Showing posts with label Prisoner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prisoner. Show all posts

Monday, June 19, 2017

Otto Warmbier Dies; U.S. Student, Former North Korean Prisoner Was 22

Otto Warmbier, a young American who was famously sentenced to hard labor in North Korea more than a year and a half ago, has died.

He had only just returned to the US, having been in a coma for over a year.

His loved ones mourn him, and his family has issued a public statement:

18 months ago, Otto Warmbier was on vacation in North Korea (by way of a trip to China) when he was accused of attempting to steal a propaganda poster from a restricted area of his hotel.

The “evidence” was sketchy at best.

After issuing a dubious confession, he was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

He had, you see, by allegedly messing with a poster, committed a “crime against the state.”

The sentence itself, and possibly the initial accusation that led up to it, was a political reprisal for American sanctions against North Korea for their nuclear program.

After spending the majority of that sentence in a coma, it was clear when Otto’s still-medically-considered-alive body returned home days ago that recovery might be impossible.

Today, that became a tragic certainty.

His parents, Fred and Cindy Warmbier, have issued this statement:

“It is our sad duty to report that our son, Otto Warmbier, has completed his journey home.  Surrounded by his loving family, Otto died today at 2:20pm.”

Every parent’s nightmare, right?

“t would be easy at a moment like this to focus on all that we lost — future time that won’t be spent with a warm, engaging, brilliant young man whose curiosity and enthusiasm for life knew no bounds.”


“But we choose to focus on the time we were given to be with this remarkable person.”

They thank the doctors who worked to try to restore Otto to his former self.

“We would like to thank the wonderful professionals at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center who did everything they could for Otto.

And there’s no question of where the blame lies, in their minds or basically in anyone else’s:

“Unfortunately, the awful torturous mistreatment our son received at the hands of the North Koreans ensured that no other outcome was possible beyond the sad one we experienced today”

They even describe Otto’s final days.

Brace yourselves.

“When Otto returned to Cincinnati late on June 13th he was unable to speak, unable to see and unable to react to verbal commands.”


“He looked very uncomfortable — almost anguished.  Although we would never hear his voice again, within a day the countenance of his face changed — he was at peace.”

That might be their interpretation, but even someone with massive brain injuries might perceive things on some level about the world around them.

“He was home and we believe he could sense that.”

The Warmbiers have described North Korea as a “pariah,” and they’re right.

The rogue state is a dystopian hellhole — the kind where so much Young Adult fiction is set.

And the world does nothing, for a long list of complicated reasons.

How agonizing it must be for the people impacted by it, both North Korean citizens themselves who are powerless against an oppressive regime, and for those outsiders caught up in it all.

We’re glad that Otto had some peace at the end.

And though they’ll be tormented for years, wondering what horrors befell their son to put him in such a condition, we hope that his family finds peace soon.


N. Korean Prisoner Otto Warmbier Dead at 22

Otto Warmbier — the U.S. citizen who was just released by North Korea — died Monday in Cincinnati. Otto was in a coma when N. Korea set him free last week. He’d been at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center since then. He was surrounded by…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Otto Warmbier: Comatose American Prisoner Released by North Korea

Back in January of 2016, an American college student named Otto Warmbier was detained by North Korean officials after allegedly attempting to steal a government propaganda banner while visiting Pyongyang.

In the weeks that followed, Warmbier’s family watched in horror as their son tearfully begged for leniency in open court, only to be sentenced to 15 years hard labor by the Kim Jong-Un regime.

Otto Warmbier Photo

This morning, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson announced that Warmbier has been released from prison and will return to the US following a round of successful negotiations with North Korean leaders.

Unfortunately, it’s not all good news for Warmbier’s long-suffering family back in his natice Cincinnatti.

Several news outlets are reporting today that the newly released 22-year-old is in a coma for reasons that remain somewhat unclear.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Warmbier’s parents revealed that their son has been in a coma since chortly after his last public appearance in March of 2016.

He is currently being medically evacuated via a US military base in Sapporo, Japan.

Otto Warmbier Image

“Our son is coming home,” Fred Warmbier told the newspaper.

“At the moment, we’re just treating this like he’s been in an accident. We get to see our son Otto tonight.”

North Korean officials claim that Warmbier came down with botulism shortly after being incercerated.

He was reportedly given a sleeping pill, and never awoke.

Tillerson made no mention of Warmbier’s condition in a statement announcing his relase:

“At the direction of the President, the Department of State has secured the release of Otto Warmbier from North Korea,” Tillerson said.

“Mr. Warmbier is en route to the United States, where he will be reunited with his family.”

Tillerson stated that he will not comment further “out of respect for the privacy of Mr. Warmbier and his family.”

The news of Warmbier’s release comes on the heels of reports that former NBA star Dennis Rodman will soon head to North Korea on a diplomatic visit.

Rodman has met with Kim Jong-Un in the past and has stated that he considers the dictator a friend.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

NYPD Honcho Insulted by "Hamilton" Star Lin-Manuel Miranda Celebrating Obama"s Controversial Prisoner Release

Lin-Manuel Miranda’s vowing to return to ‘Hamilton’ in honor of President Obama commuting the sentence of Oscar Lopez Rivera — who was convicted for conspiracy against the U.S. government — and some cops are outraged. Miranda said he’d be…


Monday, May 9, 2016

Barbara Evans: David Eason Held Jenelle Prisoner!!!

Oh Babs.

In a teaser for the upcoming episode of Teen Mom 2, Jenelle Evans and her boyfriend, David Eason let his daughter and her son, Jace run around in the front yard unsupervised while they did God-knows-what in her bedroom.

All of a sudden, Babs pulled up and did NOT like what she saw.

Since the front door was open (by production, maybe?), Babs walked into the house and called out for Jenelle – hell, anyone over the age of 18 – to come out and explain why her grandson was playing out front with no one watching him.

"What the heck? You got all the kids outside. Nobody’s watching the kids,” Barbara said to Evans, who was on the other side of the bedroom door.

“Can somebody please open the door?”

"Leave me alone,” the mom-of-two was heard saying.

 “What do you got her imprisoned David?” Evans asked Eason

“She can’t come out of the room? If you think that Jace is going to stay here…” 

At that point, Eason came out of the bedroom with Kaiser.

“What is going on?” 

Eason, with an infuriating "tude, informed Evans that her daughter didn"t feel like talking.

“Yeah, why? Because you told her not to?” she pushed, really frustrated that no one bothered to explain why Evans wouldn"t come out of the bedroom.

Eason locked the door from the inside, which set Evans off.

"You can leave if you are going to yell at me,” Eason warned Evans while still holding Kaiser.

 “You will leave,” he said. “You’re in my house."

Oh HELL no, Evans declared.

“You live here and she pays all the bills like every other guy?” 

Point: Babs

Eason then called the cops to have Evans removed from the house, which was caught on camera.

“He states that his girlfriend’s mother came to the house uninvited, screaming and yelling at him in front of the children and the subject in the house is Barbara Evans," a officer at the scene recalled.

Is Babs in the right?  Should Eason have called the cops on her?

Barbara evans david eason held jenelle prisoner