Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Fox & Friends to Emily Blunt: Go Back to Great Britain!

The hosts of Fox & Friends do not wish to be friends with Emily Blunt.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter at the Toronto International Film Festival last week, Blunt joked about how she became an American citizen in August, adding:

"That night we decided to watch the Republican debate, and I thought this was a terrible mistake. What have I done?"

Pretty funny, right? Your run of the mill diss/joke about the circus that was Donald Trump and company on stage a few weeks ago, right?

Wrong, according to Anna Kooiman, who lambasted the actress for daring to speak in such a manner.

"You know what? Why don"t you leave Hollywood and let some American women take on the roles that you"re getting because the Americans are watching your movies and lining your pockets," Kooiman said on air.

Steve Doocy then referenced the backlash the Dixie Chicks went through after criticizing President George W. Bush in 2003, arguing:

"You know what Emily Blunt just did? She just Dixie Chicked herself. She has alienated half the country, and now will think twice about going to one of her movies."

And those people will be absolute morons.

Emily blunt makes fox and friends really upset