Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Florida Man Pulls Shark Out of the Sea for Selfie

Remember that college student who took way too long and tried way too hard to pretty himself up before snapping a selfie at a recent basketball game?

Yeah. We take it back. You are no longer the lamest selfie taker in the history of selfie takers.

Instead, that dishonor falls to the moron in the following video.

In footage from Palm Beach, Florida (of course, it’s from Florida, right?), WPTV reporter Ashleigh Walters captured a man actually pulling a shark from its natural habitat just to snap a self-portrait with the animal.

The shark flops all around at first because it belongs in the water and it will die if it is out of the water for too long… before the man pins it to the sand and smiles for the camera.

Like a total idiot.

On her Facebook post, Walters writes that the shark was eventually put back into the water, adding that "it did not resurface for several minutes."

The video has gone viral and has been met with swift criticism by animal rights activities around the Internet.

What do you think of this man"s actions?

Check out the footage and respond below:

Florida man pulls shark out of the sea for a selfie