Showing posts with label Franzese. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Franzese. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2017

Bijou Phillips to Daniel Franzese: My Bad on All the Gay-Shaming!

Bijou Phillips has issued a heartfelt apology to Daniel Franzese.

A day after the Mean Girls actor blasted the actress for how she treated him on the set of the movie Bully, Phillips has acknowledged that she acted inappropriately.

In a lengthy Facebook post over the weekend, Franzese came right out and said Phillips “body shamed me and ridiculed me about my sexuality and physically assaulted me” during filming of the aforementioned 2001 movie.

He said that Phillips consistently mocked him in front of others for being bisexual.

“I was scared and closeted and feared for my job,” Franzese wrote, adding:

“It started with a lot of eye rolling whenever we spoke but escalated when we did a cast shoot for the poster.

“As we were shooting she kept loudly saying ‘Are you gay?!’ and laughing while the producers and photographer did nothing to stop her.”

Franzese went on to castigate Phillips for giving him a hard time during a shirtless scene, which he admits was “an extremely vulnerable moment for me.”

It should perhaps be noted that Phillips is married to Danny Masterson, who faces rape accusations of his own. 


In response to all Franzese wrote on Facebook about her, Phillips has admitted she mistreated her former co-star back in the day.

She confessed as much in a message to TMZ.

“I want to write to address what Daniel has said, Phillips said to TMZ, continuing:

“I don’t remember that time well, those years are a blur. I was a teenager and reckless in my behavior.

“I know Daniel to be a trustworthy and honest person, and to find out through social media that I was not the friend I thought I was to him made me so sad.”

Better later than never for this sort of mea culpa, right?

Concludes Phillips:

“I am so mortified by this behavior and have contacted Daniel and apologized to him privately.

“I am not and never have been homophobic. I have nothing but love for the LGBTQ community and Daniel.”

In light of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, more and more men and women have come forward with how they were victims of sexual harassment or misconduct.

We’d have to imagine this is what inspired Franzese to write so candidly on Facebook of his interactions with Phillips.

He then Tweeted on Sunday night that he has received and accepted her apology.


Bijou Phillips Apologizes to "Mean Girls" Star Daniel Franzese Over Gay Shaming

Bijou Phillips is apologizing to a “Mean Girls” star for bullying him over his sexuality. Actor Daniel Franzese went after Bijou recently, claiming “She body shamed me and ridiculed me about my sexuality and physically assaulted me” on the set of…


Friday, July 22, 2016

Daniel Franzese: Means Girls Star Proposes To Boyfriend At Starbucks

If you"re feeling low and need to witness something beautiful, then I invite you to watch this video.

Earlier this week, Daniel Franzese, whom many will remember as Damien from Mean Girls, decided to propose to his boyfriend, Joseph Bradley Philips at the North Hollywood Starbucks where they first met two years ago.

With the help of friends and a few baristas, Franzese was able to catch Phillips completely by surprise.

When their drink was called, the barista announced," I"ve got an iced cold brew with coconut for Mr. & Mr Franzese."

Unfortunately, Phillips was distracted and didn"t hear the barista.

Thankfully, things got creative behind the coffee bar, and she then asked Phillips if he wanted to try a new drink, which came in a tall cup.

"I think you will love it for the rest of your life," another pretty said barista said.  

When Phillips opened the cover of the cup, he was speechless.

So, Franzese reached into the cup and asked him a very important question (first he made a superb declaration of love).

"Since I first met you here at this spot, you opened your heart to me.  And I swear to God and my Lord that I will protect that heart for the rest of my life.

"Will you marry me?"

Phillips covered his face and nodded his head, at which point Franzese put a ring on it.

The newly affianced couple then kissed as the Starbucks erupted in applause.

"Thank you 📷📽@gavinglaze and 📞@laprbtch ☕️Mercedes at @starbucks for making this this most memorable moment of our lives," Frazese wrote after.

"We are so grateful for your friendships and talents."

"My dreams have become my reality and my reality My dreams," Phillips posted on social media.

"I love you now and beyond the extent of an eternal forever. Ladies and gents were officially getting married! Thank you to every one who emerged this day for me to the surface. I love you guys!

"Baby were engaged!!!!"

Daniel franzese proposes boyfriend at starbucks for greatest rea