Showing posts with label Waist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waist. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Still Waist Training, Still Ignorant

If you’re one of the 40 million people who follows her on Instagram, you know that Kylie Jenner loves waist training.

Kylie doesn’t seem concerned by the mountains of evidence that regularly pulling a Scarlett O’Hara on your midsection is not an effective means of losing weight and may actually be dangerous. Or maybe she is, but she really enjoys cashing those endorsement deal checks.

Either way, Kylie is the latest to jump on the Kardashian-Jenner waist training bandwagon, and she clearly wants all of her young fans to do the same:

“Just took my dogs on a walk wearing only da best @premadonna87 @waistgangsociety,” Kylie captioned the above pic. “Nothing wrong with a little extra help. They also got some new stuff in I wanna try. Gets yours at and tell them I sent you.”

Maybe it’s the fact that she gives the company who makes these things a tagged shoutout every time she posts one of these dumb selfies, but something tells us Kylie is getting paid to peddle this BS.

Thus far, Kendall is the only Kard clan sister to not get paid for endorsing waist training, and we hope she sticks to her guns.

The jury is still out on the question of whether such products are harmful in the long term, but at the very least, they’ve proven to be useless when it comes to fitness and “shaping.”

Most of your fans don’t have your kind of money, Kylie. Stop encouraging them to waste it.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Kim Zolciak Photoshop Fail: What a WAIST!

Kim Zolciak‘s killer body is the result of some serious commitment to diet and fitness … and/or some seriously creative Photoshop use.

Most likely it’s the latter. See below …

In the past, we’ve heard Kim Zolciak deny plastic surgery rumors, but now that she’s out of Dancing with the Stars, she does have time on her hands.

Time spent doctoring her social media pics?

“The molding in the background by Zolciak’s right hip (left) isn’t straight, as it is towards the top of the image,” says a photo expert quoted by Radar.

This suggests that the Instagram image “was moved slightly inward in this area towards Zolciak’s hip to create a more pronounced angle.”

The photo on the right is even worse.

“The edge of Zolciak’s dress on the right side contains a slight blur; again suggesting this area was subtly manipulated in some manner.”

Lastly, Zolciak’s right elbow “appears slightly deformed and unnatural … suggesting this area near her hip was [likely] moved inward.”

Zolciak’s elbow “looks unnaturally warped … downward to move her right hip inward. Also, the edge of the black door is slightly curved.”

You be the judge … of these two apparently altered pics and many more Kim Zolciak body selfies that have to be seen to be believed:

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Kylie Jenner Waist Trains, Sets Horrible Example

Kylie Jenner has managed to keep her clothes on for a new Instagram photo.

And yet is still may be the most inappropriate Kylie Jenner picture we’ve seen on that social media account yet.

Just like her half-sisters before her, Kylie has gone ahead and joined the waist training craze, shilling online for an utterly ridiculous product that has no benefits whatsoever.

“around my house before I go out wearing none other than @premadonna87 @waistgangsociety,” Jenner wrote as a caption to this image, adding:

“I love how easy these are. If you are looking to get a snatched waist or a little help with your posture go to”

And this is where we feel the need to interject and explain that a waist trainer does absolutely nothing.

You will not lose any weight with it. You will simply lose money out of your bank account by paying for a useless apparatus.

Considering all the different ways in which members of this family can (and do!) rake in the dough, it remains baffling and disappointing that they continue to set such a poor example by advertising for this corset.

Here’s a look at Kim Kardashian and kompany posing for photos while waist training like the total sell-outs they are:

Friday, September 25, 2015

Khloe Kardashian Waist Trains Again, Continues to Be Dumb

For some reason, the entire Kardashian family has jumped on board with the moronic trend known as “waist training,” and no one has embraced the organ-squishing idiocy more than Khloe.

Khloe’s waist training photos are all over her Instagram page, and her latest might be the most cringe-inducing yet.

Yes, Khloe’s waist is squeezed to cartoonishly tiny size in this pic, and we hope she got it on the first take, because there’s no way she’s able to breathe in that thing.

“Who doesn’t love a good waist trainer/bathroom selfie,” Khloe wrote in the caption, before launching into the usual endorsement for the company that makes those medieval torture devices that the Kard girls seem to enjoy so much.

In case you were unaware, waist training is not only total BS from a biological standpoint, it’s also potentially harmful, and the Kardashian-Jenner sisters have repeatedly ignored pleas to stop encouraging their fans to engage in such nonsense.

We suppose this isn’t as bad as Kylie Jenner’s waist training pics, as Khloe doesn’t quite as many young, impressionable fans, but she’s still endorsing a product that’s a waste of money at best, a lawsuit waiting to happen at worst.

With over 32 million Instagram followers, Khloe has an incredible platform to support and encourage her fans or bring attention to important issues.

Instead, she cashes in on one of the dumbest fitness trends in recent memory. What a waist. (Sorry.)