Showing posts with label Shailene. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shailene. Show all posts

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Shailene Woodley Opens Up About Arrest: They Were Looking for Drugs in My ...

Activist and Divergent star Shailene Woodley was arrested while protesting the Dakota Pipeline?

We all remember the Dakota Pipeline protests. 

There was national outcry over threatening the water table of Native Americans — especially after everything that the US government has done (and continues to do) to the Native American population.

There were also broader environmental concerns, as oil pipelines are notorious for leaking.

Protesters were numerous and passionate, and came from people of different ages and backgrounds, from military veterans to optimistic young people to the Native Americans directly threatened by pipeline’s construction.

Unlike the passive responses of police to torch-bearing Nazi protesters in Charlottesville that included a weekend of violence against racial minorities and a vehicular terrorist attack against counter-protesters, both caught on video, the police responded to the pipeline protesters with a show of force and violence.

Protesters were sprayed with firehoses in freezing temperatures. Rubber bullets, which can injure and even kill, were fired into the crowd.

In the end, of course, President Obama — who had likely postponed any decision in order to avoid making it an election issue, back when there was still hope in the world — fixed it. Temporarily.

Doing his best impression of President John Adams’ infamous Midnight Justices, President Obama effectively brought progress to a halt on the Dakota Access Pipeline at the 11th hour.

That didn’t change the way that peaceful protesters had suffered during the ordeal.

And it changed nothing for Shailene Woodley, who is now sharing exactly what the experience of being arrested was like.

Shailene is bravely opening up, now, about her ordeal being arrested.

In an interview with Marie Claire UK, Shailene Woodley describes her traumatic experience at Morton County Jail.

“I was strip-searched. Like get naked, turn over, spread your butt cheeks, bend over.”

She was a peaceful protester who should not have been arrested (we’ll get to that in a moment), so this should not have happened.

“They were looking for drugs in my a–.”

Awful. We don’t care if it’s standard procedure. It’s awful.

“When you’re in a jail cell and they shut that door, you realize no one can save you.”

There are so many good police officers in the world, and many people look at police as there to help by default.

(I know that I do)

But it is haunting to be aware that there are police individuals and even entire groups who are willing and eager to abuse their power.

“If there’s a fire and they decide not to open the door, you’ll die. You are a caged animal.”


Shailene describes how she turned off her phone for three months due to her PTSD symptoms.

Most of us are unwilling to go without our phones for three minutes (and with good reason), so you know how deeply she was impacted by her ordeal.

“There was so much trauma.”


“Mine was like, ‘What do I do now?’ Kind of like a little bit of depression.”

Very understandable. Different people cope in different ways.

As we said, Shailene should never have been arrested in the first place.

At the time, she spoke out about how heavily armed officers were waiting to arrest her as she returned to where she was staying.

She believes that she was specifically targeted because she had tens of thousands of followers keeping up with her posts about the protest.

We don’t know if the men who arrested her believed that they were making an example of her or shutting her up, but it was inexcusable.

Maybe overeager police could save some of that aggression for the next nazi rally, huh?


Friday, March 24, 2017

Shailene Woodley Cops Plea Deal in Pipeline Trespassing Case

Shailene Woodley struck a plea deal for trespassing during a Dakota Access Pipeline protest … TMZ learned. Shailene will plead guilty to 1 count of disorderly conduct. Prosecutors agreed to give her 1 year unsupervised probation … this…


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Shailene Woodley"s "Big Little Lies" Kid Is a Tap Machine (VIDEO)

Shailene Woodley’s son on HBO’s “Big Little Lies” stole the spotlight from a bunch of A-listers at a big Hollywood event … thanks to his happy feet. Iain Armitage is only 8, but his adorable tap dance routine at Tuesday night’s premiere…


Monday, October 24, 2016

Mark Ruffalo, Shailene Woodley -- We"re Here To Fight the Good Fight ... Bear Witness to Our Peaceful Protest! (VIDEOS + PHOTO GALLERY)

Mark Ruffalo is 100% behind Shailene Woodley’s protest of the Dakota Pipeline, and thinks she needs to get back to the front lines of the battle … sans another arrested.  We got Mark at MacArthur Park Sunday where he, Shailene, Susan…


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Shailene Woodley -- Pleads Not Guilty in Pipeline Riot

Shailene Woodley pleaded not guilty to rioting at the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the rush is on to cover every second of the case.  Shailene wasn’t in the North Dakota court Wednesday morning, but her attorney entered the plea. She’s…


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Shailene Woodley: Mug Shot, Statement Released

As previously reported, Shailene Woodley was arrested this week.

The young actress was booked on a charge of trespassing on Monday while she was protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline in Bismarck, North Dakota.

A day after the incident went viral, authorities released the following mug shot to the public:

Unlike many celebrities, Woodley really does own this mug shot, doesn’t she?

Her braided hair is in place. She’s staring right into the camera. Her skin even looks flawless.

Along similar lines, Woodley also owned her arrest.

The Divergent star actually filmed herself at the scene, talking about her interactions with the police and how she was arrested simply because she’s famous.

“I don’t know if you guys just heard me, but I was walking back to my RV, which is right there so that we can go back to camp peacefully and they grabbed me by my jacket and said that I was not allowed to continue,” Woodley explains below.

Of the police, she adds: “They had giant guns and batons and zip ties and they’re not letting me go.”

She also said the cops admitted that Woodley was taken into custody because she was well-known.

As for the cause itself?

We’re guessing Woodley sees it as far more important than anything that happened to her.

“I am Shailene Woodley. I am a 24-year-old woman who cares about not only the generations that are alive right now but the generations to come,” the Snowden actress said as she filmed an interview.

“And we’re here to protect clean water, and we’re here to protect the land and to reconnect humanity to our roots, which is the Earth, which is recognizing that we cannot help the Earth, we cannot do anything to and for the Earth, until we realize that we are made of the Earth.

“So we have to start with ourselves.”

With a scarf around her head and neck, Woodley was on hand to protest (with over 200 people) against the 1,172-mile pipeline that would run from the oil-rich Bakken Formation southeast into South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois.

The issue with the project is that it would stretch very close to historically significant Native American tribal lands and would harm the environment.

Woodley has since been released… and has jumped on Instagram to issue another statement.

As a caption to the following picture, she wrote on Tuesday:

“One day, baby, we’ll sing our poetry. The words dripping from our tongues wet with ripened patience.

“And the lyrics, the sweet fruits born from the seeds our aging hands are now sowing. #alwaysinallways #heartforward #uptous #NoDAPL #protectcleanwater #iamonyourside.”

pretty pic

The Morton County Sheriff has confirmed that Woodley was arrested, but says 26 other protesters were also arrested. She was not the only one, as initial reports claimed.

“She appreciates the outpouring of support, not only for her, but more importantly, for the continued fight against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline,” Shailene’s representative told E! News after the actress was released from prison.

Woodley says some unusual stuff sometimes, as we’ve rundown in the following photo gallery.

But we have to salute the star in this case. She took a stand for something she believes in.


Monday, October 10, 2016

Shailene Woodley: ARRESTED During North Dakota Pipeline Protest!

Say what you will about Shailene Woodley, the actress definitely puts her money where her mouth is with regard to her political beliefs.

The Divergent star was arrested in Morton County, North Dakota today while peacefully protesting the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

The official charge against Woodley is criminal trespassing, but many are wondering if she wasn’t taken into custody due to the fact that her celebrity status brought added media attention to the controversy surrounding the pipeline.

Woodley videotaped her arrest, and many believe her interaction with police proves that she was unfairly targeted.

In the footage below, Woodley tells the camera that she was complying with the officers orders when she was arrested without cause.

“I don’t know if you guys just heard me, but I was walking back to my RV, which is right there so that we can go back to camp peacefully and they grabbed me by my jacket and said that I was not allowed to continue,” Woodley calmly stated.

“They grabbed me by my jacket and said I wasn’t allowed to continue,” she added.

“They had giant guns and batons and zip ties and they’re not letting me go.”

Addressing the officers directly, Woodley asked:

“Why am i being arrested and no one else is?” a defiant Woodley asks one of the officers.

“Is it because I’m famous?”

Woodley maintains that she was peacefully walking back to her RV in order to return to a nearby campsite when she was apprehended.

“Because I was trespassing like everyone. As soon as you guys asked me to leave, I l left. She was down there, everybody was down there,” she tells the officers at one point.

“I’m being arrested. I was down there with everybody else. I don’t know what’s going on? As soon as they came I left… it’s because I’m well known. It’s because I have 40,000 people watching.”

Woodley concludes her video message by addressing the media directly:

 “So everybody knows…we were going to our vehicle which they had all surrounded and waiting for me with giant guns and a giant truck behind them just so they could arrest me. I hope you’re watching mainstream media.”

This is far from the first time that Woodley’s political beliefs have sparked controversy, and we’re sure it won’t be the last.

We’ll have further updates on this story as more information becomes available.


Shailene Woodley -- Arrested for Trespassing (VIDEO)

Shailene Woodley was arrested while protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline. The ‘Divergent’ star was busted Monday morning for trespassing during what she called a “peaceful protest” in Sioux County, North Dakota. About 100 protesters were on a…
