Sunday, September 20, 2015

Ex-NBA Star Larry Johnson -- Settles Up With Baby Mama ... Go Ahead, Take My House



0918-larry-johnson-getty-01Former NBA superstar Larry Johnson was nearly a million bucks in the hole with one of his baby mamas — but he found a way to make her happy … hand over the keys to a house!!

Laura Tate filed docs claiming the ex-Knicks and Hornets player was way behind in child support payments — to the tune of around $ 900,000. She wanted the court to liquidate his assets so she could get paid, but we’ve learned Johnson hammered out a deal with her.

According to the docs he filed … Larry will hand over his $ 800,000 home in Orange County, CA. He’ll also pay Tate a total of $ 55k over time … a loooong time. He’s scheduled to make $ 1,500 monthly payments.  

The last time LJ made anyone as happy as we imagine Tate is with this deal — he was knocking down the legendary 4-point play in ’99. Great times in NYC.

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