Showing posts with label Penn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Penn. Show all posts

Thursday, December 1, 2016

LaVar Arrington -- College FB Rankings Are "Moronic" ... Penn State > Ohio State

It’s that time of the year again when nobody can agree on the College Football Playoff rankings … so here’s LaVar Arrington explaining why he believes the whole system is messed up. TMZ Sports spoke with the former Nittany Lion about the most…


LaVar Arrington -- College FB Rankings Are "Moronic" ... Penn State > Ohio State

It’s that time of the year again when nobody can agree on the College Football Playoff rankings … so here’s LaVar Arrington explaining why he believes the whole system is messed up. TMZ Sports spoke with the former Nittany Lion about the most…


Monday, November 7, 2016

UFC"s BJ Penn -- No Charges In Sexual Assault Case ... "Insufficient Evidence"

UFC legend BJ Penn is off the hook in his sexual assault case — with prosecutors telling TMZ Sports there is not sufficient evidence to prove he attacked a woman last year.  As we previously reported, cops in Hawaii launched an investigation…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

NFL"s Donald Penn ... Wife Files For Divorce ... After He Allegedly Knocked Up Reality Star

Raiders star Donald Penn’s wife is calling quits on their marriage … TMZ Sports has learned. As we previously reported … Donald’s wife, Dominique Penn, BLASTED the star lineman over social media earlier this month after he…


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Nate Parker -- Penn State Investigates Second Sexual Misconduct Allegation

“Birth of a Nation” director Nate Parker is at the center of another sexual misconduct allegation … one for which he faces no punishment, but this time Penn State is on the hot seat. A female student trainer claims in 2000, while Nate was on the…


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Madonna to Sean Penn: "I Still Love You"

Could a reconciliation be on the horizon for Madonna and Sean Penn???

According to People, the material girl and the Oscar-winning actor arrived together holding hands at a gala benefiting one of Penn’s favorite charities, the J/P Haitian Relief Organization.

In a heartfelt speech praising Penn’s humanitarian efforts, Madonna offered this heartfelt confession:

“I want to say that, Sean, I love you. From the moment that I laid eyes on you. And I still love you, just the same.” 

This is amazeballs. As we know, the two were married back in 1985, but ended their rocky relationship after just four years.

At the time, reports surfaced that Penn had abused the singer, but Madge went on the record to deny any such incidents just last December.

They’re in their 50s now, and perhaps they’ve both calmed down a bit since their wild child antics of their 20s. We kinda hope so, because this is one relationship we could potentially get behind.

In September, Penn was spotted in the audience at Madge’s Rebel Heart concert in New York, and about a month prior to that, she posted a throwback pic on Instagram of Penn planting a kiss on her cheek.

However, the two are both plagued with separate personal issues at the moment.

Penn has been getting a lot of attention surrounding a controversial interview he conducted with Mexican drug lord El Chapo, and Madonna is ensnared in a custody battle for her son, Rocco.

Perhaps these two can offer each other a little love and support during these difficult times.

Personal dramas aside, their fondness for one another is abundantly clear. But Madonna has just one request of her ex- (and maybe future, wink-wink!) husband:

“I just wish you would stop smoking so many cigarettes.”

Saturday, January 9, 2016

El Chapo: Caught Because of Sean Penn?!

As you may have heard, Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman was apprehended after escaping from a Mexican prison back in July.

Guzman wields a tremendous amount of power in his home country, and after six months on the lam, international authorities reportedly began to question whether Mexicans authorities would be able to re-capture the head of the world’s largest criminal empire. Perhaps that’s why the US decided to intervene by offering up the services of our red-faced, booze-addled secret weapon – Sean Penn.

Confused? So is the rest of the world.

On Saturday night, Rolling Stone published a bizarre 11,000-word article in which Penn boasted about a secretive rendezvous with Guzman, during which, the international fugitive granted Penn an exclusive interview.

Of course, at this time, El Chapo was the world’s most wanted criminal, so Penn could find himself in legal trouble for failing to report his whereabouts.

But perhaps the most amazing part of this baffling story is that the authorities might be the least of Penn’s concerns.

The Associated Press is now reporting that Penn unwittingly played a role in Guzman’s arrest, which might well make the actor a marked man.

Moments ago, the news agency tweeted, “BREAKING: Mexican official says drug lord Guzman’s interview with actor Sean Penn led Mexican forces to his whereabouts.”

It wasn’t Penn’s intention to lead the cops to their man, but it seems Mexican law enforcement officials were tracking him – along with Mexican actress Kate del Castillo, who served as a go-between – throughout his communications with Guzman.

Whoops. Obviously, we hope Penn isn’t in any danger from Guzman’s cartel, but he may want to keep a low profile for the time being.

Sure, El Chapo once threatened to kill Donald Trump, but that doesn’t mean he’s cool with all rage-aholic American blowhards. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sean Penn Sues Empire Creator, Claims He Doesn"t Hit Women

Sean Penn hits women. It’s a sad truth that’s been documented on numerous occasions.

During Penn’s marriage to Madonna, he reportedly tied her to a chair and beat her for nine hours. The incident ended only when she escaped and fled on foot to a police station.

The only reason Penn isn’t still in prison for the disgusting attack (or for the time he hit her over the head with a baseball bat) is because the young pop star felt that she couldn’t face the media frenzy that would ensue.

Now, because Hollywood is a ridiculous place, and Sean Penn is the most ridiculous of human beings, he’s suing director and Empire creator Lee Daniels for $ 10 million for implying in an interview that Penn may have a violent side.

It all started when Daniels was asked about allegations that Terrence Howard hit his wife that came up during court proceedings for his latest divorce.

(It’s worth noting that it was not the first time Howard was accused of hitting women – and it’s also not his first divorce in the past year.)

“[Terrence] ain’t done nothing different than Marlon Brando or Sean Penn, and all of a sudden he’s some f–king demon,” Daniels said. “That’s a sign of the time, of race, of where we are right now in America.”

Apparently, the remark flew Penn into such a rage (not a hard thing to do) that he immediately filed the 8-figure suit for defamation of character.

There’s really no need to go to court, tough, as we can settle this whole thing right now. Here goes:

You’re all terrible. Howard and Penn – you’re terrible for hitting women. Daniels – you’re horrible for making excuses for men who hit women.

We guess Penn is the worst for also being a sanctimonious douche and looking like the remains of an Easter ham that you discover in the back of your fridge sometime in October.

Therefore, he loses and his punishment is, um…getting thrown out of Hollywood with a catapult. There, all settled.