Saturday, June 3, 2017

Bill Maher Uses N-Word on His Show; Twitter Explodes

Why is Bill Maher the worst?

Serious question.

He insists on making outrageous, offensive statements because … well, we don’t know why, exactly. We just know that it never, ever seems to stop.

Just last month Bill made an incest joke about Donald and Ivanka Trump, saying “When he’s about to nuke Finland or something, she’s gonna walk into the bedroom and — ‘Daddy, Daddy. Don’t do it, Daddy."”

He then made a gesture indicating that she’d grab his penis to calm him down.

He also once compared Zayn Malik to Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, which, you know, isn’t great.

The point is that he’s known for pushing boundaries at each and every opportunity.

And apparently he thought last night’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher was a great chance to be a jackass.

His guest last night was Nebraska Senator Bill Sasse, and at one point, Sasse invited Bill to visit Nebraska.

“We’d love to have you work in the fields with us,” he told him, smiling.

Bill, in his strange little mind, felt the appropriate response was to say “Work in the fielnds? Senator, I’m a house n—–.”

His audience had some mixed responses, and understandably so, but Bill was quick to assure them that it was a joke.

But Twitter wasn’t convinced.

“I for one am shocked that giant racist Bill Maher is in fact a giant racist,” one person tweeted.

Another wrote “Bill Maher said the N-word? Wow this totally changes my previously high opinion of that smug Islamophobic misogynistic attention-whore.”

One person theorized that “Bill Maher seems way too comfortable using the n-word. I mean, that came naturally to him. That… says a lot. And none of it is good.”

And, for the obligatory “hold my beer” joke, someone tweeted “‘Nobody can screw up a career better than me’ Tiger Woods ‘Hold my beer’ Kathy Griffin ‘No, both of you hold my latte’ Bill Maher.”

Meanwhile, Ben Sasse himself took to Twitter to discuss the controversy.

“I’m a 1st Amendment absolutist,” he began. “Comedians get latitude to cross hard lines.”

“But free speech comes with a responsibility to speak up when folks use that word. Me just cringing last night wasn’t good enough.”

He wrote that he wished he’d been able to gather his thoughts enough in the moment to say “Hold up, why would you think it’s OK to use that word?”

“The history of the n-word is an attack on universal human dignity. It’s therefore an attack on the American Creed. Don’t use it.”

Too little, too late, or an appropriate response?

It’s hard to know when everything is such a great big awful mess.


Bill Maher Hurls N-Word During Interview with Senator on "Real Time" (VIDEO)

Bill Maher jokingly used a racial slur during an interview on his TV show, but as expected — lots of people aren’t laughing. But really, @BillMaher has got to go. There are no explanations that make this acceptable.…


Demi Lovato Throws All the Shade at Kathy Griffin

Sorry, Kathy Griffin.

But Demi Lovato is not sorry.

Nor is she having any part of your lame press conference.

On Friday afternoon, Griffin sat alongside her attorney and whined about the way Donald Trump and his family have treated her over the past few days.

Both the President, his kids and his wife have had some choice words for the comedian after she posed for a photo shoot during which she held a bloody, decapitated head of the Commander-in-Chief.

Both Donald and Melania Trump called out Griffin for traumatizing their 11-year old son with this pictorial, while those from both sides of the aisle have also slammed Griffin.

In her press conference yesterday, Griffin accused Trump and his family members of “bullying” her and “trying to ruin my life forever, telling reporters:

“I don’t think I will have a career after this. I think he … I’m going to be honest, he broke me. He broke me, and then I was like, ‘No, this isn’t right."”

Griffin may be right about the whole career-ending thing.

She has lost one sponsorship deal and been fired by CNN.

But nearly everyone thinks she deserves it, considering the inappropriate, offensive, ridiculous nature of her actions here.

(Everyone except Jim Carrey, that is, who has stood up for Griffin.)

“There’s a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me, and I’m just hear to say that’s wrong,” Griffin said on Friday, adding:

“You don’t have to like me, but you shouldn’t silence a comic.”

This is a strange line of defense, in our opinion.

FIRST, you need to be funny in order to be a comedian, don’t you? So Griffin doesn’t really fit the description.

SECOND, why would comedians be free to say and do whatever they want?

THIRD, no one is silencing Griffin. She may utter anything she likes and pose for any photos she wants. But, like anyone else, she also prepare for consequences as a result.

And that’s where Lovato comes in.

Someone who has often spoken out against bullying, the singer clearly is angry that Griffin is trying to play the victim card.

She effed up. She has apologized and claims to know she effed up… so what the heck is Kathy talking about?!?

“I find it funny when bullies play the victims,” Lovato Tweeted shortly after Griffin’s press conference, adding:

“Oops. I spilled my tea.”

demi to griffin

Point. Game. Match, Demi Lovato, right?

It’s hard to find fault with her simple message and logic here.

This isn’t the first time Lovato and Griffin had a spat on social media, either.

In March of 2014, the stars feuded on Twitter after Griffin was asked to call out the “biggest douche celebrity,” responding at the time:


Will Griffin call another press conference next week to yell at Lovato?

Or will she maybe come to the realization that she should shut the heck up? And that she’s only digging her grave deeper and deeper?

And that she’s just flat out wrong in this case and is only helping the other political side by using her platform in this manner?

Seriously, Katrhy Griffin.

Zip it.


Kendall Jenner: Caitlyn Jenner is INSANE!

Kendall Jenner tends to keep pretty quiet about her family"s relentless drama.

Actually, she tends to keep quiet about her family in general … when she makes any sort of public statement, in an interview or on social media, she rarely brings up that side of her personal life.

But while Kendall seems to enjoy Calvin Klein underwear shots and saving the world with Pepsi more than anything else, there are certain occasions in which she just can"t avoid the drama.

And what better venue for that drama than Keeping Up with the Kardashians?

In Sunday night"s new episode of the show, the family discusses Caitlyn Jenner"s tell-all, The Secrets of My Life.

We"ve seen a tiny bit of Kendall"s view on the book — remember, she slapped her hands on a table and cried out "That"s insane!"?

Well, now we"re seeing more of her reaction … and it"s not good.

In this new sneak peek, Kendall explains to Kris that Kim told her about Caitlyn"s book.

"I heard about all this stuff that she was saying in it," she tells her, "and just how a lot of it"s so not true."

Interestingly enough, Kendall says that she doesn"t think Caitlyn is lying, at least not on purpose.

"I think she really just thinks that"s what happened, for some weird reason," she says.

Kris says that it"s a shame Cailtyn didn"t handle the business of writing a memoir in a different way, because if she"d just written about her own journey, she would have had "great respect" for it.

Unfortunately, and as we know so very well at this point, that"s not what happened.

"There"s lies that are printed in a book that lives there for the end of time," Kris laments, "so your children are going to read this book about their grandparents and have a story that"s fabricated."

And that"s when Kendall brings up one of the best points yet.

"She goes around dissing the Kardashians, but it"s like "those are the kids that you raised. If you have a problem with them, you raised them,"" she says.

"That makes no sense to me that she would go around bashing us for no reason."

And that, it turns out, is what Kendall believes is so insane.

Check out Kendall"s outburst in full in the video below:

Kendall jenner caitlyn jenner is insane