Showing posts with label Shark'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shark'. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2016

Miles Teller: Yes, I Saved a Pregnant Woman from a Shark

Miles Teller appeared a guest on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Thursday night.

And while the actor was on hand to talk about the film War Dogs, the questions quickly turned to a crazy old story about Teller.

Did he really save a pregnant woman from a shark attack?!?

His girlfriend had posted a photo (below) on Instagram of Teller taking this heroic action, talking about the tale on social media and causing many to wonder what the heck happened.

Teller backed up the story, throwing a few jabs at co-star Jonah Hill along the way because Hill had previously been a Tonight Show guest during the week.

The young actor said a woman went up to him several weeks ago and warned him not to be “alarmed,” but… well… there’s a shark swimming around.

This woman had an infant with her and was also pregnant.

"So that"s three people right there" that I saved, Teller said.

(He then made an abortion crack.)

"So, did you then yell SHARK?" Fallon asked, concerned about others in the water.

"Jimmy, I"m saving a life, I don"t have that kind of time," Teller responded with a laugh, adding:

"Obviously, you"ve never saved a life before."

Teller was in great spirits and mostly joking around during the interview, but it"s also easy to see how some folks think he comes across like a dick.

Does he think Jonah Hill would have been capable of the same life-saving maneuver than he execute? HA! No way.

Watch the exchange with Fallon below and see how you feel about Teller afterward:

Miles teller explains how he saved a pregnant woman from a shark

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Florida Man Pulls Shark Out of the Sea for Selfie

Remember that college student who took way too long and tried way too hard to pretty himself up before snapping a selfie at a recent basketball game?

Yeah. We take it back. You are no longer the lamest selfie taker in the history of selfie takers.

Instead, that dishonor falls to the moron in the following video.

In footage from Palm Beach, Florida (of course, it’s from Florida, right?), WPTV reporter Ashleigh Walters captured a man actually pulling a shark from its natural habitat just to snap a self-portrait with the animal.

The shark flops all around at first because it belongs in the water and it will die if it is out of the water for too long… before the man pins it to the sand and smiles for the camera.

Like a total idiot.

On her Facebook post, Walters writes that the shark was eventually put back into the water, adding that "it did not resurface for several minutes."

The video has gone viral and has been met with swift criticism by animal rights activities around the Internet.

What do you think of this man"s actions?

Check out the footage and respond below:

Florida man pulls shark out of the sea for a selfie

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Kendall Jenner: Naked, Stalked By Shark in Bizarre New Video

Last week, we showed you photos of Kendall Jenner dressed as a seductive shark for the annual Love magazine advent calendar.

As the advent countdown begins today (Happy Yet Another Unofficial Start to the Holiday Season!), Kendall has given us an early Christmas present in the form of a seriously random video involving nudity and hammerhead sharks.

Okay, it"s not a real shark; it"s just Kendall rocking an assless shark costume and creeping on herself in the shower.

Like we said, it"s pretty random, but that"s exactly what we"ve come to expect from the Love"s increasingly freaky advent calendars.

You may remember, that last year gave us such memorable sights as Kendall being spanked by Santa and Kris Jenner getting kinky with a candy cane.

Of course, those videos were at least holiday themed. We guess they"re going with more of a "David Lynch fever dream" motif this year.

Anything that involves nude Kendall and a member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan actually displaying a sense of humor is fine by us.

Anyway, enjoy the sight of shark Kendall perving on naked Kendall. If you can figure out what the hell it might possibly have to do with Christmas, feel free to let us know in the comments.


Kendall jenner naked stalked by shark in bizarre new video

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Kendall Jenner Dresses as Seductive Shark

Kendall Jenner spent Thanksgiving with her extended, blended family.

She then wore a black thong and dressed up as a shark. For real.

The unexpected photo opportunity took place courtesy of Love Magazine’s annual advent calendar, a couple of examples from which the publication has shared on Instagram.

They feature Kendall in black bottoms, matching sky-high heels and… well… like we said above: a shark costume.

A hammerhead shark costume, if we’re being totally accurate here.

“Love advent. Coming soon,” the magazine wrote as a caption, including with it three whale emojis.

Sharks, of course, have become all the rage in Hollywood over the past several months. 

And by that, we mean this is the second time in the past several months that a shark costume has made the news.

Remember that left shark who was all out of dancing whack during Katy Perry’s performance at halftime of the Super Bowl in February?

We’re trying to forget all about him as well.

But we have a feeling millions of young men around the world will remember these Kendall Jenner shark photos for a long time to come.

Relive Jenner’s Instagram evolution via the following photo gallery:

Saturday, September 19, 2015

"Shark Tank" Star Barbara Corcoran -- Mark Cuban Would Massacre Trump (VIDEO)



Mark Cuban already has some impressive backing if he chooses to run for President … his “Shark Tank” co-star Barbara Corcoran.

Barbara was leaving Soho House in West Hollywood Friday night when our photog asked about Cuban’s bold statement that he’d “crush” Donald Trump if he entered the race.

Barbara agrees, and gets specific on the qualities that would make Mark an awesome Prez.