Showing posts with label Tamblyn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tamblyn. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Amber Tamblyn and Her Baby Almost Got Hit by a Van in NYC

Amber Tamblyn and her 1-year-old daughter were almost mowed down by a man driving a van in NYC Sunday … this according to Amber herself. The “General Hospital” actress tweeted the scary news late Sunday morning saying a man driving a grey van in…


Friday, October 20, 2017

David Cross Accused of Racism; Amber Tamblyn Fights Back

So there’s been this thing going on for the past couple of weeks, don’t know if you’ve noticed, where all kinds of people are really opening up about moments when they were harassed.

It’s like women started talked about their experiences with Harvey Weinstein, then suddenly everyone felt comfortable sharing some real deep, dark stuff.

It’s actually been pretty inspiring to see.

People have called out Harvey and other celebrities like Ben Affleck and George Clooney for their bad behavior, and now actress/comedian Charlyne Yi is doing the same with David Cross.

In a series of tweets made on Monday, Charlyne recalled the first time she met David.

It was about ten years ago, she explained, and “he made fun of my pants (that were tattered because I was poor). Dumbfounded I stared at him speechless and he said to me ‘what’s a matter? You don’t speak English?? Cing-chong-ching-chong."”

“Then after he saw I was offended he asked me if I was going to fight with him karate in a southern accent.”

She said that a few years after that, she was introduced to him again after she performed a comedy show, and “he said ‘Hi nice to meet you."”

“I will say this,” she continued. “I can tell the difference between this man making a joke vs condescending me.”

“This happened 10 years ago and I sure as hell hope he’s changed (or at the very least, he’s scared enough to not be his racist self.”

“HOWEVER,” she concluded, “it is very uncool that a 40+ man was being racist towards me, being a young 20 year old woman who was clearly on the verge of tears from his first racist comment.”

So that’s a pretty awful story, right?

But in a Twitter post of his own, David suggested that perhaps Charlyne simply wasn’t remembering things correctly.

He wrote that this “accusation” was “deeply upsetting,” that he would “never intentionally hurt someone like that,” and that he does not even remember any of this happening.

However, he also tried to make it clear that he wasn’t accusing her of lying, “and I’m truly sorry if I hurt her, it was never my intention to do that.”

David said that while he doesn’t remember doing any of the things Charlyne said he did, he reached out to her about the issue, and he also proposed “the possibility that perhaps we are both misremembering exactly what happened that night.”

He finished up his message with “I can’t believe I have to write this but I am not a racist nor a bully and loathe them in real life.”

But after mulling the whole thing over for a while, he came to the conclusion that he may have actually said those things, but he just said them as “some asshole redneck racist character.”

Because he grew up in Georgia, see, and he’s frequently used that kind of character to make fun of those asshole redneck racists. Charlyne just didn’t get that, apparently.

After explaining that, he wrote that he was “done with this,” and that he hopes the people who have called him a racist have to deal with a similar scandal, because “maybe then you won’t be so quick to judge.”


Why is it so hard for some people to just make a sincere apology for something they’ve done? Why is that such a task?

Charlyne made it clear that David offended her and hurt her, and not for some ridiculous reason either — regardless of whether or not he was doing a character, he said racist things to her and it didn’t go over well.

Why does he feel the need to justify it so much when a simple “Hey, I was trying to be funny and messed up, I’m sorry” would have done the job?

Whatever the reason, David’s wife, Amber Tamblyn, has jumped into the fray, too.

And if you’re remembering her amazing words about feminism and sexism and hoping she’ll make it all better … well, you’re in for a surprise. Not a good one, either.

People were talking on Twitter about David’s lackluster response to Charlyne’s story, and someone said that it was unfortunate because Amber is so great.

“He said he was sorry, publicly, several times,” she responded. Please don’t @ me in conversations dragging my husband. Thanks.”

Several people called her out for that statement, because David never really apologized, and he certainly didn’t do it several times.

Someone even pointed out that she dragged James Woods “like a dead body all over the internet for being a perv but ‘sorry’ is OK for your obnoxiously racist husband.”

Enough people pointed out the problem that she reconsidered, and last night she revealed that she personally spoke with Charlyne, “and her feelings/safety are all that matter to me.”

“We’re good,” she added. “I owe you nothing, Twitter. You’re lucky to have me.”

“I’ll say it again,” she wrote when people still tried to criticize her. “I spoke to Charlyne. I believe her. I’m about HER feelings/emotional health right now, not Twitter’s. That okay with you?”

“I will say this for the last time. Do not hold women accountable for the actions, decisions or words of their partners. Don’t. Do it.”

What an emotional roller coaster.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Amber Tamblyn Pens Open Letter to James Woods: I"m Not a Liar!

James Woods got roasted for unbelievable hypocrisy after trying to bash a critically acclaimed gay film. He’d claimed that it, or Hollywood, or whoever, was “chipping away at decency.”

He was then immediately on the receiving end of what we can only describe as some brutal and well-deserved clapback. Multiple women came forward with stories of James Woods hitting on them when they were teenagers.

Amber Tamblyn, whose tweet was the first of many accusations, took the opportunity and penned an open letter to James Woods.

First, a quick refresher.

James Woods has done some incredible voicework over the years, which makes it all the more painful for many of his fans that he’s turned out to be so aggressively offensive.

It’s not just that he tweets support for Donald Trump or that he holds conservative viewpoints.

James Woods seems to actively court controversy to a point that would make Lena Dunham blush.

Earlier this summer, James Woods posted a photo of a gender creative child and his supportive parents at Pride, suggesting that the kid would grow up to be a deranged serial killer.

That was disgusting and transphobic, obviously.

James Woods defended himself by saying that he has gay friends, and couldn’t possibly be homophobic.

One, some people aren’t homophobic but are transphobic. There’s a lot of types of gross bigots in the world.

Two, isn’t that the “how can I be racist when I have black friends?” defense? Amazing that bigots are still trying to pull that in 2017.

Well, now he bashed a gay romance film because the ages are different.

Set in Italy where, like the vast majority of the Western world, a 17-year-old is considered adult enough to consent to sex, the film Call Me By Your Name details a relationship between a 17-year-old young man and a 24-year-old man.

We won’t get into the whole age-of-consent politics, but suffice to say that the characters break no laws and that the older man isn’t, like, the younger man’s teacher or priest or any other sort of authority figure.

But James Woods apparently figured that it was a great opportunity to dredge up old anti-gay arguments that deliberately conflate gay men with pedophiles.

He tweeted: “As they quietly chip away the last barriers of decency. #NAMBLA”

James Woods’ tweet, which name-dropped an infamous pedophilia organization from the ’90s that hasn’t existed for more than a decade, earned him some serious callouts.

First, Armie Hammer tweeted a reminder to him that he had once dated a 19-year-old when he was 60.

Then Amber Tamblyn tweeted, accusing James Woods of trying to pick her and her friend up and take them to Vegas when they were just 16.

She says that when they informed James Woods of their ages, he replied: “Even better.”

Since then, other women have taken to Twitter to share their alleged experiences with James Woods hitting on them when they were young.

One person tweeted a question at James Woods:

“What makes a 24yo/17yo gay relationship inherently indecent but skeevy old guys trying to pick up a pair of 16 year old girls is okay?”

James Woods replied that the first is illegal (again … that’s not universally true, and certainly not true in Italy). He claims that the second, the accusation that Amber Tamblyn made against him, is a lie.

Amber Tamblyn penned an open letter to James Woods, published in Teen Vogue.

“What you are experiencing is called a teachable moment. … The hope being that through this experience, you can change. You can redefine the man who will come after this moment and this man who came before.”

We won’t hold our breath, though.

“Since you’ve now called me a liar, I will now call you a silencer. I see your gaslight and now will raise you a scorched earth.”

“Upon leaving the restaurant we were stopped by you and your friend, who both seemed very nice. At one point you suggested we should all go to Las Vegas together. ‘It’s such a great place, have you ever been?’ You tried to make it sound innocent.”

It sounds like Amber has encountered other predatory men during her life.

“This is something predatory men like to do, I’ve noticed. Make it sound innocent. Just a dollop of insinuation. Just a hair of persuasion. Just a pinch of suggestion. ‘It will be so much fun, I promise you. Nothing has to happen, we will just have a good time together."”

But she was 16.

“I told you my age, kindly and with no judgment or aggression. I told you my age because I thought you would be immediately horrified and take back your offer. You laughed and said, ‘Even better. We’ll have so much fun, I promise."”

See, a normal person would have apologized. Not a teen and maybe not a 20-year-old, but a grown-ass adult would have. And old man certainly should have.

“At that time I was not a public persona. I had done a couple years on a soap opera as an actress, but you wouldn’t know me from Adam. I’m sure you’ve racked your brain trying to remember how you could’ve possibly hit on the actress Amber Tamblyn at a diner almost two decades ago.”

We wonder if her letter — if he reads it — will jog his memory.

“You think, it’s not possible, there’s no way I would’ve been so stupid as to hit on a 16-year-old known actress. But I wasn’t known then, James. I was just a girl.”

Clearly, Amber saw some of those tweets from other women who say that they had similar teenage encounters with James Woods.

“And I’m going to wager that there have been many girls who were just girls or women who were just women who you’ve done this to because you can get away with it.”

That’s heavy stuff.

She finishes by imploring James Woods to consider what sort of man he is and to face the truth.

Amber clearly hopes that he can change.

We doubt that he will. So many of his political opinions seem to be based upon a total lack of self-examination.

James Woods has characterized these accusations as personal attacks, as the last resort of his political opponents.

Controversies aside, we don’t think that he’s enough of a political figure to warrant some contrived character assassination.

It looks like Amber just saw his controversial, deeply offensive tweet and figured that he needed a reminder that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Amber Tamblyn: Pregnant with First Child!

Amber Tamblyn is going to be a first-time mother.

But she did not make this announcement via any kind of adorable Instagram photo.

Instead, the actress wrote a lengthy, profound, moving essay for Glamour.

Tamblyn, if you’ll recall, responded to that awful Donald Trump and Billy Bush video with the reveal that she was once sexually assaulted.

After detailing an incident in which a man really did grab her by the pussy, Tamlyn wrote the following:

“I had a hard time wearing jeans [afterward]. I couldn’t sleep without a pillow between my legs to create space. To this day I remember that moment. I remember the shame.

“I am afraid my mom will read this post. I’m even more afraid that my father could ever know this story.”

Powerful stuff.

In this latest essay, Tamblyn talks about how her mother shared a similar story of sexual assault with her … and how Tamblyn’s grandmother’s resulting response of “boys will be boys” causes her to fear for the future.

Which now includes her own child.

“Motherhood has been heavily on my mind because I am going to be a mother soon,” writes Tamblyn. “I’m pregnant, with a daughter on the way.

“I think constantly about the world I am bringing her into. Will I get a phone call from my daughter someday, one she never wanted to make? Will I have to share with her my story, and the story of her great-grandmother’s words to her grandmother?”

The veteran actress then shifts her focus in this piece to the current political climate and how it’s been affecting her thoughts about bringing a girl into the world.

“Is it possible to protect her from inheriting this pain?

“How much do I have to do, as a daughter and a soon-to-be mother, to change not just the conversation about how women are seen, but the language with which conversations are spoken in?”

Tamblyn and Cross dated for five years prior to getting married in 2012.

This will be the first child for both.

“I’ve been thinking about motherhood a lot lately,” continued Tamblyn

“What it means to be one, what it means to have one, what it means to know one, what it means to make decisions as one and have conversations as one.

“I am very lucky to be surrounded by strong mothers, from my own mom to some of my best friends – those who are raising young women to accept themselves and those who are raising young men to accept women.”

Tamblyn concluded by honing in on likely President Hillary Clinton and how society expects her to be perfect.

“After I’m done writing this, I’ll go back to my desk and fill out my absentee ballot. I’ll be voting for more than just a woman; I’ll be voting for a revolutionary idea.

I’ll be voting for a future for my daughter where conversations about our bodies and our lives are broader than what value they have for men.

“A future where being a mother is less about warning our daughters about our sons and is instead lifting them up to their greatest potential. A future where my girl will someday say, ‘Donald who?’ and think nothing is revolutionary about a woman becoming President.

“A future where she can’t even believe that was ever even a thing.”

That’s a lot to process, huh?

But, hey, congrats to Tamblyn and Cross!


Monday, October 10, 2016

Amber Tamblyn Responds to Donald Trump Video, Reveals Sexual Assault

Over the past few days, there has been many responses from people who have watched the video of Donald Trump and Billy Bush that went viral on Friday afternoon.

We’re referring to the footage, circa 2005, of Trump bragging to Bush about the women he’s slept with; the women he’s tried to sleep with; and the way a “star” can “get away with anything” when it comes to members of the opposite sex.

Like going up to them and just grabbing them genitalia.

But no response to this outlandish, disgusting taped conversation has captured our attention like that of Amber Tamblyn.

The 33-year-old actress wrote a graphic essay on Instagram about being sexually assaulted by her ex, including it as the caption of a picture of Trump kissing a Miss Universe winner.

Here is that photo of Trump, which takes on a different light now that we’ve heard Trump tell Bush that often just goes up to beautiful women and starts kissing them.

“I don’t even wait,” he says in the notorious video, presumably for permission from said women, according to Trump himself.

“I need to tell you a story. With the love and support of my husband, I’ve decided to share it publicly,” Tamblyn begins.

She then launches into a story so sordid and so personal that the only way for us to do it justice is to share the story, word-for-word, in its entirety below.

Here it is:

A very long time ago I ended a long emotionally and physically abusive relationship with a man I had been with for some time. One night I was at a show with a couple girlfriends in Hollywood, listening to a DJ we all loved.

I knew there was a chance my ex could show up, but I felt protected with my girls around me. Without going into all the of the details, I will tell you that my ex did show up, and came up to me in the crowd. He’s a big guy, taller than me.

The minute he saw me, he picked me up with one hand by my hair and with his other hand, he grabbed me under my skirt by my vagina— my pussy?— and lifted me up off the floor, literally, and carried me, like something he owned, like a piece of trash, out of the club.

His fingers were practically inside of me, his other hand wrapped tightly around my hair. I screamed and kicked and cried. He carried me this way, suspended by his hands, all the way across the room, pushing past people until he got to the front door. My friends ran after him, trying to stop him.

We got to the front door and I thank God his brothers were also there and intervened. In the scuffle he grabbed at my clothes, trying to hold onto me, screaming at me, and inadvertently ripped off my grandmother’s necklace, which I was wearing. The rest of this night is a blur I do not remember.

How I got out to the car. How I got away from him that night. I never returned for my necklace either. That part of my body, which the current Presidential Nominee of the United States Donald Trump recently described as something he’d like to grab a woman by, was bruised from my ex-boyfriend’s violence for at least the next week.

I had a hard time wearing jeans. I couldn’t sleep without a pillow between my legs to create space. To this day I remember that moment. I remember the shame. I am afraid my mom will read this post. I’m even more afraid that my father could ever know this story.

That it would break his heart. I couldn’t take that. But you understand, don’t you? I needed to tell a story. Enjoy the debates tonight.

There’s not much for us to add here.

Not long before writing this post, Tamblyn shared the above picture on Instagram of her and husband David Cross.

She wrote as a caption:

“Happy 4th wedding anniversary to the most talented, wonderful, handsome, compassionate, inquisitive, kind, loving and understanding person I have ever known… Me. I love you, Me. And also David. @davidcrossofficial.”

We salute Amber Tamblyn for this brave post and admission.
