Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blac Chyna Thinks Kylie Jenner is "Fake" and "Addicted" to Plastic Surgery, Source Says

The feud between Blac Chyna and Kylie Jenner shows no signs of letting up. Bad news for the ladies in Tyga’s life. Fantastic news for fans of ridiculous drama.

Kylie is reportedly worried that Blac and Amber Rose’s reality show will be one big Kardashian-bashing fest with Kylie as the main target.

Based on recent comments from a member of Blac’s inner circle, Kylie might have every reason to be worried.

“Blac’s enjoys seeing how insecure Kylie is and is personally waiting on her to self destruct or have an epic meltdown,” an insider tells Hollywood Life.

The source says Blac is particularly amused by Kylie’s efforts to convince her fans that her look is completely natural.

“If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably is a duck,” says the insider. 

“Blac thinks everything on Kylie is fake. Her lips, hair and yes, her breasts. Blac sees those fake flotation devices from a mile away.

“Blac actually thinks it’s sad and pathetic…[Kylie] should stop while she’s ahead. Being addicted to plastic is not a good look, literally and figuratively.”

Just yesterday, Kylie posted a video explaining to fans that she’s never gone under the knife and demonstrating the “little tricks” that she uses to enhance her curves.

Needless to say, being exposed as a liar at this point would be particularly devastating for Kylie. Sounds like this feud is gonna get worse before it gets better!