Showing posts with label Lowry's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lowry's. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2016

Javi Marroquin to Spill Kailyn Lowry"s Secrets in New Tell-All?!

It’s been three months since we first learned that Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have separated, and while neither party has filed for divorce, the terms of their split are being decided in the court of public opinion on a daily basis.

Now, rumors are circulating online that Javi is planning to tell his side of the story in a tell-all memoir that will blow the lid off of Kailyn’s public image.

While details have been scarce, several media outlets have reported that Javi is upset with the way he’s been portrayed in the celebrity gossip world and is planning to set the record straight via a quicky tell-all.

Life & Style was the first to report that Javi is soon to become an author (with the help of a ghostwriter), but the tabloid didn’t go into much detail with regard to what Marroquin planned to reveal.

Several “insiders” claimed that the 23-year-old would focus on rumors about Kailyn’s plastic surgery, as well as her love life in the weeks since the couple went their separate ways.

Recently, Teen Mom 2 viewers have demonstrated an intense interest in Lowry’s relationship with Becky Hayter – a longtime friend of both Kailyn and Javi, whom Kailyn is allegedly dating.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that sources are claiming Javi plans to reveal the nature of Lowry and Hayter’s relationship in his book.

Unfortunately for TM2 fans who were looking forward to some scandalous summer reading, The Ashley’s Reality Roundup is now reporting that there’s no truth to the rumors of Javi spilling the tea in book form.

“It’s simply not true at all,” a source tells the site.

“Kail would probably end up telling people herself before Javi would write a tell-all.” 

So does this mean we can expect a juicy memoir from Kail herself in the near future?

The fan favorite has already penned one popular memoir, but with all the recent developments in her life, a sequel might be in order.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the rollercoaster life of Ms. Lowry.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Javi Marroquin: HOOKING UP With Kailyn Lowry"s BFF??

If you follow Teen Mom 2 gossip, you likely already know that Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are getting a divorce.

And sadly, their split has been nothing if not tumultuous.

Like so many youths today, they can’t help but air their grievances on social media, and oftentimes tweet and ‘gram and post hurtful crap just to passive aggressively get each other’s goats.

Javi, in particular, has been spectacularly guilty of this.

Earlier this month, he basically called out Kailyn for cheating when he tweeted, “What’s done in the night will show in the light.”

There’s been wide speculation that Kail has been seeing a woman named Becky Hayter, mostly because the TM2 star shared (then deleted) a pic of the two of them kissing to Instagram.

Kailyn neither confirmed nor denied a dalliance with Becky, but Javi took it upon himself to act like he was already scoping out other females on Twitter.

During some interactions with a Brooke Wells, he appeared to express interest in her sister.

“Is your sister single tho?!” he tweeted at his friend. He also included a heart-eyed emoji – and we all know what that means.

But now, it seems that Javi is flaunting a relationship with Kailyn’s former BFF Christina “Peach” Pietrobon.

“Missing @Javimarroquin9,” Peach tweeted, to which Javi retweeted and replied back with, “So soon! So freaking soon!”

Kail and Peach reportedly ended their friendship shortly after Kailyn’s divorce was announced.

“Really disappointed in you,” Peach tweeted to Lowry.

“You’ll blame someone for not being there yet you won’t even give them the chance to choose to be there,” Peach wrote in another tweet.

“You decided for them when you neglected to tell them all the information to make their own decision.”

What a hairy mess.

I thank god social media was not around when I was coming of age and making poor decisions.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Becky Hayter: Who is Kailyn Lowry"s New Love Interest?

The ongoing soap opera that is Kailyn Lowry’s love life took an unexpected turn recently, when the the world learned that Lowry might be dating a woman.

Sources close to the Teen Mom 2 star indicated that ever since she officially separated from Javi Marroquin, Kailyn has been spending a lot of time with a female friend named Becky Hayter.

At one point, a video of Kailyn and Becky kissing surfaced on Lowry’s Instagram page.

It was quickly deleted after the comments section exploded with speculation about Kailyn’s sexual orientation.

But though the video wasn’t online for very long, Lowry replaced the clip with the image below and has not denied that she’s romantically involved with Hayter.

Insiders have confirmed that Lowry dated several women during her adolescent years and earlier today the mother of two seemed to confirm her sexual fluidity, tweeting, “Do I have to be gay or straight? Can’t I just love people?”

Little is known about Hayter, but she seems to be even less shy than Lowry about confirming that the romantic rumors are 100% true.

In addition to re-tweeting Kailyn’s coming out tweet, moments ago Becky re-tweeted a fan who wrote, “I have to say @KailLowry & @hayter25 would make a bangin couple tho.”

It’s not a direct confirmation, but it certainly seems Hayter is implying that she and Lowry are far more than just friends.

Though she’s new to the public eye, Hayter doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by the, well…haters.

She’s wisely opted not to engage with them on a one-to-one basis (Never feed the trolls, kids!), and she instead dismissed the more critical comments she’s been receiving with a tweet reading, “Do people not understand calling me a lesbian is not offensive?”

Based on her Twitter page, Hayter seems like a woman who knows how to party and a staunch advocate for LGBT rights.

In a word, she seems cool, which is more than can be said about most of the dudes that have come and gone from Teen Mom 2 over the years.

It’s official: We’re ‘shipping these two. Long live Kaiter!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Kailyn Lowry"s RISKY Post-Surgery Pic: Trading Health for Cash?

Oh, Kailyn Lowry, what are you doing to yourself?

The Teen Mom 2 star had a butt lift, liposuction and a tummy tuck just two weeks ago, and now she’s posted a pic of herself wearing a waist trainer – a move that could seriously jeopardize her health.

“Maintaining my tiny waist with my @Colombianwaist waist cincher,” she wrote. “Ladies if you are looking to lose inches or just maintain your waist I highly recommend it. Get yours today at Use code 10off for discount. Thanks @Colombianwaist #WaistTraining #Itssocomfortable”

This post is clearly sponsored by the company that sells the waist trainers, so Kailyn is getting some cash out of the deal, but couldn’t she hold off until she’s fully healed?

A tummy tuck and lipo are major procedures that typically can involve several weeks to months of recovery.

Even her surgeon, the infamous Dr. Michael Salzhauer (aka, “Dr. Miami”) warns that wearing the waist trainer could be dangerous.

“She needs to be careful that it’s not too tight!” he told Radar Online.

“Too much pressure can hurt the skin,” he said. “It could compromise the blood flow to the skin, leading to blisters or scarring.”

The good doctor said he has talked to Lowry, and that she assured him she was being cautious with the contraption and not cinching it too tight.

Even still, Dr. Miami believes she’d be safer to not wear it at all until she’s completely recovered.

Why take chances, Kailyn? Is the money from the waist training gig helping to pay Dr. Miami’s fees?

There is also some irony here. After spending many thousands of dollars to shape her midsection to perfection, she’s still wearing a waist trainer to make it appear smaller.

We’re hoping she snapped the shot then threw it in the closet and collected her check.

Of course, that’s not what the Columbian Waist company would like you to believe.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Teen Mom Fans Call Kailyn Lowry"s Marriage a "Sham"

Twitter can be an awful place, especially if users think you’ve done something wrong.

Kailyn Lowry is feeling the heat from those who follow her marriage to Javi Marroquin, and they’re accusing her of not being a good mother or wife.

Some claim that Lowry has been traveling so much that she wasn’t with her son, Isaac, on his birthday.

“She missed isacs birthday right? And javi deploying. She’s something else,” one wrote, according Starplus.

“marriage is a sham,” declared another. 

“she never wears her wedding ring,” someone else wrote.  “She never posts sweet things on social media either.”

Lowry responded to the comments, laughing them off as ridiculous speculation.

“Are y’all on drugs?” she wrote.  “I had a party for my son and a going away din for Javi lol!” 

In the past, Lowry has admitted that she and Marroquin, who married in November 2013, have gone through their share of struggles.

“Javi and I don’t fight like we used to,” Lowry told Radar Online back in November.

“And I think we kind of understand each other a lot better right now… We don’t have a whole lot of drama right now and we are just trying to make things work and figure things out.”

“I think [it was] Javi recognizing his place in what all of our problems and me recognizing my own, just kind of taking responsibility for our own actions and stuff like that,” Lowry continued.

“Just also having an understanding that we [respect] each other’s personal space too kind of helped us.”

Lowry is currently recovering from plastic surgery in Miami; the mom-of-town had liposuction, a butt lift and a tummy tuck.