Showing posts with label Kill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kill. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 18 Recap: I Will Kill Him Myself!

The Real Housewives of Orange County continued the Brooks Ayers cancer saga this week, but with a new critic leading the charge and piling it on.

Picking up where last week left off, The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 10 Episode 18 kept the intensity level high as we learned:

  1. That Vicki Gunvalson thinks Satan is behind this;

  2. That her daughter Briana wants to KILL Brooks.

Regarding point number one, Vicki felt the evil nature of her co-stars’ assumptions about Brooks Ayers faking cancer had to be the devil’s work.

“When is enough enough?” Vicki asked. “He’s got cancer.”

Does he, though? Briana Culberson was not a fan of Brooks before hating on Brooks was popular. And she’s not exactly slowing down now.

Briana only stayed at her mom’s house during her visit to the O.C. because Ayers was away on business. Even then, she felt his bad vibes.

“It feels heavy and uncomfortable and there’s just kind of a nasty feeling when you walk in the door,” Culberson told her husband, Ryan.

Ryan, for his part, noted the “weird musk” of Ayers’ existence.

If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you know that for the women, it’s equally confusing why Vicki defends him SO passionately.

Briana said there is “absolutely nothing Brooks can do for me to accept him” and that Vicki “fights to make something work that shouldn’t work.”

Because she doesn’t want to be alone is Briana’s theory.

Incredibly, this was BEFORE SHE KNEW about the cancer situation, which she conveniently found out about during an outing with Tamra Barney.

According to Briana, this was shocking on multiple levels.

When she first met Brooks, she said, he talked about having pancreatic cancer … only to admit after detailed questioning that it was pancreatitis.

Tamra’s details about Ayers made Bri more skeptical.

“I’ll kill him. I’ll kill him myself,” Briana told Tamra after hearing the latest scandal. “She’s gonna find out … or he’s just going to be ‘cured’ one day.”

This cast a pall over Tamra’s baptism – which she orchestrated after an especially trying period of her life, and which all the women planned to attend.

While the occasion was meant to make everyone reflective in a peaceful, positive and introspective way, it just made Gunvalson dig in even more.

“The truth is always the truth,” the O.G. of the O.C. said.

“Satan loves confusion. This is Satan’s work.”

No ma’am. It’s just Bravo’s.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Andre Berto -- Don"t Sleep on Chris Brown ... He"d Kill Justin Bieber!



Andre Berto‘s throwing a fresh jab at Floyd Mayweather Jr., and also getting a little too candid about his pal Chris Brown‘s lethal hands. 

Berto flew into L.A. Monday … fresh off his weekend loss in Vegas. AB had plenty to say about Mayweather lacking any punch during their fight — but the shocking part of this clip is what he says about a hypothetical fight between Justin Bieber and Brown.

To be fair, our photog raised the topic, and Berto just ran with it. It’s obvious Andre was NOT thinking about the Rihanna beating as he bragged … Chris “got them hands.”

Berto’s point is really that Bieber wouldn’t stand a chance, but let’s just say … he made an innocent mistake with his choice of words. 

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