Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Reveals Healthiest Sex Position

In her latest blog entry, Khloe Kardashian doesn’t seem too concerned about Lamar Odom’s alleged recent contact with drug dealers.

She’s too focused on the healthiest sexual position.

Yes, the healthiest.

Khloe – who loves to work out with her clothes on almost as much as she apparently likes to work out with her clothes off – got very personal this week in sharing some secrets on her official website.

More personal than the reveal that she’s never seen a white penis? You be the judge… 

“I had my team put together a list of sex positions that burn the most calories, because what’s more fun than getting down??? LOL,” the reality star wrote.

“I even found this ‘sex calculator’ that tells you exactly how many calories are burned between the sheets based on your gender, weight, position, style (‘slow,’ ‘frisky’ or ‘fast and furious,’ haha) and time frame.”

We’re not sure if we actually believe Kardashian.

It sounds sort of like she’s trying to be edgy while remaining reasonable. But she continued:

“I’m not a missionary girl, and I don’t belong in a missionary!!!

“LOL, maybe I’d be more into this position if it was more of a workout, but missionary burns way more calories for men – somewhere between 100-300 in an hour!”

Per hour?!? Unless you’re Sting, we somehow doubt men are getting the full benefit of this position.

So, how does Khloe like to burn her calories while also bringing herself to maximum pleasure levels?

The reality star concluded that she “won’t say no to doggy style,” but that she prefers “reverse cowgirl” because it will “not only get the job done, it’ll give your core a hardcore workout.”

Coming from someone who has named her camel toe, we’re not sure why we’re surprised that Khloe has opened up to this extent.