Showing posts with label Villain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Villain. Show all posts

Friday, January 29, 2016

Megyn Kelly Compares Donald Trump to THIS Movie Villain

Megyn Kelly referred to Donald Trump as an animal with a very big nose to open the Republican debate on Fox News last night, asking a panel of Presidential hopefuls about the “elephant not in the room.”

But it’s a different word Kelly reportedly used to describe Trump that has the Internet in an uproar this morning.


Donald, of course, boycotted the debate in Iowa because he continues to believe Kelly has a vendetta against him.

He thinks she asked him unfair questions during an earlier debate in August, prompting Trump to slam Kelly as a “lightweight” who may have been on her period during their contentious Q&A.

Kelly had to ask Jeb Bush and company about the Republican front-runner not being in attendance at the event on Thursday evening, but aside from her opening question, she didn’t mention Trump much at all as one of the Fox News moderators.

However, according to Ted Cruz, Kelly did have something negative to say about Trump prior to the debate airing on television.

In speaking to Kelly after the debate, Cruz brought up a conversation he had with the reporter a couple hours earlier.

“Well, you know, you were joking just before we went on air that it was sort of like Voldermort, He Who Must Not Be Named,” Cruz mentioned in a post-debate interview with Kelly. 

Kelly didn’t deny making the comparison. She just smiled and continued on with the chat.

Hilariously, this is the second time someone has compared Donald Trump to the infamous Harry Potter villain.

Although author J.K. Rowling recently said Trump is actually WORSE than Voldemort.

Trump, meanwhile, was off hosting a fundraiser for veterans while his competitors were debating the issues and talking about him.

“Iowa was amazing last night,” he Tweeted afterward. “The event could not have worked out better. We raised $ 6,000,000 for our great vets. They were so happy & proud.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Walking Dead Casts Iconic Comic Book Villain

The Walking Dead has found an actor to come on board in the iconic role of Negan.

And it’s a face with which television fans are very familiar.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan – who rose to small screen prominence as Denny Duquette on Grey’s Anatomy and also as John Winchester on Supernaturual – has been cast as the villainous character made famous in the Robert Kirkman comic book series.

He will guest star on The Walking Dead Season 6 finale and then be upgraded to series regular status on The Walking Dead Season 7, which has already been ordered by AMC.

According to the comics on which this smash hit is based, Negan is the leader of the Saviors, a ruthless group of survivors.

He actually kills Glenn with his barbed wire-covered baseball bat (named Lucille), which is an interesting note because viewers are currently wondering whether Glenn is already dead, following his fall into a pit of Walkers two weeks ago.

The Hollywood Reporter states that Matt Dillon and Timothy Olyphant were also under consideration for the role.

Morgan, meanwhile, is currently stealing every single scene on The Good Wife Season 7.

He’s been sizzling up that CBS drama as private investigator Jason Crause, though this AMC booking means he’s unlikely to return for Season 8.