Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton Tells Lena Dunham That She Turned Down Bill Clinton"s Marriage Proposals TWICE! Watch The Intimate Interview Clip!

Even Hillary Clinton admits the thought of marriage “terrified” her!

The Democratic frontrunner recently sat down Lena Dunham for her digital newsletter Lenny Letter, and she was surprisingly candid when discussing the non-political topic of her marriage!

Related: What Motivated Lena Dunham To Get In Shape??

When the Girls star asked if the presidential hopeful had any “anxiety” about losing her identity by joining forces with the politically aspiring Bill Clinton, Hillary said:

“I was terrified about losing my identity and getting lost in the kind of wake of Bill’s force-of-nature personality.”

The 67-year-old then revealed that she turned down the former president’s marriage proposals TWICE! She explained:

“We were in England on a trip after law school graduation. He asked me to marry him. I said, ‘You know, I can’t say yes. No, I can’t do that right now.’ And then, about a year later he asked me again, and I said ‘No.’ He said, ‘Well, I’m not asking you again until you’re ready to say yes."”

Wow, we had no idea Hill made Bill work so hard for her hand. But we can’t say we’re surprised — gurl has high standards! LOLz!

Hear the rest of the story in the clip (below)! The full interview will be released to Lenny subscribers when the site launches on September 29!

[Image via Lenny Letter.]

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Look Back At Jackie Collins" Life And Career With Our 2011 Interview With The Best-Selling Author!

Don’t you miss her already?

After news broke late Saturday night that Jackie Collins died, we couldn’t help and look back at our interview with her several years ago, when she came in to Perez TV to discuss her book Goddess of Vengeance (above)!

She discusses everything from not going to college, to being on the best seller list, to getting banned from the nation of Australia in this wide-ranging interview.

Jackie Collins sure has had an incredible life and career — enjoy her words in the video here as another way to remember her!

Look Back At Jackie Collins" Life And Career With Our 2011 Interview With The Best-Selling Author!

Don’t you miss her already?

After news broke late Saturday night that Jackie Collins died, we couldn’t help and look back at our interview with her several years ago, when she came in to Perez TV to discuss her book Goddess of Vengeance (above)!

She discusses everything from not going to college, to being on the best seller list, to getting banned from the nation of Australia in this wide-ranging interview.

Jackie Collins sure has had an incredible life and career — enjoy her words in the video here as another way to remember her!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Demi Lovato Claims Her "Mugs" Interview Mishap Was Just A Joke — Are You Buying It??


Demi Lovato had an interview Saturday that she’ll never live down, and now she’s claiming that she was in on the joke the entire time. Very inneresting!!

[ Related: At Least Demi Made This Week’s Best-Dressed List! ]

As we reported yesterday, Demi slipped up and responded with “mugs,” after a reporter asked her about her favorite dish — whoops!! The funny mistake went viral, and all corners of the Internet came down hard on the singer.

But now, Lovato is claiming that she knew all along what she was doing — and it was just her own sense of humor! Early Sunday morning, she tweeted:

Hmm…. Riiiiiiiight, Demi. It’s everybody else who messed up on this one…

What do U guys think?? Was Demi trying to be funny, or did she really misinterpret a question about dishes?!

[Image via YouTube.]