Showing posts with label Nose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nose. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

19 Celebrity Nose Jobs You Have to See to Believe

Noses are such little things, really, but tiny nips and tucks can make huge differences! For some, a nose job can be a door opener.

For others, a nose job can be a total mess – even a career ender.

Sometimes, it"s obvious which is which. Other times, it"s a thin line, as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as they say, right?

In any case, here are 11 celebrity nose jobs you won"t believe!

1. Michael Jackson

Michael jackson

Michael Jackson’s nose job is the most dramatic on the list. He might have blamed his skin lightening on a genetic condition, but there’s no denying his nose came from a knife.

2. Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee simpson

Ashlee Simpson’s nose job was quite dramatic! It changed the entire look of her face! Wonder how her nose job affected her voice?

3. Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer aniston

Jennifer Aniston had a nose job to shed her father’s schnoz. It happened early enough in her career that her new nose is the only nose we know.

4. Blake Lively

Blake lively

Blake Lively has never confirmed or denied that she went over the knife, but let’s just say Gossip Girl would’ve had a field day on her blog with before-and-after photos like this.

5. Tom Cruise

Tom cruise

Tom Cruise had a nose job early on in his career. Oddly enough he waited until he was in his 40s for braces. Rumor has it Katie Holmes also had a nose job so maybe that’s what Suri will get for her Sweet Sixteen.

6. Heidi Montag

Heidi montag

Heidi Montag is another reality star who can’t hide her love of plastic surgery. Montag once underwent 10 procedures in one day, ruining everything people liked about her.

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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Tom Hanks" Son Chet Opens Up About His Cocaine Addiction & Stint In Rehab — "I Was Selling Coke & Doing Coke Until I Couldn"t Even Snort It Up My Nose"

Chet Hanks says he’s cleaning up his act — for real this time!

The youngest son of Oscar-winner Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson opened up about his past drug abuse and time in rehab in a series of 11 videos posted to Instagram on Wednesday.

Related: Celebrity Scandals We Never Saw Coming!

The 25-year-old wanted to clear up recent reports that he had gone missing, admitting that he was in fact in rehab:

“I’ve been in rehab. I’ve been trying to get my sh*t together, and I’m doing pretty damn good … I just really had to take a look at myself and my life and the way sh*t was going and all the crazy stupid sh*t I was doing and just finally admit to myself that it wasn’t working.”

Good for him!!

The musician, who used to go by Chet Haze, revealed last year that he has been battling a cocaine addiction since he was 16 years old. Over the summer, it got worse than it’s ever been:

“A couple months ago I was selling coke and doing coke until I couldn’t even snort it up my nose anymore because it was so clogged. I even smoked crack. If I can change, you can change. There is a solution.”

So, so sad! But we are happy to see him facing his demons once and for all — we hope it works this time!

In one of his confessions, he shared that his past has caused major challenges for him:

“It’s been a long journey discovering who I am. Because all the pressures that I’ve dealt with in my life – you know, being the son of my dad and everything. Just trying to find where I fit in.”

Chet also brought up the controversy over his use of the N-word, that even caused Instagram to temporarily shut down his account:

“I know a lot of y’all kinda understood the point I was trying to make, but the truth is it’s not my place to speak on that. And I’m genuinely sorry for the people I offended.”

In a final message thanking his friends and family for their support, he wrote:

“I only say this to show y’all how real it is, not to glorify anything I’ve done. There’s nothing glorious about bringing yourself closer to death and prison with each day of active addiction. I’m just giving y’all the raw realness to let y’all know that this shit here really is not a game. It’s life or death. And the solution is Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and the surrendering of your will and your life over to a Higher Power of your own understanding.”

Ch-ch-check out his most telling admissions (below)!

I only say this to show y’all how real it is, not to glorify anything I’ve done. There’s nothing glorious about bringing yourself closer to death and prison with each day of active addiction. I’m just giving y’all the raw realness to let y’all know that this shit here really is not a game. It’s life or death. And the solution is Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and the surrendering of your will and your life over to a Higher Power of your own understanding.A video posted by 🌴LA / WORLD WIDE 🌍 (@chethanx) on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:31pm PDT

Wow! Sounds like Chet is on the right path to recovery, and we wish him the best!!

[Image via Instagram.]

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Jason Pierre Paul -- Thumbs Nose At Critics ... I Can Still Lift Weights!


7-fingered bench press? No problem. 

After critics said Jason Pierre Paul‘s disfigured hand would be a huge hurdle when it comes to weight training, the NY Giants star hit the gym … to prove he can still lift weights, despite missing digits. 

JPP busted out a set of bench presses — with a towel in his right hand to stabilize the bar.  

It’s the second time Jason’s posted training footage — in an effort to prove he can still be effective in the NFL after seriously damaging his hand in a fireworks accident

You convinced? 

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