Showing posts with label Pray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pray. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Katy Perry"s Parents Want You to Pray for Their Daughter

Katy Perry is one of the most successful female artists on the planet.

She’s managed to stay relevant ever since the release of her hit single, “I Kissed A Girl” way back in 2008. 

Her parents, Keith and Mary Hudson are deeply religious and recently lifted the lid on how they really felt about their daughter. 

They revealed crazy information about the family across two packed services at the Church of Grace in Yorba Linda, California on July 17 and 18. 

It isn’t news that the both Keith and Mary have been embarrassed by their daughter’s past. You only need to look at some of her music videos to find out why. 

They even chimed in on her feud with Taylor Swift.

“Don’t judge her, pray for her,” they implored.

Okay then. 

Her mother also addressed Perry’s new single, “Rise.” 

“She [Katy] released a new song called ‘Rise.’ It says, ‘My feet have been put to the fire but I will rise.’ That’s what she’s about right now.”

Could this mean that the singer’s new material will be less racy than past efforts? 

Keith noted that he recently spoke to Perry and even talked about the lyrics of the track. 

“If you listen to this new song you know it ain’t over yet. She talks about some things. She’s good.”

“I want you to pray for my daughter,” he added. “Don’t judge her, pray for her. She’s going to be singing Rise for the Olympics this year. We’re very proud of it and her.”

It all sounds pretty bizarre. 

At least we know that they like the new song more than her first big hit.

“We certainly like it more than ‘I Kissed A Girl,"” he said of her new music. “When ‘I Kissed A Girl’ came out we thought about moving to Venezuela because of the shame.”

Perry’s mom added: “We were going to save [former Venezuelan President who died in 2013] Hugo Chavez but it’s too late for that now.”

Keith took things one step further and commented on his days in the 1960s, taking drugs. 

“I looked like John the Baptist coming out of the woods but I wasn’t eating locusts, baby. My candy was LSD! I was taking it like candy.”

Did anyone expect anything like this to come out? It came pretty much out of the left field. 

Basically, they wanted to let us know that there was time they were ashamed of their daughter, but not now. 

What do you think about it all?

Hit the comments!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Kim Kardashian on Weight Loss Goals: Pray for Me...

We now know why Kim Kardashian is yet to comment on her brother being engaged to Blac Chyna:

She has something far more pressing on her mind.

As previously stated – over and over and over again, ad nauseam – Kim Kardashian is dead set on returning her figure to her pre-second-pregnancy weight.

That means she has to shed a minimum of 70 pounds because she packed a whole lot on while growing Saint West inside of her womb.

Kim has obnoxiously kept fans apprised of her progress… and she did so at the Hakkasan nightclub in Las Vegas on Saturday night.

Speaking to E! News at her first sponsored appearance since becoming a mother once again, Kardashian said she’s on her way toward her weight loss gain – but it isn’t easy, people!

“I’s a challenge… We just got back from our family vacation and every day, we were up early working out.”

Please, someone break out the violins.

Kim was in Vail, Colorado were her family and she had to wake up early to work out. Can you believe it?!?

“I have about 20 pounds to go,” she continued, adding.

“You know, it really is hard. It’s not easy. I gained a lot of weight and I have a lot to lose… I definitely feel good to a place where you know I’m comfortable again and things are starting to fit.”

Thank goodness! We’ve been having trouble sleeping every night, wondering just how close Kim actually was to her ideal weight.

What has been the secret to shedding all these pounds? A nation is dying to know, you self-obsessed loser…

“I think this time, more weight has come off quicker than last time because I kind of learned how to eat better,” she told E! News.

“Last time, I worked out a little bit harder. This time I’m eating differently. So I’m doing the Atkins diet and it’s just like, I’m so militant about it that I just started working out really hard and I think that the mix of the two will help this last 20 pounds, hopefully, you know, fly off.

“I’m praying.”

And we’re praying that God is rolling His eyes over these prayers.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pray For Lamar Odom: Fan Letter to Star Goes Viral

Should we pray for Lamar Odom? Is the ailing basketball star really deserving of our support when his own actions put him in this situation?

This open letter says yes, and the reason is profoundly simple.

While no one with a heart wishes Odom harm, or isn’t pulling for his recovery, there has been some real backlash to recent media coverage.

Is he really deserving of our hopes and prayers, however?

To some critics, claiming he is “battling for his life” after an overdose of his the drug addict’s making is disrespectful to other people in crises.

But perhaps that’s missing the bigger picture in all of this.

We’ll turn it over the most moving open letter to Lamar Odom written since he nearly lost his life, and reflect upon its humbling, sage words.

Excerpts below. Comments are encouraged …

Dear Lamar Odom,

I don’t know if you will ever get a chance to read this or not but I just wanted you to know that I’m praying for you.

Let me tell you that I’m not praying for you because you’re name is trending on social media.

I am praying for you because some years back I was in the same predicament you are in now.

We don’t have the same story or had the same events happen that lead us to fight for our lives but we do have something in common…

What might that be?

People are praying.

People are praying for you, like the way people were praying for me. They might be or not be the people you know or people you’ll ever meet.

Even though you can’t hear those prayers, God hears every single one of them.

From the prayers coming from your love ones, those who know you, fans, and those who haven’t heard about you until now.

Let me just tell you that those prayers are powerful.

Despite what the doctors said, God gave me another chance to live. I was given another chance at life because of those prayers.

Another chance to live life, see my love ones again, and grow in years.

Now the reason why I give the credit to “God” is because I would have never woken up from that coma by myself.

God woke up me because he had a plan for my life, like he has always had a plan for your life.

I want you to know that if God does decide to wake you up, know that he’s plan for your life will be fulfilled if you let him.

You see God looks pass your addictions, mistakes, what people may think of you, and the current events that lead you to be in your present situation.

His main focus is the condition of our heart and soul. As you can tell, that’s all it comes down to at the end.

God is a God of many chances, no matter how many times we reject them.

He doesn’t give us chances to become “religious” but chances to have a “relationship” with him.

If he does choose to give you another chance at life, I can only pray you will choose to take him up on one of those chances.

It might be hard at first. In fact, it might the most hardest thing you will ever do. You will struggle from time to time. But get this … IT’S OKAY.

God knows the things you will have to face and overcome, he just doesn’t want you to do it alone anymore.

Once you start building your relationship with God, you’ll see. You will discover how God will use the little things to get your attention.

Now I can go on and on about how awesome God is … but in reality you can only find out when you give him a real chance to show you.

You are in God’s hands now. This will be the greatest fight of your life. I pray God’s plan for you may be fulfilled. We are all praying for you!

Remember: It’s never too late with God

Lilly N

Pray For Lamar Odom: Fan Letter to Star Goes Viral

Should we pray for Lamar Odom? Is the ailing basketball star really deserving of our support when his own actions put him in this situation?

This open letter says yes, and the reason is profoundly simple.

While no one with a heart wishes Odom harm, or isn’t pulling for his recovery, there has been some real backlash to recent media coverage.

Is he really deserving of our hopes and prayers, however?

To some critics, claiming he is “battling for his life” after an overdose of his the drug addict’s making is disrespectful to other people in crises.

But perhaps that’s missing the bigger picture in all of this.

We’ll turn it over the most moving open letter to Lamar Odom written since he nearly lost his life, and reflect upon its humbling, sage words.

Excerpts below. Comments are encouraged …

Dear Lamar Odom,

I don’t know if you will ever get a chance to read this or not but I just wanted you to know that I’m praying for you.

Let me tell you that I’m not praying for you because you’re name is trending on social media.

I am praying for you because some years back I was in the same predicament you are in now.

We don’t have the same story or had the same events happen that lead us to fight for our lives but we do have something in common…

What might that be?

People are praying.

People are praying for you, like the way people were praying for me. They might be or not be the people you know or people you’ll ever meet.

Even though you can’t hear those prayers, God hears every single one of them.

From the prayers coming from your love ones, those who know you, fans, and those who haven’t heard about you until now.

Let me just tell you that those prayers are powerful.

Despite what the doctors said, God gave me another chance to live. I was given another chance at life because of those prayers.

Another chance to live life, see my love ones again, and grow in years.

Now the reason why I give the credit to “God” is because I would have never woken up from that coma by myself.

God woke up me because he had a plan for my life, like he has always had a plan for your life.

I want you to know that if God does decide to wake you up, know that he’s plan for your life will be fulfilled if you let him.

You see God looks pass your addictions, mistakes, what people may think of you, and the current events that lead you to be in your present situation.

His main focus is the condition of our heart and soul. As you can tell, that’s all it comes down to at the end.

God is a God of many chances, no matter how many times we reject them.

He doesn’t give us chances to become “religious” but chances to have a “relationship” with him.

If he does choose to give you another chance at life, I can only pray you will choose to take him up on one of those chances.

It might be hard at first. In fact, it might the most hardest thing you will ever do. You will struggle from time to time. But get this … IT’S OKAY.

God knows the things you will have to face and overcome, he just doesn’t want you to do it alone anymore.

Once you start building your relationship with God, you’ll see. You will discover how God will use the little things to get your attention.

Now I can go on and on about how awesome God is … but in reality you can only find out when you give him a real chance to show you.

You are in God’s hands now. This will be the greatest fight of your life. I pray God’s plan for you may be fulfilled. We are all praying for you!

Remember: It’s never too late with God

Lilly N