Showing posts with label GLAAD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GLAAD. Show all posts

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Paris Jackson Hangs with Caitlyn Jenner at GLAAD Awards (PHOTO)

Paris Jackson spent some time with Caitlyn Jenner on the heels of starting a friendship with one of Caitlyn’s daughters. Paris attended the GLAAD Media Awards Saturday night at the Beverly Hilton, and ran into Caitlyn. Just last week, Paris was…


Monday, May 16, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner Wins GLAAD Media Award: Watch Her Speech!

Caitlyn Jenner earned another distinction and have another inspiring speech on Saturday.

Both of these were far less controversial than Jenner"s ESPY Awards honor last July.

A little over a year since her groundbreaking interview with Diane Sawyer – in which Jenner admitted she is now living life as a woman – this conversation won Outstanding TV Journalism – Newsmagazine at the GLAAD Media Awards.

And Jenner was hand to accept the honor.

“First of all, I had been trashed in the tabloids for years," she said in her speech.

"I had paparazzi following me everywhere I went. The life was really horrible. When I decided after many conversations with my family, with God, about what I should do with my life, I called up my good buddy Alan Nierob, who [was] my PR guy many years ago.

"And I had told him my story 25, 30 years earlier.

"And he never said a word to anybody. He’s a good, trustworthy person. And I said, ‘How can we do this that we can elevate not just me, but this community?""

The former Gold Medalist and current advocate for LGBT rights went on to explain how the interview with Sawyer came together, along with what it meant for various people around the globe.

She also focused on the impact it had on her children.

"My biggest concern was my kids," she said, explaining:

"Especially my last two, little Kendall and Kylie, who were 17 and 18 at the time. And I remember sitting there on the couch. I had Kylie on [my right side], Kendall on [my left side], and the show was getting ready to go.

"Within minutes after the show started, social media started to go crazy, okay? Celebrities – I think it was Lady Gaga was the first one, within 15 minutes of the show – with these positive comments. And the list went on and on and on.

"And, of course, I do live in the most social media family in the world by far. And I’ve got Kourtney, Kimberly, Khloe, Kendall, Kylie, everybody is there on the couch, with a reach of about 250 million people.

"And they all have their little phones going. ‘Oh, my God, look at this comment, look at this comment.’ The show was done in such a compassionate way."

Caitlyn concluded as follows:

And it just really started it off. And I’m so indebted to Diane, to ABC, to Mark. To everybody involved with it.

Because, boy, it has been quite a ride for the last year. And there is nothing better in life, than living your life authentically. Thank you.

Watch the full speech below:

Caitlyn jenner at glaad media award watch her speech

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: Booed at the 2016 GLAAD Media Awards?

Forgive the obvious pun, but, according to a new report, not everyone was glad to see Caitlyn Jenner at the GLAAD Media Awards.

The I Am Cait star was among those feted at the event – which took place on Saturday night in Beverly Hills – for starring in the most Outstanding Reality Show, taking the stage at one point to deliver a speech in acceptance of the honor.

But Life & Style quotes a source who says Jenner was actually heckled at the ceremony.

“Someone in the audience screamed, ‘Charlatan,’ and another person said, ‘Get the f-ck out of here,"” the insider tells the tabloid.

We cannot confirm or deny this account, but it would not be stunning if true.

While many in the LGBT community salute Jenner for the attention she has brought to their cause, others have taken issue with some of Caitlyn’s comments.

She’s rich. She’s famous. Some critics question whether she has the right to act as if she can truly relate to the struggles of so many gay, lesbian and transgender individuals.

But Jenner was undeterred by any negative reaction she may have received at the GLAAD Media Awards.

“I had never met another trans person. I lived my life in silence. I suffered on my own,” she said in her speech.

“And as so many people in this room have such a difficult time coming out and being your true self and being who you are, it is a long struggle…

“But the last year has been the most rewarding year of my life,.”

Jenner then referenced her E! reality series and the women who have starred in it with her along the way.

“It’s been such a wonderful experience being able to shoot this show,” she added. “We’re trying to make a difference. We’re trying to make the next generation of trans people out there, make it seem more normal.”

There may be missteps along the way, but it’s hard to argue that Caitlyn Jenner is not a net positive for this cause.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

GLAAD Responds to Charlie Sheen HIV News

Earlier today, via an interview with Matt Lauer, Charlie Sheen confirmed that he is HIV positive.

Reactions to this stunning piece of news continue to come in, with Sheen’s ex-girlfriend, Bree Olson, beyond peeved that Sheen allegedly did NOT tell her he had contracted the disease.

Former Spin City co-star Heather Locklear has sent her prayers to Sheen and we expect to hear from countless other celebrities in the coming hours, days and weeks.

But GLAAD wasted no time at all in issuing a statement; mostly in support of Sheen, but more as a take on HIV in general.

“To eradicate HIV once and for all, we must first eradicate the stigma attached to it,” said GLAAD CEO & President Sarah Kate Ellis.

“Stigma prevents people from getting tested, it prevents people from getting treated, and it can contribute to increased rates of infection.

“In this new era of prevention and treatment, including methods like PrEP, the media must take this opportunity to end the stigma and shine light on the stories of more than 1.2 million Americans living full lives with HIV today.”

During his exchange with Lauer, Sheen was asked about the “stigma” attached to the virus.

He said he no longer feels it and that he hopes his admission will encourage others to also face the disease head on. 

Watch the interview with Sheen now; click through other celebrities who are in his same situation or who have been below; and then sound off in the Comments with your take on the MAJOR news of the day.