Showing posts with label Whoops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whoops. Show all posts

Friday, May 25, 2018

Becca Kufrin: Whoops, I Fell in Love With TWO Men!

As a contestant on The Bachelor, Becca Kufrin faced a horrible, brutal breakup — after getting engaged. Because Arie changed his mind.

But, as she confirms in this video, apparently Becca fell in love with two different suitors.

Those who follow The Bachelorette Spoilers know that Becca is engaged … but is she doomed to repeat Arie"s mistakes?

Becca kufrin the bachelorette rose

Arie and Becca"s brutal breakup was agonizing to watch, and it must have been so much worse for her to experience.

But … it did make her into the next Bachelorette. That, at least, is something.

But now that Becca has confirmed her engagement, she is dropping another bombshell.

Speaking to Entertainment Tonight, Becca reveals that she didn"t immediately latch onto a clear winner.

And when she did fall in love, it was with more than one man.

Becca kufrin and a rose

Becca admits that her heart was torn:

"I did develop really strong feelings for a couple of them."

Strong feelings for a few of them, sure.

But she says that she fell in love with two.

"And I did fall for two guys at the end, yes"

Interesting that she says at the end. We always know that the final breakups are the hardest, but we don"t know what it all came down to with Becca.

If she loved two men equally but could only pick one … did she just flip a coin? Choose the one with the best last name?

Becca kufrin laughs

Becca does admit that this experience has opened her eyes to the difficulty that Arie must have endured.

"Until you"re in this position, you don"t realize how much pressure there really is."

Dating is complicated. Dating two dozen men on reality television is … well, dozens of times more so.

"And how difficult it is to navigate certain relationships."

She says that no one who is the lead on a show like hers should only catch feelings for a single contestant.

"Because if you"re doing it right, you should be developing feelings for multiple people."

Yeah, that"s like deciding the winner in round one. It"s not honest.

She says that it"s important:

"To really sift through every personality, every relationship, to exhaust the ones that aren"t right for you."

Becca kufrin looks gorgeous

Some in the Bachelor Nation fear that Arie"s callous, on-air breakup will be repeated.

But it is difficult to imagine Becca, who has lived through that heartbreak herself, as the culprit.

it"s entirely possible that someone, somewhere down the line, will do their own version of what Arie did to Becca.

What we have to wonder — and this seems more realistic to us — is if Becca will pull, not an Arie, but a Ben Higgins.

Remember back in 2016 when Ben told both Lauren Bushnell and JoJo Fletcher that he loved them? Right there on camera?

Will Becca come right out and say the L-word to both of the men for whom she falls head over heels?

Becca kufrin smells a rose

The subject of Bachelors and Bachelorettes falling in love with multiple people isn"t surprising.

As a growing number of people have come to realize, some people work better in relationships of more than two. Polyamory is on the rise and acceptance is growing.

Some fans wonder when the time will finally come when a leading man or leading woman will get to pick their top two.

But, realistically, it"s a contest, and fans would revolt if an entire season of competition ends in what works out to be a tie.

Polyamory may be great for plenty of people in real life, and could even play well on television, but not on The Bachelor or The Bachelorette.

Although fans have tweeted before that Bachelor in Paradise could be an ideal place for polyamorous relationships to blossom.

For now, though, we can all look forward to Becca"s season beginning — on Monday.

Let"s hope that she makes the right decisions and gets the man that she deserves.

Becca kufrin whoops i fell in love with two men

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Clay Aiken: Whoops, Looks Like I Was Wrong About Trump ...

This week, Trump gave what might be his worse press conference in the history of his administration. While we have every confidence that he can and well do an even worse one, leaping to the defense of Nazis in Charlottesville is pretty bad. Even for him.

We don’t think that the majority of his supporters care. Maybe they’re just so full of spite that they want to see Trump cut off America’s nose to spite Obama’s face, or maybe they really don’t know any better.

For some who’d defended Trump in the past, though, this week was the final straw. One of those defenders was Clay Aiken:

You know how some of the only people still defending Bill Cosby are people who’ve known and personally worked with him and can’t imagine him being the sort of predatory monster that dozens and dozens and dozens of witnesses have described?

Well, it’s not uncommon for people to have trouble reconciling what they’ve heard or even know about someone with a person who’s met them and, personally, been nice to them.

Whether it’s your friend’s parents who are always super nice to you but you know that they’re awful behind closed doors or a friend who’s super nice to you but has been beyond shady with other people, we don’t always see people for who they are.

We don’t always want to see people for who they are.

That’s why celebrities who’ve known Trump, stars like Clay Aiken and even the beautiful and talented Paris Hilton, have defended him.

It’s not that they voted for him or defended his atrocious political views or even his many failed businesses.

They just can’t wrap their head around the avowed racist that he’s shown himself to be, because that’s not what they perceived about them in their personal experience with him.

Sometimes, though, things just suddenly “click.”

Like Robert Kardashian realizing that his buddy O.J. didn’t deserve his friendship, people go past the limit of what they can accept or deny.

It looks like, with this week’s intense and bonkers press conference where Trump “accidentally” identified himself with the rallying Nazis in Charlottesville and said that there were decent people and also blame “on both sides,” Trump went too far for Clay Aiken.

Clay Aiken took to Twitter to admit that he’d been wrong to defend the orange mound of humanity’s worst instincts, and also to apologize.

“Remember all those times I defended @realDonaldTrump and believed he was not actually racist? Well… I am a f—ing dumbass. #imsorry.”

To be clear, Clay Aiken didn’t vote for Trump.

He does not and has never supported Trump’s campaign or ever-shifting politics over the past year and a half.

Clay had just been claiming that Trump wasn’t a racist despite, you know, the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Remember, Trump announced his campaign by saying that Mexican immigrants were rapists.

That was literally day one for Trump’s campaign. And it’s gotten worse since then.

Clay tweeted out some clarifications about his stance on Trump:

“I’ve always thought he would be a dumpster fire as a president, and I was right about that. I just didn’t think he was racist. #wrong”

We’re not sure how Clay was able to overlook quite so many incidents.

Even if we stick to only the race stuff … there’s so much.

From Trump’s failure to disavow the KKK and David Duke when he was being praised and endorsed by them on the campaign trail.

To Trump hiring white nationalists as his advisors.

How about Trump appointing Jeff Sessions The Racism Elf to be Attorney General?

To be fair, though, we don’t quite understand how Trump’s actual supporters managed to overlook his racism, either.

For some, it was literally why they voted for him. Because, you know, evil.

For others, though, they voted to spite President Obama or to spite Hillary Clinton or because they always vote red or, in a few rare cases, because they genuinely weighed their options and thought that he’d be better for business or whatever.

(This is a man who bankrupted a casino among various other failed ventures, but whatever)

In the past — like, in interviews — Clay Aiken had described Trump’s blatantly racist statements as reminding him of embarrassing statements that a drunk uncle might make at a family gathering.

“You still love him, but you’d wish he shut up.”

Clay, if your uncle gets drunk and starts referring to Mexicans as rapists, then your uncle is racist. He just might hide it better when he’s sober.

Clay Aiken did not want anyone walking away from their Twitter feed thinking that he’d voted for Trump and is only now having regrets.

“My party is the Democrats. I didn’t vote for the idiot. Never ever implied that I did or would. Was VERY vocal about not voting for him.”

Some polls suggest that as many as one in eight Trump voters have had serious second thoughts or even outright regrets over their vote for him.

That doesn’t mean that Trump’s opponent, or Pence’s if Trump has resigned or been carted off to jail by 2020, will have an easy fight.

Republicans in Congress still want to strip away healthcare and essentially dismantle many parts of the United States government. They know that they’ll need a fellow Republican in the Oval Office in order to do that.

The same people who voted for a screaming mound of earwax out of spite will probably do it again.


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Whoops, I Dyed My Hair Too Light!

When Kylie Jenner stepped out looking like her older sister, Kim Kardashian, no one really batted an eye lash.

“Meh,” we said.  “She’s just wants to be like Kim.”

Not so, according to Jenner, who has taken her platinum do to New York for Fashion Week.

“I actually didn’t mean to go platinum,” Kylie told People Magazine at the Kendall + Kylie Collection New York Fashion Week pop-up shop on September 7th, where she and older sister, Kendall introduced new products to their line.

“I really wanted a nice, honey dirty blonde.”

Like this?

Like a lot of drastic dye jobs, Jenner’s got a little out of control.

“When we started bleaching it, it got so light so fast and I was like ‘Wow, my hair is not damaged, I can do this.’ So I went for it.”

This isn’t the first time Kylie’s done a follicle change.  Back in March, Kylie showed off a longer, though still platinum, do.

She later admitted on Snapchat that bleaching her locks was kind of a bad idea.

“The top of my hair is kind of destroyed from the bleach so I’m really, like, self conscious about it,” she told a friend.

The Kardashians have taken over Fashion Week, with Kim renting a free Airbnb apartment worth $ 30 million, and the Jenner girls hosting their own events.

Kylie’s reach has even drawn girls who would otherwise not be interested in Fashion Week.

“It feels really good to have that influence. It’s so cool,” she told People.

“We used to do meet-and-greets a lot, and I used to have green hair and then I would see a bunch of girls roll up with green hair the same week and they’d be like, ‘I did it for you.’”

All three sisters supported Kanye West at his Yeezy Season 4 show on Roosevelt Island, where a few models passed out in the blazing sun and fashion’s most influential people were bussed from Manhattan (they’re town car people.  They don’t do chartered buses).

“It was so awesome,” Kylie told Page Six of her brother-in-law’s show.

“I love watching his stuff. He’s a genius and just seeing his work come to life, it’s really cool.”