingly.

“Kailyn’s own father upped and left when she was really young, so she knows what it’s like to grow up without a dad, and she really doesn’t want the same for her baby.”

Different people handle that in different ways, but clearly it had a huge impact on Kailyn.

“Chris has said he wants nothing to do with Kailyn or his child, but she’s hoping against hope that he will change his mind once he sees photos of the baby.”

If she’s counting on that little tug of emotional manipulation and oxytocin to change his mind, she’s not going to like the results.

Anyone who starts off by peacing out only to agree to see their child after seeing a photo isn’t likely to stick around out of a sense of parental duty.

Babies change your life, but they don’t change who you are.

“Kailyn doesn’t have any desire to get back with Chris romantically, but she thinks it’s really important for their child to have him in his or her life.”

It’s … kind of important? We’ll get to that.

“The thought of her baby having to grow up without a father to guide and love him or her absolutely breaks Kailyn’s heart”

Kailyn needs to understand that different home environments impact different children in different ways.

Now, Kailyn’s already a mom, to Isaac and to Lincoln.

Jo and Javi, the respective fathers of the boys, are there for their sons even though they have their own lives independent of Kailyn’s.

That’s, you know, following your basic responsibilities.

But we need to talk about Kailyn’s preoccupation that growing up without a father will somehow damage her baby.

Because she’s wrong.

Don’t get us wrong, growing up with two parents is at least potentially better than growing up with just one.

Growing up with eight parents is even better, but that’s usually only an option for those polyamorous relationships where they buy a house together and raise any children together.

Or maybe on, like, a commune.

But single parents can do amazing jobs of raising children, and those children can grow up happy and productive.

Kailyn clearly developed some issues (like, a number of them) as a result of growing up without her father.

(Some of those issues led her to where she is now in life, having started as a teenage mother and now having three babies with three fathers)

But she needs to understand that her experience isn’t universal.

Some people grow up and thrive with a single parent.

It’s hard on the parent, absolutely — fewer people to share the work and emotional labor.

But if Kailyn’s concern is that her child will grow up with the same complex that she did, she doesn’t need to worry.

In fact, plenty of kids raised by single parents are better off without the other.

Maybe Chris Lopez would be a good father if he were willing to be one.

But usually, if somebody’s shirking their responsibilities from the get-go, they’re not going to suddenly transform into an all-around good person.

Kailyn can work to create an environment for this baby that will be healthy and nurturing.

It might be a little confusing, since the baby’s brothers will both have dads, but Kailyn can absolutely find a way to explain that to her youngest child that will be delicate and affirming.

But … Chris has to pay child support, right?


Thursday, July 6, 2017

Kesha"s New Video, Praying, Reminds the World She"s Divine

Jerry Seinfeld has never been less relatable than when he refused to hug Kesha. Because she"s wonderful.

The "Tik Tok" singer has been locked in a legal battle with Dr. Luke, whom she accuses of years of sexual abuse, and her music career has been on hiatus. Reportedly, Kesha"s been desperate to get back to work and get her new music out there.

And now we have her new song, "Praying," along with it"s vibrant and captivating video, below. We"re not going to use the word "shooketh" but that would be an accurate description. Watch for yourself and see what we mean.

Kesha has been taking back her life, piece by piece, and this music video seems like exactly the comeback that she"s wanted and needed all along.

Actually, let"s be real — it"s also the comeback that we"ve needed from her.

Visually, Kesha takes us on a spiritual and perhaps religious journey.

(Spirituality and religion are related, but in a Venn Diagram sort of way)

Suffice it to say that the symbolism and imagery is not subtle.

Kesha appears to be dreaming or hallucinating or spiritually projecting or whatever while adrift at sea, stranded and weak and lamenting that she can"t even seem to die to end the suffering, all in black and white.

On land, in color, she slumbers in colorful attire while two men in business suits wearing pigs heads (it is wildly unsettling, you guys) stand over her, thick drool dribbling from their open mouths.

We see Kesha, conscious, in multiple contexts and costumes.

In one, she"s dressed as an angel and playing a keyboard and singing.

We also see her walking past a row of old-timey televisions that each have white signs for screens, some with horrible messages that she"s likely received on social media (body-shaming, political nastiness, etc), and others with typical dystopian messages (like "CONSUME").

Among her other outfits is a veil with little butterflies all over it, but honestly our favorite costume for the whole video has to be the one with golden feathers that form a collar.

(Quite frankly it looks like something that Ravenna would wear, which is peak fashion goals)

She smashes one of those dystopian television signs — one that reads "Weapons of Mass Deception."

Cute, right?

She also is chased by and fights off the pig-heads.

The music picks up and her powerful vocals become impossible to miss.

And no spoilers but the ending involves both a whale and a rainbow.

First and foremost, we should probably talk about some obvious influences.

Because you can"t really talk about "Praying" without talking about Beyonce"s Lemonade.

The use of color isn"t new for Kesha, but the still and quiet opening with poetic narration?

That"s straight out of the Lemonade playbook.

To be clear, we"re not accusing Kesha of copying Beyonce, precisely.

Great artists — truly great artists — inspire others to follow in their footsteps, creating new trends and styles in the process.

We"d never in our lives seen anything like the journey that watching Lemonade took us on.

But Kesha"s adventure is very different.

The setting is much more whimsical, and the subject matter is entirely different.

As the music builds, Kesha — even the version of her on a raft — seems to have some sort of spiritual awakening.

In a sense, that"s what the whole song and video are about (among other things).

In terms of the religious imagery that you"ll see, it sort of falls into that trap that a lot of (but not all) New Age-y spirituality does.

Like, Christian imagery absolutely takes center-stage, which is too much for most religious minorities.

But then the presence of non-Christian imagery and some of the more agnostic lyrics won"t win over many Christians, either.

You know, though, you don"t always have to appeal to everyone in every thing that you do.

Art is ultimately about self-expression and communicating that to others.

Kesha does that very successfully with "Praying," in terms of both the song and the video.

We"ve always known that Kesha is beautiful and has an amazing voice.

But in case you"d somehow forgotten, this music video will make it hard to miss.

Watch and enjoy for yourself.

We"ve already watched it a half-dozen times, easily.

Keshas new video praying reminds the world shes still divine

Saturday, June 3, 2017

UFC"s Dominick Cruz "Praying" for Rematch with Cody Garbrandt (VIDEO)

As I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord … FOR A REMATCH WITH CODY GARBRANDT! That’s what Dominick Cruz says he’s hoping for — telling TMZ Sports he’s ready for his shot at redemption after they clashed in one of the best UFC fights of…


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Big Show Says Entire WWE Is Praying For Jim Ross" Wife (VIDEO)

WWE Big Show says the whole organization is praying for Jim Ross and his family following the tragic Vespa accident that left his wife with a fractured skull. As we reported earlier … Ross’ wife, Jan Ross, was involved in a serious auto accident…


Monday, December 26, 2016

Kevin Hart Praying for Derek Carr ... "Even Though I"m No Raiders Fan"

Derek Carr’s injury sucks sooo bad … it’s even turning non-Raiders fans into supporters … just like Kevin Hart.  Kev was out in L.A. with some his pals (they’re actually pretty hilarious) … when he explained why he’s praying for the…


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Boxer Kid Chocolate -- Adrien Broner Needs God ... "I"m Praying for You" (VIDEO)

One of Adrien Broner’s good friends, Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin, has a heartfelt message he wants to send to the embattled boxer — God is real and he can help you.  Kid Chocolate — one of the top middleweight boxers in the world…


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Praying For A Boy In Rob & Chyna Clip

We"re less than a week away from the series premiere of Blac & Chyna on E!, but viewers can rest assured that Scott Disick make at last once appearance in the Keeping Up With The Kardashians spin-off.

And good thing, too, especially since he needs to feed Bobert Kardashian with important questions like:

"Do you know what you are having?"


"Do you want a particular sex?"

The clip below begins with Scott and Rob relaxing in Gornik & Drucker"s barbershop in Beverly Hills, where a shave starts at $ 65.00.

Scott is thrilled to be out in public with Rob, who has been in hiding over the past few years due to weight issues and depression.

"It"s almost like he was in jail," Scott joked to his barber.

"The good news is if he ever has to go to jail, he"s not gonna care."

"By the way, are you having a boy or a girl?  Or do you not know yet?"

"I don"t know yet," Rob said.

"What do you want," Scott asked.

"A boy," Rob answered immediately. "You gotta carry on your name."

"You want a boy to carry on the name?"

"My name," Rob corrected him.

"Cause the whole name"s gonna die down anytime soon?" Scott joked.

"You"d better get a boy.  God forbid, who"s gonna remember who Kim Kardashian was!"

During his one-on-one, Rob admitted why he wants a boy so badly.

"Definitely hoping for a boy because I wanna have the same relationship [that] I had with my father with my [own son].  So, that"s what I"m praying for."

Rob"s father passed away from throat cancer in 2003, and wishes he had more time to build upon an already close relationship with the late lawyer.

"I had a really close bond with my dad. I was only with him for 15 years," Rob recently told People Magazine.

"That"s why I"m looking forward to having that long-term bond with my child and being funny and goofy like my dad was."

Scott was curious as to what his faux-in-law would name his and Blac Chyna"s first child together.

"Would you name it something traditional, like "Bob, George, Mark"…" Scott asked, "or, like, celeb – like "Arrow, Pointer…?"

It"s a fair question, considering There"s already a Reign, a North and a Saint in their family.

"You should just name her Kim if you have a girl," Scott suggested.

Problem solved.

Rob & Chyna premieres September 11th at 9 p.m. on E!

Rob kardashian praying for a boy

Friday, February 19, 2016

Kristen Bell & Mila Kunis on Instagram: "Praying for Kanye"!!

Kanye West may not have the support of sister-in-law Kylie Jenner, but at least he’s receiving prayers from funny ladies Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis and Kathryn Hahn.

In a hilarious photo Bell posted to Instagram, the three actresses are seen holding lighters in vigil for the troubled rapper.

“On set and #prayingforkanye #BADMOMS #MilaKunis #kathrynhahn,” Bell wrote in the caption.

The three are currently shooting Bad Moms, a new movie also starring Christina Applegate and Jada Pinkett-Smith.

Naturally, her post was in jest, but the rapper certainly has been giving everyone something to pray about over the past couple months. His apoplectic Twitter rants and recent SNL meltdown have many folks concerned.

In fact, Rhymefest, a former friend and collaborator, recently said he thought Kanye was in need of “spiritual and mental” counseling, suggesting Yeezy’s problem may be deeper than just extreme arrogance and a penchant for drama.

Earlier today, we reported that Kanye’s wife Kim Kardashian may be forcing him to go to anger management therapy to deal with his issues.

Bell just joined Instagram this week, but she seems to really be getting the hang of the social media platform already.

Yesterday, she posted an adorable photo of herself kissing hubby Dax Shepherd, giving us all #lovegoals.

We’re sure Kanye won’t mind being the butt of Kristen’s joke. He loves that sort of stuff.

But if he does mind, we’re sure you’ll be hearing it here.