Showing posts with label PillPopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PillPopping. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

Farrah Abraham Is a Pill-Popping Hooker, Friend Claims

Yesterday, we reported on rumors that Farrah Abraham is an out of control drunk who likes to get blackout hammered while partying at Barry’s.

Is Barry’s a bar? Is it just the residence of some dude named Barry? Is Farrah partying with misters Bonds, Sanders, or Manilow?

We have no idea, but according to Z-list actress and sometime Farrah acquaintance Phoebe Price, Farrah can be found getting sh-tfaced at Barry’s more nights than not.

Anyway, Ms. Price obviously enjoyed the attention she received from bashing Farrah yesterday, so today, she’s doubling down on her claims.

“She’s a high-class hooker,” Price tells Radar Online.

“She meets men on very exclusive websites, and one guy she went to meet in Dubai.

“She dumped her last guy because he lied on [celebrity dating site] Raya about his income.”

As Radar points out, Farrah did travel to Dubai — with her 9-year-old daughter, Sophia, in tow — back in May.

Price goes on to allege that Farrah’s frequent cosmetic procedures have resulted in a debilitating addiction to prescription painkillers.

“She gets pills with all these procedures she gets done,” Price claims.

“She claims to have pain afterward,” she adds. 

“I think it makes her really moody.”

We may have created a monster by getting so much pleasure from Phoebe’s unrepentant shade-throwing, 

“She drinks too much. She pops pills too much. She’s a bad mom. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Sophia gets taken away,” the actress says.

“She leaves her with babysitters and she tries to get rid of Sophia every chance she gets. She tries to act for the camera like she is a great mom.”

Price goes on to compare Farrah to another troubled — albeit much more famous — star, claiming that if Farrah doesn’t get her act together, she’s headed for an overdose such as the one recently suffered by Demi Lovato.

“She has to get her life in check or she could end up another Demi Lovato,” Price says.

“It all started with alcohol with Demi. She needs help. I know she has many issues and needs help, especially because of Sophia. I have known other people with bipolar.”

Needless to say, those are some serious allegations.

In fact, if this were anyone other than Ms. Abraham, we might have trouble believing them.

Not surprisingly, Farrah was quick to dismiss the Price’s claims as “lame crap,” claiming that she has no time to party, as she’s focusing on her new career as the female Floyd Mayweather.

“I don’t drink at all,” Abraham tells Radar.

“I’m training two times a day for my boxing match … I’m too busy running companies, working on my shows, films, and being with my child.”

As for her short-lived friendship with Price, Farrah says that’s a thing of the past:

“I don’t speak with her anymore, as she is too jealous of my success,” Farrah claims. “She is a horrible person.”

Well, you know what they say — it takes one to know one.


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Jenelle Evans Opens Up About Pill-Popping, Overdoses

In case you haven’t heard, Jenelle Evans has a new memoir out, and it is just chock full of jaw-dropping revelations about the Teen Mom 2 star.

We thought we were pretty much past the point of being shocked by Jenelle, but it turns out that her years before reality stardom were just as bonkers as everything that’s happened since.

In one of the first excerpts released to the public, we learned that Jenelle suffered heroin overdoses and nearly died on more than one occasion.

In a portion revealed earlier today, we found out that Jenelle contemplated suicide in her youth, though she admitted that her attempts were primarily “cries for help.”

Now, Jenelle’s publishers have posted yet another excerpt of Read Between The Lines: Diary of a Teenage Mom, and once again, we’re confronted with the reality that Jenelle’s backstory is even darker than we thought.

In one scary scene, Jenelle writes about an incident in 2006, in which she swallowed 24 decongestant pills after being told that large of an overdose would have a hallucinogenic effect.

“I took six pills at first, then waited,” Evans writes.

“I got a little lightheaded but nothing else… I got nothing from it, so I took six more. Where were my hallucinations? Where was my unusual insight to the universe? All I got was a queasy feeling. So, I took six more.”

She never achieved the hallucinations she was looking for – but she did get very sick.

“I knew something wasn’t right when my heart started beating really fast,” she writes in the book.

“I had some chest pains and felt really sick to my stomach. That’s when I decided to go find my mom and tell her what I had done.”

In another excerpt, Jenelle writes about multiple brushes with death while she was dating Kiefer Delp in 2008.

The couple frequently used heroin together, and the way Evans describes it, it’s a wonder she survived.

“I did a lot of heroin and weed,” she writes.

“That was all I did. Just smoked and shot up and laid around chillin.’”

She goes on to describe an incident in which she lost consciousness on a bathroom floor after shooting up.

“I had no idea how long I was out or what I did during that time,” she said.

“It was scary, not knowing. I asked Kieffer why I was lying on the f–king floor. Kieffer said I passed out.”

Obviously, Jenelle is still far from perfect, but she’s certainly come a long way since those days.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online at TV Fanatic to relive the rollercoaster that’s been Jenelle’s life.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Jenelle Evans Worries Fans With Pill-Popping Instagram Pic

Last month, Jenelle Evans was hospitalized under mysterious circumstances, having apparently experienced a number of symptoms that remain undiagnosed.

Earlier this week, Jenelle opened up about her health problems on social media, revealing that she recently made a trip to New York City in order to undergo additional testing.

Hundreds of fans expressed their concern for the troubled Teen Mom star after learning of her condition. 

Others, however, took the opportunity to trash-talk Jenelle after she posted the above photo of herself smiling and popping a pill.

It’s not every day that we find ourselves in the position of defending Jenelle, but she did make perfectly clear in the caption for the photo that it’s simply part of her endorsement deal for a “carb blocker” supplement:

“Had a great visit in NYC! Back to my baby! Finally!!” she wrote on Instagram.

“Thank you @proteinworld for carbblocker and helping me during my travels. This stuff helps when your eating out especially during traveling !! Check it out #proteinworld”

Even so, dozens of commenters (and even a few media outlets) expressed their beliefs that in the context of Jenelle’s past addictions and current health problems, such a photo is in poor taste. 

Perhaps they have a point, but it’s important to remember that Jenelle could be doing much, much worse than popping what’s essentially a vitamin on Instagram.

In fact, she’ll probably do much, much worse before the week is out!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Leah Messer Admits to Pill-Popping, Sleeping With Married Corey Simms

Leah Messer has been accused of just about every kind of bad behavior over the years, and she’s always maintained her innocence.

In a recent bombshell interview with Us Weekly, however, Leah comes clean about everything from her pill-popping to her bizarre relationship with Corey Simms.

Despite having recently lost custody of her twin daughters to Simms, Leah finally admits that she and her first husband have had difficulty keeping their hands off of one another in the past.

There’s been much debate over the past few months over whether Leah and Corey had sex after he got remarried.

Now, Leah is confirming that the tryst took place, and revealing for the first time exactly when it happened:

“Corey and I did hook up two months after they got married,” says Leah. Sounds like Corey will have some explaining to do at home tonight.

After months of claiming that her drug use was limited to a “couple weeks” of using anti-anxiety meds after the birth of her third child Leah now admits that she became addicted to prescription painkillers and was only able to get sober with the help of in-patient treatment.

As for losing custody of her twins, Leah describes it as “a slap in the face,” but says she’s not ready to give up fighting for them.

“I feel like they should have both of us in their lives,” Leah says. “At the end of the day, my kids are going to be happy, and I don’t care what I have to do to make them happy.”