Showing posts with label Jeffree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeffree. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Jeffree Star Goes OFF About Kim Kardashian Drama: F--K OFF!!!

It hasn’t been a good week to be Jeffree Star.

Some would argue that, except for some success with his makeup line, that it actually hasn’t been a good decade to be Jeffree Star, but let’s focus on one thing at a time, OK?

Jeffree’s issues this week began when he criticized a video Kim made showing off some swatches from her new makeup line.

See, Kim is new to the business, and she wasn’t exactly clear on how to properly swatch a product — she admitted as much herself.

But Jeffree tweeted “Umm… Kim what is going on with those new swatches?? Looks like chalk.”

And things sort of took off from there.

Kim’s fans began to go after him, and many brought up the fact that he’s come under fire for some racist and misogynistic remarks he’s made in the past.

After she noticed what was happening, she made a Snapchat video calling those people “petty” for bringing up “negative” things from his past, and she urged them to “let him live.”

And that made people upset at Kim, too, because Jeffree really has said some truly horrific things.

And when someone’s said such awful, racist garbage, it’s hard to look at that from a “people change and grow” perspective, you know?

Luckily Kim realized her mistake, and she made another video to apologize for her previous statements.

“I feel a bit naive,” she confessed, “and I do want to really apologize for me feeling like I had the right to say ‘get over it’ in a situation that involves racism.”

She added that she wants to “move forward and be positive,” and that she really does believe that “people can change and that people can learn to be better and do better.”

That video got some criticism too — after all, it’s kind of weird to hear Kim say that she’s “naive” on topics like these when she has a black husband and biracial children.

But at least it seems like Kim is trying.

Unfortunately, we can’t say the same for Jeffree.

Last night, he tweeted “Every news and media outlet in the world has emailed and called my office all day asking me for a Kim K quote.. Please f-ck off.”

“Talking about makeup has turned into a blood bath since yesterday,” he added. “WAKE UP. THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS 2 WORRY ABOUT.”

Which is unfortunately a common stance celebrities take when they mess up — the old “focus on the real issues” argument.

And he’s right, there are definitely more important things to worry about than things Jeffree Star says.

But every single person can’t talk about only those things all the time, and it’s unreasonable to expect them to do that.

Sometimes you just need some mindless celebrity gossip to lighten things up — though we’d also argue that calling this guy out on his vile comments isn’t totally mindless.

We all know that racism is a pretty huge issue right now.

Jeffree also tweeted “We have a literal PIECE OF SH-T for a ‘President’ who is embarrassing our entire country and you want to worry about Jeffree Star. #cantrelate”

“I get that people love drama and feed off of it, but attacking ME with hate and disgusting comments doesn’t fix anything.”

Which is a funny thing to say, because he’s basically made a second career out of attacking others — fans, fellow makeup artists, etc. — with hate and disgusting comments.

About calling him a racist, he wrote “You can’t call me something that I’m not. It’s getting old… Same bullsh-t every time there’s online drama. CHILL and worry about YOU.”

This coming from someone who once “joked” about throwing acid in a black woman’s face so that her skin would be lighter and it would match her foundation.

Finally, he tweeted “If you’re upset about Jeffree Star and contour swatches and makeup drama, get the f-ck out of my mentions. You’re wasting your own time.”

He sounds like just as much of a peach as he ever did, right?


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Kim Kardashian Apologizes: I Feel So Naive for Defending Jeffree Star!

The thing about making most mistakes is that they"re learning opportunities. That sounds corny as hell, but it"s kinda true.

Kim Kardashian defending Jeffree Star"s history of racism was for sure a mistake, and she"s been dragged on it all day long on Twitter.

But it looks like she actually listened to the backlash instead of "tuning out the haters," because Kim"s put out a new video today where she apologizes for the whole thing. And you can watch that, below.

Kim kardashian selfie drama

Okay, so, yesterday Kim Kardashian took to Snapchat to try to shut down her fans and followers from slamming Jeffree Star.

If they"d been reading him for filth over his hair or whatever, that would have been fine.

(Good, even — one could argue that celebrities who don"t say anything when they see their fans bullying someone are complicit in the bullying)

But though they were responding to Jeffree Star insulting Kim Kardashian"s latest makeup swatches (he said that they looked like chalk), that wasn"t the subject on which they were dragging the famous model and makeup artist.

No, they were going after him like a nest of enraged hornets because of Jeffree Star"s history of racism.

See, video of Jeffree Star resurfaced earlier this summer.

In it, Jeffree Star is saying some truly awful, vile things that should never be repeated.

It"s mostly a lot of the n-word, folks.

The video is from years and years ago, and Jeffree Star posted a lengthy and seemingly earnest apology.

But … apologizing doesn"t magically make the crappy stuff that you"ve done go away.\

Now, people can accidentally do or say racist things — like repeating a bad joke, or adopting a hairstyle that really doesn"t belong to their culture and has gotten people of color mocked and fired — without realizing that they shouldn"t.

Ignorance isn"t an excuse, but it happens.

You grow up and you change, hopefully.

But direct, unbridled racism? That"s not easy to forget.

Or to forgive.

And Kim was absolutely blasted on Twitter for suggesting that people should "get over" Jeffree"s troublesome history.\

First of all, because Kim is white and she has zero rights to tell people of color to "get over" racism.

Second of all, because Kim"s husband and children are black and, you know, you have to wonder if she"d tell North or Saint that.

As it turns out, Kim didn"t know the whole story, as she admits in her apology video below.

"I really wanted to apologize to you guys and my fans for defending a situation yesterday that I really didn"t know enough about."


Do your research before you assert something on Snapchat, folks.

Her full apology, during which she admits to having been mistaken and to feeling "really naive," is exactly the right thing to say under the circumstances.

A lot of celebrities enjoy living in a bubble, but really getting to know what people say to and about you on social media can pay off, folks.

Kim kardashian apologizes i feel so naive for defending jeffree

Kim Kardashian: DRAGGED for Defending Jeffree Star"s Racism!

Right now, after the Nazi march in Charlottesville and the violence that followed, anyone and everyone is being loud and clear about how much they hate racism.

Oh, everyone except for Kim Kardashian, who is going to bat for Jeffree Star, of all people. And Twitter has taken notice, folks.

As you"ll see in the video below, Kim Kardashian goes to great lengths to avoid even mentioning racism as she defends him. And that is why she"s been being dragged on Twitter all day long.

Jeffree star and kim kardashian

To tell you what"s going on and why "Kim K" and "Jeffree Star" have been trending for half the day, we should start at the beginning:

Okay, so, Jeffree Star has been famous for about a decade or so. 

Like, he got big on MySpace and LiveJournal, so that"s the era when his career launched.

Jeffree Star is, among other things, a model known for his eccentric appearance.

Like, we know that he looks kind of extra in that photo with Kim, but he used to wear long-ass pink hair and snow-white makeup, so that"s a mild look.

He"s a makeup expert, but he"s also a singer and a performer.

Well, fast-forward to modern times, where he criticized Kim Kardashian West Beauty"s products on Twitter.

"Umm… Kim what is going on with those new swatches?? Looks like chalk."

Kim kardashian for national lipstick day

We"re not going to get bogged down in the merits of his criticism, because critiquing makeup is a whole other thing.

No, what happened next is that Kim"s fans and followers saw this.

And they went off.

Now, this is kind of normal for celebrities.

You"ll have people who go "hmm this is incorrect" or "terrible that you would say this."

But you"ll have countless thousands of people, whether they"re the Beyhive or Little Monsters or whatever, who act independently but nonetheless amount to a swarm of hate that fills people"s Twitter mentions.

It"s … not a great part of fan culture.

Anyway, that prompted Kim Kardashian to make a video (which we have for you below), where she defends Jeffree Star, claiming that people can change.

Maybe she knows the details of what Jeffree Star is accused of doing, maybe she doesn"t.

(He"s not accused of retelling some bad or "edgy" racist jokes; he"s accused of screaming the n-word multiple times at specific people. As an adult, to be clear)

But many have pointed out that it"s alarming that Kim would go to such lengths to defend Jeffree Star"s past, even though he"s apologized, considering that many of his statements could have been directed at her husband or her children.

Kim kardashian at the gala

Twitter, uh, is not having it.

This is a small selection of tweets:

"This was ill advised. Also, folks gotta stop abusing the word "negative." You meant racist. Just plain old racist. Say that."

She really did say "negative" a bunch. That"s not the right word there, Kim.

"She really just compared being a racist to swatching makeup properly…"

Kim states in the video below that she credits Jeffree with her knowing how to do better swatches. As if that"s the point of this.

"Black people calling out blatant racism directed towards them = being petty. This Is Kim K logic."

The lady who recorded Taylor Swift on the phone and sat on the recording for months to release it at Taylor"s weakest point should know what pettiness is.

Calling out somebody"s racist past isn"t pettiness, folks.

"Kim k is asking her fans to forgive jeffree star"s racist past…but what if that hate was directed towards north and"


"Jeffree Star"s own "friends" fell back from his ass over his vile & racist behavior throughout the years (although I side eye them too)"

Kim kardashian sells beauty

To be clear, sometimes people do delve into embarrassing, offensive humor or, in their youth, wear blackface without realizing that they"re doing anything wrong or how damaging it can be.

The key is that they learn from it and apologize and never do it again.

But the sorts of statements that Jeffree Star is said to have made are beyond the pale, you know?

Even if he really should be forgiven for his troubled past — though some on Twitter aren"t convinced that he"s really changed — it"s alarming that Kim would devote her considerable platform to defending Jeffree Star.

Especially in the current social climate.

Anyway, here"s the very ill-advised video:

Kim kardashian dragged for defending jeffree stars racism