Showing posts with label Kardashian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kardashian. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Tristan Thompson vs. Khloe Kardashian: Ugly Custody Battle on Tap?

According to a number of recent reports, it may be over between Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson.

Finally, right?

However, as one insider points out below, an ugly and contentious custody battle may just be starting.

Over the past few days, there have been more rumblings than ever before that Khloe is ready to end her romance with the overpaid power forward.

She’s tried her hardest to forgive Tristan for cheating, but she will never be able to fully trust the horny baller ever again.

Moreover, a new NBA season has started and Thompson will be on the road frequently over the next six months or so, leaving Khloe alone with daughter True and prompting her to wonder:

What am I doing here? What’s the point? Why am I limiting my options to this tall drink of dishonest water?

“She very much seems over Tristan,” a source close to the situation told People Magazine this week, adding:

“Not sure how they went from fine to being apart for weeks, but Khloe is doing great.”

Here’s the thing, however.

Here is what some folks out there are forgetting as they blame Khloe for sticking with Tristan in the first place:

What about little True?

Not just her well-being; we mean, what about a potential custody battle that could ensue if Khloe really does call off this relationship?

That must be a scary proposition and it must be something Khloe has thought about when weighing her options.

As she should, an insider tells In Touch Weekly.

“Tristan adores his daughter and wants to be near her and has told [Khloe] he’ll fight for custody if he has to,” writes this tabloid, adding:

“He’s on the road so much and spends so much time in Cleveland. Khloe wants True to be permanently based in LA. It’s not up for negotiation.”

Except that… it may be. Khloe may not have a choice.

It’s possible that Tristan makes a huge legal stink if/when things truly conclude between him and Kardashian and he becomes concerned that he may never see his kid again.

As for whether Khloe will go through with the break-up anyway and deal with the consequences later?

We can’t say for certain right now.

But she is getting pressure from her family the make this decision and she continues to hint on Instagram that things are far from perfect.

“Life doesn’t always introduce you to the people you want to meet,” she recently wrote on that platform, mysterious concluding:

“Sometimes life puts you in touch with the people you need to meet – to help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to love you, and to gradually strengthen you into the person you were meant to become.

“Be proud of yourself for how hard you’re trying.”


Kim Kardashian: Blac Chyna Is STILL Trying to Destroy Me!

It’s been over a year since Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian broke up, but the parents of Dream Kardashian remain tied to one another for reasons both sensible and completely bonkers.

In the former column is the fact that Rob and Blac share a child together.

In the latter is the sad truth that they’re both more interesting — and thus, more profitable — in the context of their fractured relationship.

And so, Rob posts revenge porn and allegations that his ex is refusing to allow him to see his daughter.

For her part, Chyna continues to capitalize on her connection to Rob and his famous family, albeit in much subtler ways.

The latest on Blac is that she’s planning to join the cast of the popular reality series Love & Hip Hop.

And which iteration of the show will she be signing onto? Well, all of them, it seems.

“Chyna didn’t sign on to be a part of Love and Hip Hop Hollywood, or Atlanta, or New York,” a source close to the situation tells Hollywood Life.

“She is going to show up on all the shows – like how we saw K Michelle or Safaree [Samuels].”

The deal should mean big money for little Chyna — and big headaches for Kim Kardashian.

Yes, it seems Kim is not thrilled about the idea of Chyna spending so much time in front of a camera.

“Kim is afraid Chyna might embarrass herself, Rob, and everyone in the family, which really makes her nervous,” says the insider.

“Kim knows Rob likes his privacy, and so Kim would hate for him to be put in an uncomfortable situation.”

And apparently, Kim has even gone so far as to play the old “think of the children” card:

“Kim doesn’t think it’s healthy for Dream to be raised in an environment like that,” says the source.

Here’s the thing:

There’s a very good chance that Kim does not want Chyna to relaunch her career as a reality star.

But that has nothing to do with her concerns for Rob or Dream.

Chyna simply knows where the bodies are buried, and Kim lives in constant fear of her secrets being spilled:

“There’s no love lost between Chyna and the Kardashian women, and they’re pretty certain that Chyna is going to use their name to score some publicity,” says the source.

“Let’s face it — her going on a foul-mouthed rampage against them would make some headlines around the world.”

Yeah, that sounds pretty bad, but — is Kim aware that we live in 2018?

Blac doesn’t need a reality show in order to trash her, just a phone and an Instagram account — and we’re pretty sure she has both those things.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: FINALLY Ready to Dump Tristan Thompson?!

Another NBA season is upon us, which means Tristan Thompson will be spending much of the next several months traveling with the Cleveland Cavs. 

And it seems Khloe Kardashian is not too keen on the idea of spending her winter wondering if her husband is sleeping around.

As you’re no doubt aware, Tristan spent much of last season cheating on Khloe while she was pregnant with his child.

Against all odds, the couple patched things up over the offseason, but it seems the peace they reached was tentative at best.

Now, with Tristan returning his attention to basketball, it seems Khloe is harboring some serious doubts about the future of her relationship.

“She very much seems over Tristan,” a source close to the situation tells People magazine.

“Not sure how they went from fine to being apart for weeks, but Khloe is doing great.”

The source adds that Khloe has not followed Tristan back to Cleveland, as was expected — but for the time being, everyone seems content with the current living situation:

“It doesn’t seem to bother her that she isn’t with Tristan in Cleveland,” the insider says.

“She seems to know what she wants in her life right now. And it definitely doesn’t seem like she wants to be with Tristan.”

As for whether or not Khloe and Tristan have officially broken up, it seems the couple is remaining mum in the issue for now:

“Khloe isn’t saying that she and Tristan split. It seems she hasn’t decided yet what she wants to do about their relationship,” the source tells People.

“And she seems fine about this.”

For months, we’ve been hearing reports of the Kardashians pressuring Khloe to dump Tristan, so it should come as no surprise that Kim and company are quite pleased by this development:

“Her family is happy that she is still in L.A. and wants her around for as long as possible,” the insider says.

“No one is pushing for her to go back to Cleveland to be with Tristan. This will be her decision to make.”

But despite the dissolution of both her relationship and the dreams of a traditional nuclear family that have been with her since childhood, those her know her best say Khloe has never been happier:

“It’s amazing to see what a great mom she is and how much she enjoys it,” says the insider.

“She is very much just focused on the happy things in her life. True, of course, makes her the happiest.”

Sounds like Khloe is once again focused on doing what’s best for her baby — and for herself.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian: Khloe Should Totally Dump Tristan Because He Sucks!

Khloe Kardashian may be offended when fans dare to offer her advice, but she’s happy to offer words of inspiration.

Recently, she shared a cryptic message — and fans think that she could be considering a breakup with Tristan Thompson.

It looks like Kourtney might be quietly encouraging Khloe to dump him.

Khloe Kardashian shared one of those inspirational posts that are so popular for moms to share on social media.

It was lengthy, but we’ll give you a few samples to give you the general idea.

“Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you,” the advise read.

The inspirational message also advised: “Choose friends who you are proud to know.”

One line was of particular interest, however, because it reminded fans of her relationship with Tristan Thompson.

“Relationships should help you, not hurt you,” the message read.

Kourtney Kardashian likes Khloe

Kourtney liked her younger sister’s post so much that she screencapped it and shared it on her own page.

She even added some annotations.

“YES YES YES…” Kourtney wrote atop the screenshot.

Kourtney’s notes continued: “This makes all the difference.”

A lot of fans latched on to Kourtney’s enthusiasm.

Is she trying to give Khloe a not-so-gentle nudge to dump Tristan?

If you’re thinking that this can’t be about him, because his cheating scandal was six months ago, keep some things in mind.

Reports say that Khloe is still concerned that Tristan will stray, especially when his sports career takes him out of town.

But she knows that Tristan can’t cheat if she follows his every move.

“Khloe is looking to ease her mind a little bit with the NBA season starting,” a report claimed.

The source continued: “and actually is anticipating to join Tristan on some away games.”

She’s said to want to be there “especially when there is a couple in a row because she would like to keep tabs on Tristan.”

Khloe, sources say, “wants to be there so nothing happens and he isn’t out late night with any girls.”

That brings us back to the quote that Khloe shared — the one that Kourtney loved so much.

“Relationships should help you,” the message reads. “Not hurt you.”

If you’re making yourself sick to your stomach and rearranging your schedule just to chaperone your boyfriend … is that helping you?

It sure sounds like it’s hurting you.

And while that report of Khloe’s concerns is unconfirmed, there’s no question that Tristan’s scandal embarrassed her in front of the world.

That sure sounds like a hurtful relationship.

Khloe is pretty savvy about social media, but that doesn’t mean that nothing slips by her.

It is possible that Khloe wasn’t thinking about that one line at all when she shared the inspirational message.

(That would show a lack of self-awareness, but we have to remember that love can make people blind to how their romance is perceived)

It is even possible that Kourtney wasn’t latching on to that one line.

Kourtney has had her very famous relationship issues in recent years, and may have been appreciating the post as a whole.

Tristan Thompson seems to be here to stay in Khloe’s life, for now.

Khloe’s fans who still harbor anger against Tristan for betraying and humiliating her while she carried their child don’t like that.

But we all need to be wary of projecting our own wishes and values onto celebrities.

Khloe loves Tristan, and Kourtney may be totally supportive of that, despite everything.


Monday, October 22, 2018

Kim Kardashian Turns 38, Receives ALL the Birthday Wishes


It isn’t the number of times the Kim Kardashian sex tape has been downloaded in the past hour or so.

It’s now the age of the woman after whom this sex tape is named.

On Sunday, October 21, Kim Kardashian celebrated her latest birthday, inching a year closer to the big 4-0 while basking in the adulation of her followers and her family members.

Nearly each of those included in the latter group jumped on social media to send along their best wishes and most heartfelt tributes.

To wit, here’s a message from sister Khloe:

“Happy birthday sweet Kimberly!!!

My entire life you’ve always been someone that I look up to. To me, You are super woman!! I’m not sure how you do it all and make everything look so easy.

“People have no idea how selfless of a human being you are. With no credit wanted either.

“I am so impressed by the woman, wife and mother you have become.”

And Khloe wasn’t done, either!

She gushed and she gushed and she gushed over her older sibling.

“Crazy sh-t happens to us all of the time, but how f-ck lucky are we that we get to experience this crazy thing called life with one another?

“I know for certain, that no matter what happens to any of us, we will always be OK because we have one another. I hope you have the happiest of birthdays Keeks!

“I pray that every wish you have, it comes true. You are so deserving. I love you!! Until the end of time, I love you!!!

Wow, huh?

Kendall Jenner, meanwhile, shared a sneak peek from the tear-jerking video Kanye West made for his wife’s birthday last year, which was filled with footage from Kim’s much younger days.

“Happy birthday to my beautiful sister @kimkardashian,” the 22-year-old model captioned the clip, including with it a rose emoji.

Then there was Kylie Jenner, who shared a clip from the pair’s KKW x Kylie lip kit collection.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMMY” Kylie wrote alongside the footage. “I LOVE YOU.”

And, last but never ever least, we have Kris Jenner.

The family matriarch and manager posted the following montage of her child and wrote a lengthy caption along with it.

It reads:

“Happy birthday @kimkardashian!!! My beautiful girl, I love and adore you and wish for you the most amazing day and year…you have brought all of us such love, joy, and happiness.

“You are the best mom, wife, sister, daughter and friend and i am beyond blessed to be your Mom.

“I cherish every single memory we share and wish for you all the love you give us every single day…i love you.”

kim montage

Pretty moving stuff, we’ll be honest.

Go ahead and mock this family as much we you want. Lord know that we do.

But they sure do seem to love each other a lot.

That much cant really be denied.


daily-celebrities: Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian


Sunday, October 21, 2018

Kim Kardashian Goes Nude, Gets Candid About Sex

Kim Kardashian is at it again.

In more ways than one.

In a cover shoot and interview with something called Richardson Magazine, the reality star takes off her clothins (again), talks about her weight loss (again) and delves into her sex tape with Ray J (again).

Why did Kim think she was done having intercourse?

How does she throw shade at former close friend Paris Hilton?

Scroll down for the answers to these questions and many others…

1. This is the Cover

Kim kardashian for richardson

For the record: Kardashian stripped way down for the publication’s 20th anniversary issue, dubbed A9, via a photoshoot from photographer Steven Klein. This wasn’t Klein’s first time shooting Kim, either, as he also snapped her for Love and Interview in the past.

2. Kim Was Asked About Paris Hilton’s Reaction to Her Famous Sex Tape:

Kim was asked about paris hiltons reaction to her famous sex tap

“I thought that for Paris it was explosive and a super lot of attention for her too, in a positive way. But once you go through it and you have those conversations with your parents and grandparents and everyone that you’d be really embarrassed about it with, I think you get to a point where you’re like, ‘Okay, we’re dealing with this legally, and it’s time to move on.”

3. And Then She Hurled Some Shade at Paris:

And then she hurled some shade at paris

“Everyone deals with things differently, and I seem to deal with things – whether the sex tape, the robbery, even the death of my dad, who was the most important person in my life – I push to just overcome it.”


Kim kardashian on keeping

“I just don’t have a victim mentality,” Kim explains in this interview. “That’s never been my personality. I’ve always been like, the victor, I can get past this, and this will not define me.”

5. Welp, This Was Awkward…

Kim kardashian is looking great

Kim said President Trump actually called her WHILE SHE WAS NAKED for this cover shoot. He wanted to talk about Alice Johnson, but Kim had to get dressed first.

6. It’s a Tough Life…

Kim kardashian has a tense discussion

“I’m doing a nude shoot and my phone rings, and it’s the President of the United States,” she says here. “And I’m like, ‘Okay, hold on, does somebody have a robe?’ I think he’s about to give me some really exciting information about Alice Johnson. So then having to have that conversation, and then having to call her … I think Steven Klein literally wanted to kill me because I was just so focused on my phone and it was a two-day shoot.”

View Slideshow

Friday, October 19, 2018

Rob Kardashian: Now That I"m Thin, I"m Horny to Date Again!

With the news that Rob Kardashian has lost a ton of weight, people are naturally wondering if he is ready to return to the spotlight.

For that matter, with his tumultuous romance with Blac Chyna (probably) behind him, is he ready to start dating again?

A report reveals what Rob has planned.

According to HollywoodLife, Rob Kardashian isn’t going to try to compete with his sisters for fame.

“Rob is going to continue to stay away from the limelight,” an insider reveals.

A huge part of that is just that he’s happy with the way that things are.

“He likes the life he is living,” the source notes.

Well, he’s wealthy and he’s reportedly lost 30-50 pounds and he has a beautiful daughter.

The insider says that Rob is happy that way “and doesn’t want the extra baggage that his last name brings”

“And,” the source says, Rob is leery of the added baggage that his famous last name “could bring.”

The insider explains that Rob is afraid that he could lose this hard-won happiness “if he started doing shows again.”

That camera shyness extends to even his family’s own claim to fame.

The source says that Rob is avoiding being on his own show “or being on Keeping Up with the Kardashians on a more consistent basis.”

In other words, it sounds like he is more than satisfied with being a guest star.

That’s okay — not everyone is like Kim and Khloe and feels like they always need to be working on multiple projects.

But Rob’s weight loss could be a signal that he’s ready to dive head-first into the world of dating.

“He also would love to find love again,” the insider reveals.

“But,” the source says. “He doesn’t want to make it a game.”

So Rob’s not in the running to star on The Bachelor, we take it.

In fact, apparently he doesn’t want to date on camera at all.

“He wants to meet somebody outside of TV cameras,” the insider explains.

People don’t act like their real selves on camera.

(Who would know that better than a Kardashian)

So he wants to date organically — or, at least, off camera.

The source says: “He thinks that is the only way it will work out.”

The insider clarifies that “he is eager to date.”

That is no surprise. He’s looking for love.

And, to be blunt, taking up a regular exercise routine and losing weight can both make you horny.

Rob is even open “to be set up with people.”

“He just doesn’t want it to be broadcast to the world,” the source says.

Earlier this month, there was a stunning admission.

Despite the court battles and the alleged fights, Blac Chyna sounds open to reconciliation with Rob.

When asked if she would ever get back with him, Chyna said: “Yes, maybe, we’ll see. OK?”

This shocking revelation came after Chyna secured the kind of child support money that guarantees that Dream has a bright future.

Given how toxic these two were when they were together, perhaps it is best that they continue on their separate paths.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Sofia Richie: I Wish Kourtney Kardashian Would Just Go Away!

Love triangles are always difficult, but the whole situation gets even more complicated when two of the participants are pushing 40, and the third isn’t even old enough to drink.

That’s the lesson Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick are learning the hard way these days, as Sofia Richie is apparently causing major problems for their co-parenting relationship.

Kourtney Kardashian, Sofia Richie, Scott Disick Split

The issue, it seems, is that Scott and Kourtney continue to spend time together, as people who have three kids together are wont to do.

And apparently, that doesn’t sit well with Sofia.

Reports that Sofia is jealous of Kourtney have been circulating for months, but it seems the model has recently become full-on obsessed with the possibility that the mother of three will attempt to win back her baby daddy.

“Sofia is beginning to fight feelings of jealousy as Scott and Kourtney continue to spend more time together,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“Sofia did her best to be cool with Scott’s relationship with Kourtney for a while,” the insider adds.

“She wanted to be the cool girlfriend, which was easier to do when Kourt had a boyfriend.

“But now that Kourtney is single and dating again, Sofia struggles with the time Kourtney spends alone with Scott and the kids.”

Also not helping matters is the latest round of rumors that Kourtney is looking to bang Scott for old times’ sake.

“Scott is looking really good lately and it stings when Sofia wants to see her sexy man him but can’t because he is busy with Kourtney,” the insider dishes.

“Sofia supports Scott being a great dad, she just wishes Kourtney wasn’t around him as often.”

So she wants Scott to be a great dad who has no relationship with the mother of his children?

Did we mention Sofia might be a bit young to cope with the complexities of her current romantic situation?

The insider goes on to say that Sofia  “does not believe” Scott is over Kourtney “at all.”

“She sees the way Kourtney still looks at Scott with love,” the source adds.

“Sofia does not want to lose Scott back to Kourtney. It would break her heart.”

Despite appearances to the contrary, we’re pretty sure Sofia can rest easy.

It’s unclear if Kourtney is really dating Luka Sabbat, but it’s 100 percent clear that she can do much, much better than Scott.


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

daily-celebrities: Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian


Rob Kardashian is Thin, "Completely Different" Now: Report

Out of sight, out of mind?

For Rob Kardashian, it’s been closer to:

Out of sight, out of mind… out of those XXL jeans and into a basic large.

According to a new Entertainment Tonight report, the former reality star is thriving now that he’s stepped far away from the spotlight.

As you’ve likely noticed, Rob is not appearing on his family’s E! series this season and he’s no longer sharing anything on social media.

And such a private existence is serving the father of one extremely well.

“Getting out of the spotlight was so important for Rob,” this source says, noting that leaving Instagram has also been especially positive for him:

“He needed to completely change his life, things were spiraling out of control for him and his health and relationships were suffering. He needed to refocus.”

This same insider estimates that Rob has lost between 30 and 50 pounds over the past few months.

Because the star suffers from Diabetes, this is more than just an asthetic improvement.

It means his quality of life has improved and his general health is in a far better place than it was during the heyday of his fame.

There were fears in the past that Rob’s awful diet would literally lead to his death, as we detailed just over a year ago how Kardashian’s love of milkshakes had caused his weight to balloon.

Due to his weight gain and inactivity at the time, Rob started to develop insulin resistance, which is a very dangerous condition for someone afflicted with Diabetes.

That was then, however.

“His life is completely different now,” this source explains, adding of where Rob’s head it at these days;

“He’s got his priorities in check. First and foremost he is there for Dream and he knows that to do so he needs to be healthy.”

Indeed, Rob’s daughter with Blac Chyna will soon turn two years old.

She’s a total cutie – and, whatever you want to say about how Rob and Chyna treated each other during their romance, it seems like both parents are very dedicated to their child’s well-being.

This report also says that Rob has been spending a lot of time with both his siblings and their kids as well.

This has been very helpful for Dream.

“All the cousins [Dream and Rob’s sister’s kids] are very close,” the insider tells ET.

Back in 2016, Rob told People Magazine that he once weighed around 300 pounds.

He knew he was in trouble, but he just couldn’t help himself. He buried himself in food any time he felt sad.

Thankfully, those days appear to be behind him and Rob is looking forward to the future and…

… what? Blac Chyna may want to get back together with him?!?!?



Kourtney Kardashian: Scott Disick Is Hot Again & I Want Him Back

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone; the grass is always greener; the alcoholic baby daddy suddenly looks bangable again now that he’s hooking up with a model who’s half your age …

We’ve all heard the cliches before.

Scott Disick, Kourtney Kardashian Split - KUWTK

(Okay, so that last one might not be in widespread use … yet.)

But apparently, Kourtney Kardashian is learning the hard way this week that sometimes popular expressions catch on because they’re just so damn true.

As you may have heard, Kourt’s ex, Scott Disick, is dating Sofia Richie, and against all odds, it looks as though the relationship has gotten very serious.

Scott and Sofia recently celebrated a full year as an official couple, and given the skeeviness of a mid-thirties father of three banging a teenager, they were probably dating for a while before they decided to go public.

At first, Kourtney seemed pretty chill about the situation, but they may have been a result of her now-defunct relationship with Younes Bendjima.

These days, however, Kourtney is semi-single.

She may or may not be dating Luka Sabbat, but whatever the case, it seems Kourt remains hung up on Scott.

“Kourtney is impressed with how much hotter Scott is looking again these days,” a source close to the reality star tells Hollywood Life. 

“He’s taking good care of himself, he’s looking younger and more like the old Scott she first fell in love with.”

Yes, it sounds like Kourt’s looking for some casual ex sex.

However, that doesn’t mean she’s looking to take Scott back on a full-time basis.

“But as much as she can get nostalgic at times she’s not talking about taking him back,” the insider claims.

“She swears she’s not interested in going there at all.”

As for Kourt’s relationship with Sofia — the insider says there isn’t one:

“Kourtney is definitely not prepared to build a friendship with Sofia at this point,” says the tipster.

“She is still adjusting to the idea that Sofia spends time with her kids and that has been hard for her to accept at times.”

And it seems Sofia is equally uncomfortable about the situation:

“Sofia knew exactly what she was getting into when she started dating Scott,” says the source.

“She understands that Scott had another life, and a family, before they started dating … Sofia is very confident in her relationship with Scott and realizes his kids come first.”

Sounds awkward, but this is the best scenario Scott could hope for.

If Kourtney and Sofia ever got together and started talking, it probably wouldn’t be long before they both realized they can do way better than Scott Disick.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: If I Break Up With Tristan, He"ll ABANDON Our Baby!

Khloe Kardashian was swelling with both maternal and auntly pride when she shared a photo of five Kardashian babies in one spot.

But, according to a new report, it turns out that her private life is being dictated by her fears about True’s future.

Is Khloe clinging to Tristan because she worries that, if she leaves him, he’ll abandon True, too?

RadarOnline reports that Khloe is clingy with her cheating baby daddy for one reason and one reason only.

“Khloe’s worst nightmare is that Tristan will be an absent father to True,” the insider reveals.

The report is quick to make it clear that Khloe is still dating him for her own reasons.

“She loves him,” the source clarifies.

“But,” the insider continues. “The reason she’s clingy is because she doesn’t want him to be a part-time dad to True.”

Khloe’s fear is apparently that Tristan will be an absentee father to True “like he is to his son.”

Tristan’s son, of course, is one-year-old Prince.

Jordan Craig, pictured above wearing red, is Tristan’s ex.

This report claims that Tristan doesn’t make time for his ex’s kid in the way that he does for his current woman’s child.

The source says that Tristan only sees Prince “every now and then.”

Apparently, photos like this one of Tristan with both of his children, symbolize what is most important to Khloe.

“Every time Tristan brought gifts home for True,” the insider says. “Khloe reminded him to send some to Prince.”

It is heartbreaking to hear even an unverified report that a father had to be reminded about one of his children.

“She wanted him to spoil his son the same way he spoiled True,” the source explains.

Good for Khloe. You should always love your children, not just whichever one happens to be in front of you at the time.

Apparently Khloe’s concerns have a lot to do with her own issues.

We hate to call them “daddy issues” because it’s sounds dismissive, but … they’re daddy issues.

“Khloe was devastated when her dad died,” the source explains.

“And,” the insider continues, Khloe “wants True and Tristan to have a strong bond.”

Khloe wants Tristan and True to have a relationship “like she did with her dad, no matter what.”

Robert Kardashian’s death was heartbreaking for his entire family. He was a good man who adored his children.

Since the first — at the time, unfathomable — reports came out back in April that Khloe had not dumped Tristan’s cheating ass, people have wondered why.

Even then, people suspected that Khloe’s own issues related to her late father made her reluctant to break up with Tristan.

Some children are happy that their parents divorced, others simply adjust or cope. But others will spend their lives believing that it should never have happened.

Did Khloe refuse to break up in the first place because her own experience with divorce made her believe that True needs both parents?

We suspect that, on some level, even Khloe couldn’t answer that with absolute certainty.

Is this report true? We … kind of hope not.

Don’t get us wrong, it would totally explain why Khloe has remained with the man who humiliated her in front of the world at such a critical moment in their relationship.

But the report almost suggests that Khloe is using her affections to secure a father figure for True.

A real father — which we would like to believe that Tristan is — wouldn’t need Khloe’s smothering attention to remind him of either of his children.

If he really can’t be a good dad on his own, then tricking him into doing it isn’t doing True any favors.


Columbus Short: Kim Kardashian is Controlling Kanye With WITCHCRAFT!

After Kanye West’s bizarre Oval Office visit in which he doubled down on his support for Donald Trump, his former fans are scratching their heads.

But a former Scandal actor believes that he can explain Kanye’s strange behavior.

Columbus Short accuses Kim Kardashian of using witchcraft to torment and control her husband.

Disgraced former Scandal actor Columbus Short took to social media, sharing an image in which Kim smiles for the camera while Kanye stares into the distant.

“I post this picture for one reason and one reason only,” Columbus writes.

He then writes that his purpose is “to expose witchcraft.”

Yes, you read that correctly. No, this is not an early Halloween prank.

“This,” Columbus claims. “Is what it looks like.”

Kanye and Kim Kardashian,

We guess that about half the students in any early morning math class anyone’s ever taken are also under the thrall of witches, then.

“Its [sic] a unaddressed issue but real and present right now,” Columbus continues.

He goes on to claim that: “Both men and women all over the WORLD are unknowingly being tormented by witchcraft.”

“And this,” he says. “Is what it looks like.”

“You can call me crazy,” he very correctly states. “But I suggest you guys do your research.”

Obviously, no amount of actual research is going to validate his claims.

There are plenty of people whose personal spiritual practices can be described as witchcraft.

They come from a number of faiths or may not subscribe to any religion.

But they are very much not mind-controlling anyone, least of all Kanye West.

Some might say that a little mind-control would do Kanye some good right about now.

Easily the best thing about Columbus’ witchcraft theory is the replies.

Sure, some of them are people agreeing with him and warning that they fear for his life since he’s “exposing” this “truth.”

One person tweeted: “You Already Know What’s going on in The Devil Illuminati Industry,” which is one hell of a sentence.

Others are arguing with him … saying that it’s not witchcraft mind-control, but MK Ultra mind-control.

Social media is amazing.

This is a little like when Flat Earth “Theorists” start espousing their views, only to get arguments from Hollow Earth theorists.

To the rest of us, one theory seems about the same as the other.

But that’s because two concepts, each equally divorced from reality, seem equally absurd.

To those who really believe them, however, it makes all of the difference in the world.

It seems that Columbus really, truly believes that Kim has hexxed Kanye.

On a more serious note, Columbus referring to “torment” by “witchcraft” brings to mind his arrest warrant from just last month.

The warrant was issued in September after he failed to appear in court for a divorce proceeding.

His divorce from Tuere Tanee Short began all the way back in 2014, around the time of his arrest for domestic violence.

She filed for divorce after he threatened to kill her and himself, and she was granted a temporary restraining order at the time.

He has also been accused of other acts of violence, including violence against another woman’s child and threatening to kill Jamie Foxx for some reason.

It is unclear if he believes that his life setbacks are the results of sabotage by witchcraft. They are clearly his own fault.

Kanye’s behavior has been worrisome to a lot of his fans, and people seem desperate for an explanation.

Some think that Kim is just not good for him.

Others choose to blame mental illness, as if there aren’t millions of people with mental illness who manage to not be terrible.

Now, an accused domestic abuser thinks that Kanye is under a witch’s mind-control.

When, we wonder, are people going to stop making excuses that turn Kanye into the victim.

Maybe Kanye West is just … bad. And maybe he has been bad all along, and people can no longer find easy excuses to ignore it.
