Showing posts with label Fork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fork. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci: Stick a Fork in the NY Giants, They Suck!

Anthony Scaramucci says the NY Giants are an absolute dumpster fire — but they’re still probably gonna beat the crappy Browns.  Mooch was leaving Craig’s in West Hollywood — and since he’s such a proud New Yorker and Giants fan, we asked how…


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

T.I. and Tiny -- Don"t Stick a Fork In "Em Just Yet

There’s still hope for T.I. and Tiny … because we’re told they’re still very much on talking terms despite the divorce … and there are major signs they could call the whole divorce thing off.  TMZ has learned … after Tiny filed for…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Bill Simmons -- Stick A Fork In The Cubs ... They LOSE TONIGHT!! (VIDEO)

Close your ears Cubs fans … ‘cause Bill Simmons is giving a eulogy to your season … saying they’ll be no World Series comeback … and the Cleveland Indians will finish it TONIGHT. We got Bill out in L.A. and asked him if he thought the Cubs…


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Music Mogul Ted Cohen -- The Mistress Wins Big ... Fork Over the Loot!

Mega music mogul Ted Cohen will have to pay off his mistress after all. A judge just dropped the hammer on Ted, ordering him to plunk down around $ 3 million for Deborah Sass, who had a 7 year relationship with the married man. Deborah sued Cohen,…


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mel Gibson: Drunk at Whole Foods With Fork in Mouth!

It’s been a strange month for Mel Gibson. Of course, that’s probably true of just about every month of Mad Mel’s existence.

Last week, Gibson was roasted by Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes and found himself in the unusual situation of being asked to define the term “sugar tits” in front of Hollywood’s biggest stars and a TV audience of millions.

Mel’s not the most stable guy to begin with, so reports that the public humiliation he suffered at the Globes may have set him off on a bender aren’t terribly surprising.

Radar Online is now reporting that Mel appeared to be drunk during a recent visit to a Whole Foods location outside of Los Angeles.

“Mel went into the Whole Foods store in Thousand Oaks and was stumbling around,” says one witness.

“He came in with a big white fork in his mouth and he seemed unsteady. He tripped a couple of times and he was telling people he wasn’t really Mel Gibson.”

The onlooker says that when other customers recognized him, Mel insisted he wasn’t Mel (we don’t blame him) and treated them like employees of the store.

“‘How much is this?’ Mel would ask about the same item repeatedly, as if not understanding,” one source says.

“He was saying he couldn’t find what he wanted and he couldn’t remember what he wanted. He looked like he was going to fall asleep.”

It might seem ridiculous for someone as well off as Mel to inquire about the price of his groceries, but this is Whole Foods we’re talking about. Just kidding, yuppies!

Apparently, Mel’s embarrassing behavior continued as he made his way to the checkout line with a plastic fork dangling from his mouth:

“He was extremely rude to people,” says one witness.

“It was a real turn-off because people saw that there was something going on with him, he wasn’t behaving politely at all and seemed unsteady.

“Mel went to the checkout line and tried to pay with his credit card but had to insert in three different ways for it to work.”

On the plus side, Mel left the store without offering colorful nicknames for any female employees’ breasts, so the whole thing is a win by his standards.