Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fear. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2016

Lamar Odom: Friends Fear He Will Relapse Soon

It’s no surprise that he has an addictive personality, and until he commits to recovery, it’s unlikely that Lamar Odom can drink alcohol without the risk of wanting to use drugs.

A bold statement, I know.  

I’m no addiction specialist, but I’m familiar enough with it to know that temptation is a nasty, nasty beast.

After an overdose at a Nevada brothel nearly killed him, Lamar Odom has made incredible strides in his recovery.

Odom has appeared on the last few episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, and viewers notice that he doesn’t seem 100% there.  

Even in February, when Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian tried to explain to him what happened while the entire family was in New York for Kanye West’s fashion show, Odom didn’t seem to fully grasp how grave is condition had been.

“Since the Vegas overdose, Lamar’s mental faculties have been really messed up,” a source told Radar Online.

“Lamar is mentally unstable. He doesn’t know what he is doing.”

What’s worse, he’s “drinking in public and at home too,” the source added.

“It seems like he doesn’t even understand that he can’t drink or do drugs again.  It’s like he forgot how close he was to death, and just thinks everything is fine again.

“But it isn’t, and everyone is really scared about him.”

The source explained that Odom does have a team of men around him “at all times to make sure that he doesn’t go overboard,” but the former NBA star “just doesn’t listen.

That, combined with the fact that he’s not sure where he stands romantically with Khloe Kardashian make things very confusing.

“Everything is up in the air for him,” the source said. 

“Lamar’s friends and business associates know he’s a mess right now. They want him to go to rehab before it is too late, but he just won’t listen,” the source said. 

“Everyone is worried about him. They’re afraid he will do drugs or drink too much and that will really kill him.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Watch Fear the Walking Dead Online: Season 2 Episode 4

What twists and turns went down on Fear the Walking Dead this week?

How did Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 4 leave us thirsting for more?

On this installment of the awesome AMC drama, a family in distress boarded the Abigail. How did they turn out in the end?

Elsewhere, Strand branched off as his past started to emerge more than before… while Nick searched for an associate of Strand’s.

Where did these storylines end up going? What sort of cliffhanger concluded the hour?

Click on the vide above to watch Fear the Walking Dead online and find out now!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Watch Fear the Walking Dead Online: Check Out Season 2 Episode 3

We hope you’re holding on to something tightly as you watch the following video.

Because of crazy stuff went down on Fear the Walking Dead online this week.

Indeed, Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 3 featured Madison confronted Strand about his mysterious destination. What did the latter say in response to the former?

You’re about to find out for yourself.

Meanwhile, elsewhere during an intense hour of television, Nick, Alicia and others inspected wreckage from a plane crash.

Use the above video… follow its simple instructions… and watch Fear the Walking Dead online now to see what transpired this week on the AMC hit.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Watch Fear the Walking Dead Online: Check Out Season 2 Episode 2

AMC renewed Fear the Walking Dead for a third season this week.

So, how did the drama go about proving that it deserved such good news this week?

On Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 2, the group looked for shelter with a survivalist family.

How did that work out in the end? You can fid out right here and now.

Elsewhere on this installment of the drama, Madison attempted to uncover the family’s true motives; Salazar worked to discover Strand’s intentions.

Where did this leave us in the end? Click on the above video to watch Fear the Walking Dead online and find out now.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Watch Fear the Walking Dead Online: Check Out Season 2 Episode 1

The zombie Apocalypse is back!

Just a week after The Walking Dead called it quits for awhile, AMC brought back Fear the Walking Dead.

Because, let’s face it, we can’t go too long without zombies in our lives!

On Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1, the families fled a burning Los Angeles on Strand’s yacht, as Strand remained mysterious.

Meanwhile, elsewhere during an intense premiere, the group encountered some major danger at sea.

In what form? Use the video above to watch Fear the Walking Dead online and find out right here… right now!

Watch Fear the Walking Dead Online: Check Out Season 2 Episode 1

The zombie Apocalypse is back!

Just a week after The Walking Dead called it quits for awhile, AMC brought back Fear the Walking Dead.

Because, let’s face it, we can’t go too long without zombies in our lives!

On Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 1, the families fled a burning Los Angeles on Strand’s yacht, as Strand remained mysterious.

Meanwhile, elsewhere during an intense premiere, the group encountered some major danger at sea.

In what form? Use the video above to watch Fear the Walking Dead online and find out right here… right now!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Fear The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5 Recap: Losing Patients

Desperate times call for… you know the rest, right?

This saying was most definitely driven home on Fear The Walking Dead Season 1 Episode 5. Hard.

Early on during the hour, Ofelia lured was under the impression that her dad wanted to trade Reynolds for Nick and Grisela. So she lured the solider into a trap.

But, in reality, the barber intended to use his handy torture skills to draw information out of his daughter’s boyfriend.

Upon discovering just how bloody things had become, Maddie shed all emotion and asked a simple question: “Did he tell us what we need to know?”

Ofelia, though, didn’t react nearly so well. 

As for what Daniel learned? “Cobalt” was code to initiate the evacuation of enlisted men from the Los Angeles basin the following morning. What about the civilians? They were marked for “humane termination.” GULP.

Elsewhere: Moyers scoffed at he referred to as Travis’ “issues with protocol.”

That is, until the Mayor threatened to start a revolt in the neighborhood if he wasn’t taken to Exner to check on Nick and Griselda.

But they never made it to the doctor’s makeshift hospital.

After Moyers challenged Travis to kill a walker – which he couldn’t bring himself to do, of course – the commanding officer was lost to a building chock full of the infected… and his platoon dropped Travis near his hood before making tracks to find their own families.

Let’s go inside Exner’s ER/lock-up combo, shall we?

We witness Nick being taken “downstairs” there when his well-dressed cellmate suddenly trades a soldier a pair of diamond cufflinks to keep him around. For what purpose?

Because the soldiers are departing – and when he makes a break for it, he’ll need a “man with [Nick’s] talents.”

Later, after Liza sneaks in to see Grisela, Exner explains that she has to be shot in the head, or else, like everyone who passed away, she’d come back. So Liza pulls the trigger herself.

Finally, Travis gets back home, he’s horrified to discover what Daniel had done – and even more horrified that Maddie was totes down with it.

But Reynolds did provide some useful information.

Not only had he rundown the deadly meaning of Cobalt… he told Daniel about a nearby arena that is teeming with the infected.

As the penultimate hour of Fear the Walking Dead Season 1 came to a conclusion, it certainly appeared as if the barber was considering turning the zombies loose on the soldiers.

Is this how the finale will play out?

Sound off below with your thoughts and go watch Fear The Walking Dead online prior to next Sunday’s season-ender.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Fear the Walking Season 1 Episode 3 Recap: Not Very Neighborly

We opened Fear the Walking Season 1 Episode 3 with Travis telling Ofelia that looters would never break into her dad’s barber shop.

For what purpose, he figured? Comb thievery?!?

But once the fire got out of control, this group of hopeful survivors was forced to move nonetheless. When scaffolding fell on Griselda, Travis carried her to his trick and then to the hospital.

Upon seeing the insane scene there, Daniel suggested they go to his house and then, he reasoned, “we will be even.”

Meanwhile, over at Maddie’s, Nick tried to convince his mom that Travis would not be coming back.

Sensing that the need for protection was now stronger than ever, Maddie, Nick and Alicia snuck into the home of their missing neighbors (Patrick and Susan) to borrow a rifle that the junkie had once tried to steal.

This actually worked out quite well… until they spotted Mr. Dawson attacking a German Shepherd in their home!

After Travis arrived and Maddie raced through Susan’s garden to get him before Dawson could, Alicia doubled back for more ammunition. Only to get attached by a now-zombie Susan!

In the end, Daniel shot Mr. Dawson in the head, thereby saving Travis, while Alicia nearly broke Chris’ nose when he rode to her rescue.

From there, Travis announced that the two families (now blended into one) would NOT be hitting the road until the morning and Ofelia made a strong case to Daniel for going with them.

However, in spite of his wife’s injury, he told his daughter that “this is the wrong time to be in someone else’s debt.”

Nearby, Liza asked Maddie if, as parents, they could support one another during this trying time. Rather than just respond in the affirmative, Maddie actually told Travis’ ex to kill her if she became a zombie.

The next day, Travis convinced Maddie not to put Susan out of her misery.

She still ended up dead, however, because Patrick arrived home and, just as Susan was se to devour her husband, she was gunned down by soldiers.

When all settled down and a blood-spattered Patrick had been taken away by the army, Maddie – concerned that her family would be quarantined, too – lied to the authorities that none of them had been exposed

“The cavalry’s arrived,” Travis said, trying to reassure his mom. “It’s gonna get better now.”

But Daniel did not agree, telling everyone to conclude an intense hour: “It’s already too late.”

Miss anything from this episode? Need to catch up overall? You can always watch Fear the Walking Dead online.