Showing posts with label Shrink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shrink. Show all posts

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Kim Kardashian: I Want to Shrink My Big Butt Now!!

We don’t know what to make of this world anymore.

Blake Lively is flaunting a big butt and now Kim Kardashian wants to lose hers.

That’s right, according to The Sun, Kim K. says her goal is to shrink her famous, ample backside, and we just don’t know what to do with ourselves.

“I want to lose my bum, not all the way but it’s weird how your body changes with different babies,” she told the audience yesterday at London’s Vogue Festival.

“I want to get to Kim 2010-11 so I’m really going to focus and get there,” she added.

This is the first we’ve learned that Kim categorizes her ass by year.

Luckily, if things don’t work out, she’s got a plan B.

“If it doesn’t get there then I’ll just continue to eat doughnuts,” she laughed.

Kim has been obsessed with losing weight ever since she gave birth to son Saint in December.

She has annoyingly kept the world abreast of her progress on social media, and several days ago made an important announcement.

She reached her pre-baby weight of 135 pounds (and some ounces, but those don’t really count), and was super jazzed.

Kim scale

“Yaaaassssss!!!! #Atkins,” Kardashian wrote on the Snapchat image above.

Kim has been promoting the horrible Atkins diet throughout her journey, although she hasn’t disclosed how much she’s getting paid for it.

Friday, April 8, 2016

PETA Warns: Eating Chicken Will Shrink Your Son"s Penis!

Give PETA credit for one thing:

It isn"t making any attempts at this point to be subtle.

After having random D-List celebrities pose naked on behalf of its pro-animal campaigns over the years, the organization has now gone full on X-Rated.

And it appears to be proud of it.

First, there was the ad that said Vegans last longer in bed than meat-eaters.

But that commercial was practically tame compared to the one featured below.

It says, very simply, that eating chicken will make your baby"s penis small.

How come? Because a substance known as "phthalates" is sometimes found in chicken feed and studies show that it can have this effect on an unborn child"s male genitalia.

PETA fails to mention, however, that phthalates can also be found in water and in air.

So unless pregnant women refrain from drinking and breathing and eating chicken, their baby"s penis size could be in danger no matter what.

“Our new ad is simply trying to help people who are concerned about the development of their unborn child,” says Ben Williamson, PETA’s Senior International Media Director.

“It’s a humorous video with a serious message."

We guess.

But if you"re a mother-to-be and you are seriously considered about the size of your future son"s penis… well… that"s really weird.

Peta issues warning eating chicken will shrink your sons penis