Thursday, February 11, 2016

Jenelle Evans Worries Fans With Pill-Popping Instagram Pic

Last month, Jenelle Evans was hospitalized under mysterious circumstances, having apparently experienced a number of symptoms that remain undiagnosed.

Earlier this week, Jenelle opened up about her health problems on social media, revealing that she recently made a trip to New York City in order to undergo additional testing.

Hundreds of fans expressed their concern for the troubled Teen Mom star after learning of her condition. 

Others, however, took the opportunity to trash-talk Jenelle after she posted the above photo of herself smiling and popping a pill.

It’s not every day that we find ourselves in the position of defending Jenelle, but she did make perfectly clear in the caption for the photo that it’s simply part of her endorsement deal for a “carb blocker” supplement:

“Had a great visit in NYC! Back to my baby! Finally!!” she wrote on Instagram.

“Thank you @proteinworld for carbblocker and helping me during my travels. This stuff helps when your eating out especially during traveling !! Check it out #proteinworld”

Even so, dozens of commenters (and even a few media outlets) expressed their beliefs that in the context of Jenelle’s past addictions and current health problems, such a photo is in poor taste. 

Perhaps they have a point, but it’s important to remember that Jenelle could be doing much, much worse than popping what’s essentially a vitamin on Instagram.

In fact, she’ll probably do much, much worse before the week is out!