Showing posts with label Evans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evans. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Did She Just Reveal That David Eason Broke Her Jaw?!

Following the revelation that Jenelle Evans was hospitalized after a fight with David Eason, the Teen Mom 2 star has spent much of the past few weeks defending her husband against assault allegations.

Evans" efforts to convince her social media followers that Eason is a stand-up guy have grown increasingly desperate, and the more we learn about her home life, the more troubling the situation becomes.

Take a look:

1. Repairing His Reputation

Jenelle and david eason

In the weeks since Jenelle’s hospitalization, she’s been working overtime to demonstrate to her Instagram followers that her family is happier than ever.

2. Not Buying It

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

Unfortunately for Jenelle, TM2 fans aren’t buying it, primarily because of the ever-growing mountain of evidence to the contrary.

3. The Injury

Jenelle and david on a date

Fans first became suspicious when Jenelle was rushed to an area hospital late at night without explanation.

4. The Call

Jenelle evans 911 call

Their suspicions were confirmed when a recording of Jenelle’s 911 call was released.

5. The Proof

Jenelle evans post op

In the recording, a tearful Jenelle can be heard describing the injuries she suffered as a result of her encounter with an intoxicated Eason.

6. Horrifying

David eason in confederate flag

Jenelle says that Eason became “aggressive because he’s been drinking” and pinned her to the floor so hard she thought he had broken her collarbone.

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Jenelle Evans Looks Bruised, Battered in This Disturbing Video

Jenelle Evans swears she is in a happy and healthy marriage.

The veteran Teen Mom 2 star has denied all allegations of abuse against her husband, David Eason.

Evans has even recorded a video in which she lays out a passionate defense of Eason as a man who would never hurt her or harm her.

But scenes from a different video may tell a different story.

A few weeks since Evans was rushed to the hospital after some sort of confrontation with Eason, the MTV personality shared a video of her; her husband; and her kids at a pumpkin patch.

"Butterflies in our tummies!" Evans wrote as a caption to the footage, which featured her and her loved ones bumping along in some kind of train-like ride.

However, astute social media users have slowed down this video and studied Jenelle"s neck area, taking note of where Eason allegedly hit or shoved her earlier this month.

There DOES appear to be significant bruising there.

Scroll down below to see what we mean….

1. When Did The Rumors of Abuse Begin?

Go ahead and hate us

Police responded to reports of a domestic disturbance on David and Jenelle’s property on Saturday, October 13. At the time of the initial reporting, there weren’t many details available to the public.

2. Did Eason Assault Evans in Some Way?

David and jenelle eason photo

This was the prevailing assumption, considering the couple’s contentious history and Eason’s very clear problem with anger.

3. Then, There was the 911 Call…

Jenelle dave eason

This seemed to be the most damning evidence to date of Eason’s abusive nature. “My husband, he just assaulted me,” Evans tells the operator, through years, in this upsetting call.

4. What Else Did She Detail?

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

“He pinned me down on the ground in the yard, and I think I heard my f–king collarbone crack and I can’t move my arms,” Jenelle added to the dispatcher.

5. What Caused the Confrontation?

Jenelle and david on a date

There’s no excuse for laying a hand on a woman, of course, but Evans said David “got violent because he was drinking.” Not exactly a shocker, right?

6. Listen to the Call Here:

Jenelle evans 911 call

Click Play on the video above to hear Jenelle’s story for herself. It sounds pretty straightforward and altogether awful.

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Saturday, October 27, 2018

David Eason: Forget About the Jenelle Evans Assault, Look How Trashy I Am!

It’s been a little over a week now since we first heard reports that Jenelle Evans was assaulted by her husband, David Eason.

And it’s still just really, truly awful.

From what we’ve been able to piece together from her heartbreaking 911 call and some statements she’s made, she and David were hanging out by a bonfire outside their home the weekend before last.

They were drinking, and apparently something happened to set David off.

According to Jenelle’s conversation with the 911 operator, he pinned her down out in the yard, “and I think I heard my f-cking collarbone crack.”

Even if he didn’t break her collarbone, it seems like he may have caused some sort of injury.

Ever since that incident, Jenelle’s been careful to cover up her neck and chest.

Still, it’s pretty clear she’s not leaving him, at least not any time soon.

After that call was released, she said that this whole thing has been a “misunderstanding,” and that they’d just gotten too drunk.

So drunk, apparently, that she tripped and fell into David, and that made both of them think they were fighting.

Yeah, it doesn’t make sense, but that’s her story and she’s sticking to it

She’s actually sticking to it so hard that she made an entire video in which she talked about how crazy it is that people think David could be abusive.

Honestly, this whole saga has been so scary and depressing, you know?

And David just made things even scarier with this bizarre photo he shared this morning on Instagram:

Yep, this guy is as creepy as ever, all wrapped up in a Confederate flag out in that sketchy shed in their yard.

In the caption for this photo, David wrote “Where I’m from is who I am and my family fought and died for this land.”

“Red white and blue comes in more than one pattern.”

He also urged his followers not to argue, “just get off my page if you don’t agree!”

There are lots of problems with this, right?

Just so many problems.

One, his family didn’t fight and die for “this land.”

Jenelle bought the land with Teen Mom money, and David just tagged along and rakes the yard sometimes.

Two, he’s trying to rock a Confederate flag here, which was from the Civil War — which most of us know really wasn’t a “fight and die for this land” kind of war.

It was more like a “fight and die for the right to own slaves” war, but he’s clearly trying to romanticize things, so whatever.

Three, if you really want to rep “red white and blue,” why have a flag for a group of treasonous people who didn’t even want to be a part of the U.S.?

Four, this photo is so cringy that we might literally die from it.

And in only got worse with the replies David made to his followers’ comments.

One person told him “Pretty sure your ‘land’ was stolen from the true Native Americans,” which is obviously a solid point.

However, David responded with “I bought my land with cash money,” so it seems like that point flew right over his head.

Also, again, it was definitely Jenelle’s money.

Then someone said that he seemed “mentally ill.”

“But ‘mentally ill’ is considered normal by the media and Democrats,” he replied.

Just … what?

After that, one person said that she wasn’t from the U.S. and didn’t really understand the problem with the flag.

That’s when things really got wild.

“There is no problem,” David wrote, “people who think its a racist flag are racist themselves.”

“It’s their way to pass the buck so they don’t seem so racist.”

What does that even mean?

Seriously, what is that supposed to mean? We don’t get it.

The thing is that while David is by no means the sharpest tool in the sketchy, sketchy shed, he’s not stupid, either.

He knows that this kind of behavior gets a lot of attention, and we’d imagine he wants attention on anything but those abuse allegations right now.

And on one hand, it kind of worked, because we are talking about, right?

But on the other hand … how is one person this terrible?


Friday, October 26, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Did David Eason Knock Her Teeth Out?

If you"re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then by now you"ve probably heard that Jenelle Evans was hospitalized earlier this month after allegedly being assaulted by her husband, David Eason.

Jenelle"s 911 call contained a chilling account of the events of that fateful night, but shortly after it went public, Jenelle entered damage control mode and began defending David.

Fans remain convinced that Eason is the perpetrator, however, and now, many believe that his assault may have been even more severe than initially thought.

Take a look:


1. The Troubled Couple

Jenelle eason david eason photo

It often seems as though Jenelle and David’s relationship has been one long rough patch, but these days, the couple is facing their biggest scandal to date.

2. The Mystery Deepens

Jenelle evans post op

Jenelle was hospitalized twice in a single week recently — once for sinus surgery, and another time after calling 911 and telling the operator she had been attacked by David.

3. The Call

Jenelle evans 911 call

As you can hear in this recording of the 911 call, a tearful Jenelle says that Eason pinned her to the ground so hard she feared he had broken her collarbone.

4. Drunk and Dramatic

David eason picture

Shortly after the call went public, however, Jenelle released a statement in which she claimed that David was innocent and dismissed the whole ordeal as a “drunk and dramatic misunderstanding.”

5. Jenelle’s Version

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

Jenelle even went so far as to claim that she and David both fell into one another, and because they were both drunk, they both thought they were being assaulted.

6. Confessional

Jenelle evans releases video statement denies being abused

On Thursday, Jenelle released a video in which she explained that she’s never been assaulted by David. On social media, many fans posted the same observation about Jenelle’s appearance.

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Jenelle Evans Denies Being Abused in Unsettling New Video

If you"ve been keeping up with all the latest Teen Mom news, then you know that this month hasn"t been an easy one for Jenelle Evans.

In fact, it might be one of the worst months of her life.

There"s been reports that David Eason"s been abusing her, the reports were pretty much confirmed by a recording of a 911 call from Jenelle …

It"s been rough.

But still, she"s been denying everything.

Now, in a video statement that"s over five minutes long, she"s opening up about everything.

And it"s even rougher.

1. Poor Jenelle

Jenelles lips

Let’s be real, it’s hard to root for Jenelle sometimes.

2. The Exception

Jenelle evans dude shirt

But this is absolutely, 100% not one of those times.

3. What a Nightmare

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

For the past couple of weeks, some truly disturbing reports about Jenelle have been released, and there’s been one especially heartbreaking 911 recording.

4. SO Sad

Jenelle and david on a date

It all started when a website reported that someone had called 911 from Jenelle’s home to report that David Eason had assaulted her.

5. … No

Jenelle evans a selfie

A rep for Jenelle denied the report, explaining that Jenelle had simply tripped and fallen by a bonfire, and that’s what the scare was.

6. A Bad Sign

Jenelle e photo

Still, she deleted her Twitter and Facebook accounts after the report was released, which was an odd move if she’d just fallen, you know?

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"Teen Mom" Star Jenelle Evans Says She"s Not in an Abusive Relationship

Jenelle Evans wants everyone to know she’s not in an abusive relationship with husband David Eason … insisting she’s totally fine, while trying to sweep her hysterical 911 call under the rug.  Jenelle posted a confessional…


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Is She Being Blackmailed By David Eason?

It"s been a rocky few weeks for Jenelle Evans.

As you"ve likely heard by now, Evans was hospitalized earlier this month following an altercation with her husband, David Eason.

Jenelle"s 911 call seemed to paint a pretty clear picture of what happened:

Despite Evans" earlier claims of her husband"s innocence, David obviously got drunk, got angry, and attacked her.

Why then, did she come up with such elaborate excuses to explain her injuries — and why does she continue to cover for him?

We may never know for sure, but some fans think they"ve figured it out.

Take a look: 

1. Hard Times

Jenelle dave eason

Jenelle and David were involved in an altercation that turned violent earlier this month. Now, Jenelle is assisting her husband in his efforts to sweep the whole incident under the rug.

2. The Absolute Worst

David eason eff you

Fans have hated Eason for years, but now they have more reason to dislike him than ever before. And it’s not just the abuse allegations that have TM2 viewers so irate.

3. The Aftermath

David eason picture

People are outraged with the way David has handled the fallout from Jenelle’s hospital visit — either ignoring the matter entirely or joking about it on social media.

4. #FakeNews

Davids fake news

From the start of the scandal, David has taken a page from the president’s playbook, dismissing all negative reports as fake news.

5. A Team Effort

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

Jenelle has assisted her troubled husband in his efforts to play innocent, even going so far as to concoct an elaborate and implausible story about how she sustained her injuries.

6. Jenelle’s Version

Jenelle and ensley image

Jenelle’s account has changed several times over the course of the past week. First, she claimed that she tripped and fell during a party at her home …

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Jenelle Evans Uses Pumpkin Patch Pics to Distract From 911 Scandal

Jenelle Evans, her husband, David Eason, and her mom, Barbara Evans took at least a couple of Jennelle"s kids to a pumpkin patch on Sunday.

It"s a pretty normal activity for the second half of October. It"s seasonally appropriate.

The pictures that you"re about to see of Jenelle"s children, Jace and Ensley, playing among the pumpkins are adorable.

But this visit to a pumpkin patch comes just one week after Jenelle Evans was rushed to the hospital following a shocking 911 call.

In the chilling call to emergency services, Jenelle revealed that she sustained injuries following a physical attack by her husband.

Now, she"s insisting that everything is fine — and wants these photos to help you forget all about that scandal.

1. David Eason posted a lot of the photos

Jenelle evans barbara evans jace and ensley

Jenelle deleted her Twitter to “take a break” from social media, but they’re both still showing you the side of their family that they WANT you to see on Instagram.

2. Focus on the pumpkins, not the abuse scandal

Jenelle evans with ensley jace and pumpkins

There was no sign of Kaiser in these photos.

3. Say what you will about Jenelle, but she makes some cute kids

Jace and ensley look at pumpkins

It was admittedly sweet to see Jace and Ensley get to spend time together in a safe environment

4. Ensley is getting to be a handful

Jenelle evans struggles to hold ensley

Ever held a small child when they’re through being held? It’s not as easy as it sounds

5. Barbara was in on the whole visit

Barbara evans and ensley

We wonder if she knew that these photos would be used as a smokescreen to distract from Jenelle’s recent 911 call

6. Ensley is genuinely cute, folks

Ensley at a pumpkin patch

But not all of Jenelle’s followers were so easily distracted …

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Monday, October 22, 2018

David Eason on Jenelle Evans Beating: I"m the REAL Victim Here!

Earlier this month, Jenelle Evans was hospitalized following a late-night altercation at her home.

Fans immediately suspected Jenelle"s famously temperamental husband David Eason of causing her injuries, but the Teen Mom 2 star insisted Eason wasn"t to blame.

However, on Friday, Jenelle"s 911 call was released to the public, confirming that she indeed called police in response to an alleged assault by David.

In the days that followed, thousands implored Jenelle to take her kids and run far away from Eason — but now it looks as though the couple is planning to pretend the incident never happened:

1. A New Low

Jenelle eason and david eason pic

Eason has been widely despised by TM2 fans for years, but over the course of the past week, he officially became the most hated man in reality television.

2. David the Terrible

David eason eff you

Rumors of David behaving abusively toward Jenelle and the five children in the couple’s care have been circulating for years.

3. Frightening Times

David eason allergic to shirts

Now, fans have solid evidence that David’s loved ones live in fear of his violent outbursts.

4. Just the Worst

Jenelle evans with david and ensley

These assumptions were always based on more than just his infamous temper and tendency toward verbal abuse.

5. A History of Violence

David eason on insta

David has been charged with domestic violence in the past, and at least one of his exes successfully filed for a restraining order against him.

6. The Call Heard Round the World

Jenelle evans 911 call

On Friday, several media outlets released Jenelle’s 911 call. Even David’s harshest critics were appalled by what they heard.

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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Jenelle Evans Husband Shoots Video Showing All"s Well After Domestic Violence 911.

Jenelle Evans doesn’t have a care in the world after a horrific domestic violence incident … at least if you’re buyin’ the video her husband shot. David Eason recorded his dinner with Jenelle and their kid Friday night at a North Carolina…


David Eason: Jenelle Evans is So Happy! Leave Us Alone!

David Eason is the worst.

And we know, that phrase gets thrown around a lot, but this time, it’s definitely true.

David is the worst.

He’s been awful for a long, long time — basically ever since he had his Teen Mom 2 debut.

But this week, things have gotten a whole lot more intense.

The whole thing started when Jenelle shared some photos after what she said was an emergency sinus surgery, but a lot of people didn’t buy it.

A popular theory was that David actually hit her after an old friend of hers went public with claims that he’d slept with her before she married David.

It wasn’t terribly hard to believe, considering that David’s long criminal record includes domestic violence charges.

One of his exes claimed in court documents that he’d pushed her while she was heavily pregnant with their child, which, you know, isn’t great.

A judge also saw it fit to issue a restraining order against David for his own son, so …

He’s clearly not the most stable guy.

A few days after that, the story got even more believable when a report came out claiming that someone had called 911 from Jenelle’s home last weekend to report an assault.

According to that report, Jenelle had been injured, and although an ambulance was called, it was cancelled

Instead, someone drove her to the hospital.

She refused to press charges, which is sad but unsurprising.

It was a scary story to begin with, but when Jenelle’s 911 call was released

It’s really so, so awful.

“My husband, he just assaulted me,” she tells the operator through sobs.

“He pinned me down on the ground in the yard, and I think I heard my f-cking collarbone crack and I can’t move my arms.”

She said that he’d gotten violent because he’d been drinking, and at one point she even referred to him as her ex.

She also told the operator that she was recovering from surgery, so apparently her sinus surgery story was true.

But that means that David would have attacked her just days after undergoing such a serious procedure.

Just when you think this guy couldn’t get any worse, right?

(Just a tip for the future, maybe just don’t ever think that.)

Shortly after the 911 call was released, Jenelle made a statement, calling the whole thing “a drunk and dramatic misunderstanding.”

“Everything is great,” she insisted. “We are totally fine.”

“We are feeling fine. Just taking time off social media … time to focus on ourselves and our family.”

It’s not super believable, right?

Especially since before the 911 call came out, a rep for Jenelle tried to say that she’d actually just tripped and fallen by a bonfire.

But even though she’s deleted her Twitter and Facebook accounts, and even though it’s pretty much been confirmed that he assaulted her, they’re still trying to pretend that everything is fine.

They went on a date last night, and they were sure to post pictures and video on Snapchat.

It’s worth pointing out that she wore a shirt that completely covered her chest and any possible injuries she has in that area.

And today, wouldn’t you know it, everything is still great!

David shared this photo on Instagram of the happy couple with their precious daughter:

“We have never been happier, thanks for asking!” he captioned the picture.

He also disabled the comments, because he’s sensitive like that.

Oh, and Jenelle is all covered up again, as you can see.

Look, we’d love to believe that everyone is blowing this whole thing out of proportion.

Maybe they just got into an argument and it really was a misunderstanding, maybe everything really is fine.

But if you’ve ever watched David on Teen Mom 2, you know that he gives off the creepiest of vibes.

And if you’ve ever watched Jenelle, you know that she’s incapable of being with a guy who isn’t absolutely terrible to and for her.

Let’s just wish the best for her, all right?

As bad as she can be, she doesn’t deserve this.
