Showing posts with label File. Show all posts
Showing posts with label File. Show all posts

Monday, April 18, 2016

Kim Kardashian WILL File For Divorce From Kanye West Soon

I find it very hard to believe that two people so well-suited for one another are heading towards splitsville.

With that said, I have been wrong in the past in assuming that true love is real and lasts forever.

Radar Online is convinced that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West will divorce sometime soon.

“Kim is considering filing for divorce from Kanye in the next two to three weeks,” a source told the publication.

“She’s really stressed out over work and finances.

“With the kids, it’s become really overwhelming.”

“They’ve been fighting,” the source revealed. “They have been having a lot problems, financially and more.  All the stress with where her career is going and his career and where it’s going, she doesn’t know what directions she has left to go,” the source said.

“So she’s stressing and having a midlife crisis sort of scenario. ”

Distance also contributes to their fragile union.  Both are always traveling for work, and are reportedly never in this same place for more than a few days at a time.

“The fact that they never see each other and there is so much distance, she is considering it and will make her decision in the next few weeks,” the source added.

Kardashian and West started dating in 2012, and had daughter North West in June 2013.  

They married in Florence, Italy in May 2014.Distance is also 

The weirdest part of this whole story is that West “doesn’t have a clue” that his wife is going to file.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Jennifer Garner: STILL Waiting For Ben Affleck to File for Divorce!

It’s been six months since we first learned that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner had separated, and after all that time, the couple is still suffering through one of the most confusing relationship arrangements since Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s “conscious uncoupling.”

Sources recently told People magazine that Ben and Jen find living together to be “annoying,” but they’re continuing to cohabit for the sake of their kids.

Even more baffling is the fact that half a year after mutually deciding to call it quits, neither party has taken any steps to end their marriage.

“Jen feels that Ben gave up working on the marriage, so it’s up to him to file,” a source tells Us magazine.

The insider adds that Affleck has a “strategy as to when and where” he will take legal action, adding, “Ben will file for divorce when he is ready.”

The source adds that while Ben is still living on the sprawling property that he co-owns with Jen, the two of them have very little contact with one another:

“Ben and Jen are together only for the kids, not romantically,” says the insider. “They are almost never together alone without the kids. They don’t hang out. It’s a cordial relationship.”

Well, no wonder Ben hasn’t filed for divorce! Based on that description, it sounds like the typical Hollywood marriage!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Anna Duggar to File For Divorce as Josh Duggar Prepares to Leave Rehab?

It’s been over three months since Josh Duggar checked into rehab for sex addiction, and several sources close to his famous family say that the 27-year-old former lobbyist is hoping to be home in time for the holidays.

However, it seems that Josh’s wife may not be thrilled by the idea of his early release, as In Touch is reporting that Anna Duggar is planning to file for divorce before her husband returns home, and now, she may need to rush the proceedings.

Insiders tell the tabloid that the ever-scheming Josh is aware of Anna’s intentions, and in addition to leaving treatment early in hopes of changing her mind, he’s in the process of hatching another plan that he hopes will essentially force her to stay with him:

“She’s contemplating divorce, but now Josh wants them to renew their wedding vows in front of both of their families,” says one insider.

Josh is aware that Anna’s family is as devoutly religious as his own, and he’s reportedly hoping that the dual pressure of feeling that she’s disappointing her kids and her parents will convince her to give him another chance.

Yes, he’s a classy guy, that Josh Duggar:

“It’s been really stressful for Anna because her kids want their daddy home for the holidays and she’s a full-time single parent,” says the source.

“She is getting support from the Duggar family in that they help watch the kids, but she’s still under a ton of pressure.”

As we’ve previously reported Josh’s faith-based rehab (which some say bears more resemblance to a Christian work camp than an actual treatment facility) works in 45-day cycles.

At the end of each cycle, “students” are evaluated, and asked if they would like to leave the facility or remain in treatment.

Josh is approaching his 90-day mark, and now that he’s caught wind of Anna’s plan to leave him, sources say there’s no way he’ll remain in treatment, as he knows this might be his last chance to plead his case.

So it looks like Josh will indeed by home for Christmas – but it also sounds like it won’t be a very merry occasion.