Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Caitlyn Jenner: Booed at the 2016 GLAAD Media Awards?

Forgive the obvious pun, but, according to a new report, not everyone was glad to see Caitlyn Jenner at the GLAAD Media Awards.

The I Am Cait star was among those feted at the event – which took place on Saturday night in Beverly Hills – for starring in the most Outstanding Reality Show, taking the stage at one point to deliver a speech in acceptance of the honor.

But Life & Style quotes a source who says Jenner was actually heckled at the ceremony.

“Someone in the audience screamed, ‘Charlatan,’ and another person said, ‘Get the f-ck out of here,"” the insider tells the tabloid.

We cannot confirm or deny this account, but it would not be stunning if true.

While many in the LGBT community salute Jenner for the attention she has brought to their cause, others have taken issue with some of Caitlyn’s comments.

She’s rich. She’s famous. Some critics question whether she has the right to act as if she can truly relate to the struggles of so many gay, lesbian and transgender individuals.

But Jenner was undeterred by any negative reaction she may have received at the GLAAD Media Awards.

“I had never met another trans person. I lived my life in silence. I suffered on my own,” she said in her speech.

“And as so many people in this room have such a difficult time coming out and being your true self and being who you are, it is a long struggle…

“But the last year has been the most rewarding year of my life,.”

Jenner then referenced her E! reality series and the women who have starred in it with her along the way.

“It’s been such a wonderful experience being able to shoot this show,” she added. “We’re trying to make a difference. We’re trying to make the next generation of trans people out there, make it seem more normal.”

There may be missteps along the way, but it’s hard to argue that Caitlyn Jenner is not a net positive for this cause.