Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Habits. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Meghan Markle Has "Tamed" Prince Harry"s Bad Habits

Prince Harry is a changed man inside and out thanks to his fiancee, Meghan Markle – going from full-fledged bachelor life to living on a leash … lovingly, of course. We spoke with royal expert Katie Nicholl — who’s familiar with Harry’s…


Thursday, November 9, 2017

CMA Awards Open with Brad Paisley, Carrie Underwood Making Fun of Trump"s Twitter Habits

Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood kicked off the 51st Annual CMA Awards with a heartfelt message to all the victims of recent tragedies in the U.S. … and a song poking fun at President Trump’s Twitter habit. After sarcastically mentioning to the…


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Jesse Williams" Wife Wants Sole Custody, Citing Rage and Dating Habits

Jesse Williams’ wife says he is a reckless parent who has fits of rage and worries he exposes their kids to a “revolving door” of women … this according to new, explosive divorce docs. Aryn Drake-Lee has unloaded on the “Grey’s Anatomy” star,…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Duggar Family: Lying About Kids" TV Habits?

If you watch Counting On online, you know that the Duggar family enforces a very strict set of household rules, many of which pertain to media consumption.

Yes, despite the fact that they’ve made a fortune from their reality TV shows, the Duggars are extremely protective with regard to the way their children use the Internet and watch television.

Duggar kids aren’t allowed to have social media accounts until they’re married, and as far as television goes, if it doesn’t star Jesus or a claymation dog talking about Jesus, it’s pretty much off limits.

Or perhaps we should say that was the case, as these days it looks like Jim Bob and Michelle are enforcing a considerably more lax set of rules.

Prior to the Josh Duggar sex scandals that cost them a fair amount of parenting cred, the Duggars were happy to share their child-rearing techniques with an army of disturbingly loyal fans.

Some rules were better known then others (girls are forbidden to wear pants and forced to stick to skirts; no physical contact beyond “side-hugs” is permitted before marriage), and there’s one that left many Duggar obsessives deeply confused.

Michelle and Jim Bob say they don’t allow “worldly” influences such as television in their home.

The couple says they got rid of their TV early in their marriage and found that they were happier without it.

They gave television another try a few years ago but got tossed it a second time after feeling that they were becoming “addicted” to watching it.

Jessa Duggar says her generation has followed suit, and that while she occasionally watches TV shows online, she and her husband Ben Seewald do not own a television.

The weird TV phobia has long been viewed as one of the most Ned Flanders-y and hypocritical aspects of the strict Duggar dogma, but the family says they stand by their decision despite the appearance of mixed messages.

Which is why so many fans were surprised to see the above photo of 7-year-old Josie Duggar has so many fans confused.

At first glance, it’s just a simple photo of Josie holding a small puppy.

But some eagle-eyed fans were quick to point out that Josie is wearing a shirt emblazoned with a character from the Nickelodeon series Paw Patrol.

“Interesting she has a Paw Patrol shirt on. I would have thought that’d be way too worldly,” one fan commented.

Some hypothesized that it may have been a thrift store find, while others pointed out that the shirt appears to be brand new.

Of course, this is a photo on the Duggars’ Facebook page, so there was more than just one controversy.

One fan pointed out that Josie appears to need braces (In fairness, she claimed to be an orthodontist.), while others expressed concern for the dog:

“I really dislike any child playing dress up with small dogs,” wrote one follower.

“Little breeds have such delicate bones and should never be carried around by children!”

We’re beginning to think the real reason the Duggars don’t allow media in their home is that they dislike the constant reminders that they’re less than perfect.

Maybe the White House should employ a similar strategy!


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Donald Trump: Bizarre Work Habits, Love of Bathrobes Revealed

Obviously, Americans no longer hold elected officials to the lofty moral or intellectual standards of our forefathers, and we suppose that’s to be expected.

However, we don’t think it’s too much to ask that American presidents not favor the same attire and work habits of Jeffrey “The Dude” Lebowski.

Yesterday, the New York Times published a scathing piece about the president’s unorthodox schedule and the haphazard fashion in which his team is running the White House.

Not surprisingly, Trump and company have already slammed the criticism as “fake news.”

That’s the Donald’s way of responding to just about every negative report about his disastrous executive orders, his glaring lack of experience, the fact that he’s basically allowed Steve Bannon to take over as president, etc.

In fairness, in this case, the Trump team doesn’t really have much choice other than to pretend their the victims of a vast media conspiracy, because if the Times report is true, the nation’s future is basically in the hands of your sophomore year dorm-mate.

According to the Times, Trump basically enjoys three things:

Television, bathrobes, and chillaxin’.

The report claims that Trump is thoroughly enjoying the bachelor life (It now looks as though Melania Trump will not move to D.C., as was originally planned.), clocking out and donning his presidential bathrobe at 6:30 every evening.

According to the Times, Trump then spends the evening watching television and complaining about media personalities who criticize him.

Sadly,t his is all in keeping with what we already know about Trump’s evenings.

We already know that despite frequent boasts about his intellect, the president doesn’t read books, but consumes television shows voraciously.

It’s a curious habit, as TV seems to only further outrage Trump.

Trump tweets about SNL on a regular basis, and was reportedly so infuriated with Melissa McCarthy’s portrayal of White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on this week’s show that for once, he actually decided to keep his rage to himself.

This may all sound like a collection of harmless quirks (though recent polls have shown that most Americans would prefer that trump stop tweeting altogether) but Trump’s absence in the Oval Office is already said to be having a significant on his administration’s agenda.

White House sources say that Trump’s truncated work days have allowed Bannon (who reportedly puts in 80-hour weeks) to seize control.

Tellingly, Bannon was the first to speak out on the allegations of haste and disorder within the Trump administration:

“We are moving big and we are moving fast,” Bannon said. “We didn’t come here to do small things.”

Spicer has denied the reports of his boss’ indolence, claiming that Trump doesn’t even own a bathrobe, to which we say:

How can a man own a chain of luxury hotels but not a single bathrobe?

You have to start being more selective with your BS, Seany.

