Monday, September 14, 2015

Fear the Walking Season 1 Episode 3 Recap: Not Very Neighborly

We opened Fear the Walking Season 1 Episode 3 with Travis telling Ofelia that looters would never break into her dad’s barber shop.

For what purpose, he figured? Comb thievery?!?

But once the fire got out of control, this group of hopeful survivors was forced to move nonetheless. When scaffolding fell on Griselda, Travis carried her to his trick and then to the hospital.

Upon seeing the insane scene there, Daniel suggested they go to his house and then, he reasoned, “we will be even.”

Meanwhile, over at Maddie’s, Nick tried to convince his mom that Travis would not be coming back.

Sensing that the need for protection was now stronger than ever, Maddie, Nick and Alicia snuck into the home of their missing neighbors (Patrick and Susan) to borrow a rifle that the junkie had once tried to steal.

This actually worked out quite well… until they spotted Mr. Dawson attacking a German Shepherd in their home!

After Travis arrived and Maddie raced through Susan’s garden to get him before Dawson could, Alicia doubled back for more ammunition. Only to get attached by a now-zombie Susan!

In the end, Daniel shot Mr. Dawson in the head, thereby saving Travis, while Alicia nearly broke Chris’ nose when he rode to her rescue.

From there, Travis announced that the two families (now blended into one) would NOT be hitting the road until the morning and Ofelia made a strong case to Daniel for going with them.

However, in spite of his wife’s injury, he told his daughter that “this is the wrong time to be in someone else’s debt.”

Nearby, Liza asked Maddie if, as parents, they could support one another during this trying time. Rather than just respond in the affirmative, Maddie actually told Travis’ ex to kill her if she became a zombie.

The next day, Travis convinced Maddie not to put Susan out of her misery.

She still ended up dead, however, because Patrick arrived home and, just as Susan was se to devour her husband, she was gunned down by soldiers.

When all settled down and a blood-spattered Patrick had been taken away by the army, Maddie – concerned that her family would be quarantined, too – lied to the authorities that none of them had been exposed

“The cavalry’s arrived,” Travis said, trying to reassure his mom. “It’s gonna get better now.”

But Daniel did not agree, telling everyone to conclude an intense hour: “It’s already too late.”

Miss anything from this episode? Need to catch up overall? You can always watch Fear the Walking Dead online.